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Valentines day!


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So, this being the one place where i know i can trust everyone to give me good solid advice i come with a problem. This is the first valentines day i have ever had where i have been in a pretty serious relationship.... getting my girl some roses and chocolates just won't cut it! I got her a few things she'll enjoy but aside from dinner at her favorite place what can i possibly do for the rest of the entire day!?!? i havn't got the slightest idea! Our town is boring and there isn't a nice or romantic thing to be found anywhere... and we always see movies so thats out. And of course she is wanting me to plan the whole thing out since she ALWAYS has to make the decisions.... or so she says. Help me FISD, you're my only hope!!!! :wub:

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If you've read the 5 love languages you'll know that each person has a way they prefer to receive love, for some it's gifts, others time, others words of praise. The key is to spend time together doing something she enjoys.


Take her shopping, then buy her something nice that she picks out. :)

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Last year, my girlfriend at the time and I were lucky enough to Maui over the summer... and when V-Day rolled around, she kept joking about how nice it would be to go back.


Well, I hadn't robbed a bank or won the lotto that year, so instead, I went to Cost Plus and bought a butt-load of tiki lamps, little tropical x-mas light thingies, some cargo net, a ukelele CD, and a bunch of pineapples from the grocery store, and tried to make the house look like a beach-front bar or something. She wigged out, loved it. And it paid off pretty nicely for me too. ;)


I was just thinkin' that if your town is kind of boring that maybe you could try something similar.

Just an idea....


I'm single again now, so what the hell do I know? :D


I agree with Paul --as long as she can tell you've put some thought and effort into it, and you really tried to make it something SHE would like, I don't see how you can go wrong.

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I think it depends on what you do in your daily life. Make sure it's different from that! If you often eat at restaurants, cook for her, if you often cook for her take her out etc. ;) If she has any passions, you could always use them to make her day. But remember, it's your day too, and she should give you a nice day too. Make sure you find something that you both will enjoy. And remember chocolate. Always chocolate! We girls love that! :D

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Good advice above.


Women just like to know that you have put some thought into things, what you spend or do isn't as important. Here's some good advice:


Valentine's Day can feel like a potential

minefield, especially if you are in the early

stages of a relationship or going on a first date.

Here's advice on just how you can successfully

navigate the challenges and have a perfect






One of the first major Valentine's Day pitfalls to

avoid is choosing an inappropriate gift. If this

is one of the very first dates, you don't have to

give her a gift. If you invite her out, you should

pay for dinner and buy a nice bottle of wine if

your budget allows it.


If Valentine's Day happens to land in the early

stages of a new romance (a few dates, before sex),

it can be pretty tricky. In addition to the above,

flowers are ok...but have them delivered prior to

the date (sweet), do not hand carry them (try

hard). If you do choose to do flowers, avoid a

dozen roses. One or three is great.


Things change when you're selecting a Valentine's

Day gift if you're involved in a periodic romance

situation (friends with benefits or any other

relationship where sex is the focus and neither of

you want or expect more). Here you can have some

fun, be adventurous, and buy a gift that reflects

the foundation of the relationship. This is the

time to buy the gift that is risque and represents

hot sex in a sexy but never insulting or degrading

way. The fun, not-quite-Victoria's-Secret

lingerie, the velvet handcuffs, fishnets and

garter belts, videos, and sex toys.





With the proper gift obtained, there is still much

to be done for setting up the perfect date, and

you should start early.


Spend the day flirting with her in text messages.

Tease her, entice her, keep her excited about the

special evening she will have with you. Let her

know how much you are looking forward to the

night, and that it is not just another date.


This is, after all, Valentine's Day, and you are

going to make it special. Anyone can give a bunch

of flowers, and a box of candy, but only someone

with imagination can do it with finesse. Remember

that on the date itself, all of your basic

Stylelife skills still apply. Keep your attitude

fun and playful. It's important to be interested,

and be interesting. Fascinate her, engage her, and

take her on an exciting emotional ride. In the

end, these are what matter most, not the location

or activity.





Having a prepared dessert is a great excuse for

the two of you to go back to your place together.

Chocolates will stimulate a woman sexually, so use

them wisely. The sexiest thing about chocolate is

its taste and its unique melt-in-your-mouth

quality. Try a bowl of strawberries and dipping

chocolate. This will be amazingly fun and

exciting. Make sure you have extra melted

chocolate for finger painting. The body is a bare






If you really want to create special sensual

effects for her, focus on stimulating all her

senses at once with one or more of the following:


* An assortment of different fragrant flowers

strategically placed to fill the room.


* A bottle of champagne. Not only does this

stimulate taste, but touch as well as it tingles

under her nose while she sips it. Keep these

experiences all about sensuality, excitement and



* A sensual body massage using some lavender oils.


It's true that a new romance is a difficult

Valentine's Day to plan for because you do not

want to rush a situation that needs a little bit

of time to evolve. Simply stay attentive to her

comfort levels and her level of attraction.

Remember, ultimately there are no rules. It's

about you and her creating a memorable experience.

Now go have fun, and make it the best Valentine's

Day for both of you!


Hope this helps....



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I was gonna tell ya to turn your cell phone off and go to the strip club. But it looks like everybody has it figured out for ya. Good Luck!


Smitty's on a roll today -- between this post, and your riff on bathroom convenience in another thread, you've made coffee come out my nose twice in one morning. :D

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holy crap! SO many replies, I think i am good as far as a gift goes (its been about a year dating for us, but not quite so its first v-day)..... We always eat before we see each other or she'll come over for dinner, or i'll go over there so we're going to one of her favorite resteraunts ever which is like a 45 minute drive out of town so we only went there once before together. But i definitly agree that quality time is a great thing and if it wasn't so freaking cold out I'd go for a walk with her or picnic or something like that where its just the two of us. But with that being a not so fun option its tough to think of something else to do :( we usually hang around the house or go shopping/movie so none of that! i want to actually talk to her too, but a shopping day in the big city might be a good idea :) that way we'll be in the neighborhood for when dinner rolls around! Either way, thanks guys! and keep the idea's commin! the more i have to choose from the better off i'll be :)

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Well, seeing that this is a Star Wars forum you're seeking advice on, I would say the official answer to your problem would be to..... buy her a slave Leia outfit!


The rest of the evening will pretty much plan itself out... ;)


Or, you could offer her one of those fem trooper outfits (the ones with the ta-ta's on the chest plate) as an alternate. :P

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I vote Slave Leia. Nothing says love quite like a metal bikini.


Agreed. Few things hold the romance and magic of skimpy metal underthings. Although, you have to admit-- it's a little weird to find so much appeal in a pair of unmentionables that might require a tetanus shot. Lockjaw can really spoil a moment, if ya' know what I'm sayin. :o

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Let's see... This is the 12th V-day me and my wife share (been together for 13 years in March ;))


Try to do something out of the ordinary for her.


Fill up a hot bath for her, so she an relax. Heavy on the foam, with candles alongside.


Make a great meal at home! Bet you haven't done that yet? ;) Candlelit, you newly shaved, something you've cooked, and of course in a shirt (don't need the tie).


Make a small book of pictures of the two of you. That way, you can both sit and talk about them, share the memories once more etc. etc.


Many things one can do.

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my girlfriend and I were talking about what to do tomorrow. We were thinking of going to the Aquarium, ice skating, or laser tagging. Then I entertained the thought of taking home some chinese food and watch a movie together. She liked it. Then we were thinking of what movie to watch and she said, "I never seen Star Wars. Lets watch that!"


I thought to myself, SWEET! There is Nothing more romantic than Star Wars! :D HAHA.


Me and my girlfriend have been together little bit over a year, but we were good friends before that. We usually plan are Valentine's days together. Last year, we both cooked a meal for one another. I had the table set with rose pedals, candles, and all that other good stuff. She loved the set up, and she liked the meal I made her.


This year, I bought her a promise ring. I still want to do something out of the ordinary tomorrow, but I haven't decided exactly what yet.


Best advice I can give you is, do something from the heart. Be honest with what you do, and don't worry so much on if she likes it or not. I have learned that the more you worry, the more easier it becomes for things not to go right.


just my 2 cents. :)

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Well, I have been with my wife for 15 years, so we have dinners and movies for V-Day. However, with a relationship like yours, being new, I would think doing something she has mentioned in the past. Women love it when you remember things they said, especially when it is about something romantic or special they wanted. What ever you do, have fun ;)

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Well what i ended up doing was taking her on a shopping trip in the city in a place we've never been to with each other before, i gave her a $100 budget and told her to go nuts :P she loved it! She also got me this HUGE marvel blanket with spidey, wolverine, and the hulk on it and its sooo fuzzy! I love it and so after shopping and dinner at her favorite restaurant we curled up in my new giant nerdy blanket and played some xbox before watching saturday night live and i drove her home :) good day...... Thanks for all the ideas! Really the best thing that i did (or could have done) was just be in situations where it was just the two of us being us... talking and being dumb alllll day, which was perfect!

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Well what i ended up doing was taking her on a shopping trip in the city in a place we've never been to with each other before, i gave her a $100 budget and told her to go nuts :P she loved it! She also got me this HUGE marvel blanket with spidey, wolverine, and the hulk on it and its sooo fuzzy! I love it and so after shopping and dinner at her favorite restaurant we curled up in my new giant nerdy blanket and played some xbox before watching saturday night live and i drove her home :) good day...... Thanks for all the ideas! Really the best thing that i did (or could have done) was just be in situations where it was just the two of us being us... talking and being dumb alllll day, which was perfect!


That sounds great man! Good for you! Im glad everything went well.

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