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First Order Gasket Dispute


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I did a search for Imperial Gaskets but this is what pops up. I can no longer find my original gasket thread. 


When you use "Imperial Gaskets" in your posts, you are spoofing our business name and stealing our exposure.


Please stop spoofing on the forum. We all have the right to sell here.










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I did a search for Imperial Gaskets but this is what pops up. I can no longer find my original gasket thread. 
When you use "Imperial Gaskets" in your posts, you are spoofing our business name and stealing our exposure.
Please stop spoofing on the forum. We all have the right to sell here.

Seriously Wyatt, what are you talking about....

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If you are having issues with your thread Wyatt, I do suggest you speak to the admin of this page.
I honestly do not know what you are talking about, and Do not appreciate your tone or accusations on my page.
Are you suggesting I should not ever use the word Imperial???? Or gaskets? That because I do I’m “spoofing”? What the heck does that even mean by the way.

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Are you suggesting I cannot ever type the words imperial or gaskets??
I still don’t understand what you are getting at.

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I just made some spoof posts in my thread using your business name Geeky Pink. 
Now do a search for "Geeky Pink"

Wyatt - It is at this point that I am going to ask you cease and desist with what you are implying.

Your sales thread is a pinned thread in the Imperial Commissary / PX, and has gone no where - No one has removed it -

If you wish to discuss this further, then please feel to contact myself or the other Provost Marshals.

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7 minutes ago, Pyrates said:



Wyatt - It is at this point that I am going to ask you cease and desist with what you are implying.

Your sales thread is a pinned thread in the Imperial Commissary / PX, and has gone no where - No one has removed it -

If you wish to discuss this further, then please feel to contact myself or the other Provost Marshals.




I posted pictures and just demonstrated how to spoof the forum, using her examples. 

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  As Aaron mentioned, your sales post is indeed pinned:  https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/45807-imperial-gaskets/


When doing a search of Imperial Gaskets and selecting Topics, your threads are listed at the top (first two):

https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/search/?q=Imperial Gaskets&type=forums_topic

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@TK4205 @Soulart


I have split out this dispute into the "Recasting Discussion" section of the forum.  Both sale threads have been re-opened and are available in the on going sales section of the forum as before.


Wyatt if you and Rhonda feel that there is grounds for a "recasting" claim please could you provide evidence of the claim. Without any evidence we are unable to progress with this matter.


The DCOG team are aware that there was an issue raised in the past, but this was resolved at the time.  We are not privy to the details of that discussion or any agreements that were reached at that time.  If this is relevant to any claim made please provide the details of such an agreement.


The DCOG team.

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now I truly am confused. And put off! Am I honestly being accused of being a recaster again?

Yesterday saw Wyatt post publicly on my sales thread that I was “spoofing”. (Which I still don’t understand what he means) telling me I cannot use the words Imperial or gaskets in a sentence. Like EVER. As though you own these words? I’m struggling with this. Are you accusing and posting to Imperial Boots, (they sell gaskets) the First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment (many make gaskets here), or anyone else that uses the world imperial as well?

That If I’ve typed these words anywhere at anytime I’m trying to prevent you from selling somehow????? Or stealing your business? Ive read through my entire years of postings to see how many times I’ve said Imperial.... have you? I’m sure the FISD moderators have and found very few instances.

And to top all of this ridiculousness off, I awake this morning and find myself in a Recasters discussion???? Honestly???? I’m going to now hold you detachment leaders and moderators accountable here as you DO have proof and correspondence of this instance from the past as many of you were around. Including our DL.


I was very kind and patient 2 years ago when you (Rhonda and Wyatt) began your attack of me. Tried my best to even have a working relationship with you and support your business. Even advertise you on other sites. To be fair to everyone that created gaskets so that hopeful TKs could make their own choices as to where to buy. I help moderate the Phasma costume page, and you are listed there as well!


Forgive me if I lose my patience now. These types of things bother me greatly and I have no tolerance for false accusations or people deliberately trying to hurt other people. I’m pretty straight forward. Honest. Kind. Compassionate and most certainly am not greasy or underhanded. I try and treat my customers with greatest respect, try to provide the best customer service I can, deem it an honour to sew for whomever asks that of me, share my patterns and materials freely to help others create their own goods, and I genuinely care about people, our members, their costumes and what we do on a whole when we are in them. I’ve costumed since I was 14 years old. (That’s 34 years now) the past few years now with this particular detachment in the building of my first armor in April of 2016.

As kind as I may be, I’m also feisty and happy to defend myself here or anywhere.


I began selling almost 2 years ago. At the encouragement of a dear friend that ran the Phasma page. To help the upcoming Phasmas and FNs. January 2017. As no one could get approved due to gasket wait times. Upon that time I was accused by Wyatt and Rhonda of recasting. And at which time Rhonda accused my brother of stealing her design. (Which is not true.)

After much debate, discussions, reading of past correspondence between my brother and Rhonda, much back and forth between Rhonda Wyatt and I , a personal 3 way call between the 3 of us initiated by myself and investigation and involvement from THIS detachment, it was proven by all that I was NOT in any way in the wrong or recasting and had the ability to be a seller here in the FISD. Wyatt himself then even welcomed me on my sales page. This was resolved and everyone went on their merry way.

Now, here we are almost 2 years later, and I’m defending myself again? WHY? Because I said Imperial citizens? Or Imperial goodness?

Are not all of us in this detachment referred to as Imperials? Because he feels that I’m responsible in some way that his presence here is altered? Or their business affected? Or am now being questioned as a recaster once again????

I am sorry.... whatever has happened here regarding Wyatts position in the FISD has nothing to do with me. And I take offence at being accused by him again, or that they are somehow trying to use me as the scapegoat for his misdirected anger. Or affected business As though Im responsible. I am not.


My gaskets looked nothing like theirs. They’ve since altered their design awhile back and look remarkably like mine! Should I have screamed recaster?? Possibly.

They are made out of completely different materials.

And unless they hold a patent on the human body, ANYONE that can sew or pattern is capable of creating a set of gaskets. A rectangle is a rectangle people. An arm is an arm. A chest is a chest.


I have proof of private correspondence between Rhonda and I on my Facebook page that I will bring forth if I must. Seeing as that it was private, I shall respect Rhonda’s words unless I’m forced to share them. And this detachment HAS past conversations regarding this once resolved issue. The phone call the 3 of us had regrettably will have to be he said she said as there’s no proof to back up what anyone said here. But it was a good call that ended very well and positive to the best of my knowledge. It must have been, because I was proven not a recaster and invited, encouraged and allowed to sell here on the FISD.


I’m not certain what else to say here.

I guess I’ll wait and see what else will be said.

But please know I’m feeling defensive, and I’m now angry and disappointed with many things regarding this.



Teresa Nuthall

TK 41307


Geeky Pinks






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Ok FISD.  Teresa (Soulart) (Geeky Pink) has made a request that we re-open this thread.  Please keep in mind that at this point the accusations regarding her "spoofing" Imperial Gaskets' threads and Imperial Gaskets' sales threads being deleted are now closed.  The DCOG team has found that those accusations hold no merit.  It has been brought to Staff's attention by Wyatt and Rhonda that Teresa may have recast their gaskets in the past.  The staff feels that this thread will be re-opened and we will have a VERY close eye on this.  If either party has any information to offer then I would suggest now would be the time to do so.  I am going to make this VERY CLEAR to everyone involved.  This thread will only remain open for 7 DAYS maximum.  We will have the option of closing it sooner if the staff so chooses.  Lets put this to bed for good...

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Yes. I requested this remain open to all members of our detachment for utter transparency and honesty. I’ve nothing to hide. I’ve recasted nothing. And 2 years later here we are again. This time it’s going to be public. For all to see as I’ve no desire to defend myself a third time. I’m not even sure why it’s an issue today , but here we are. So let’s dive right in shall we?

This became an issue almost 2 years ago. The second I posted on the FISD and Facebook I was going to start sewing.
I credited my brother publicly for allowing me to run with his initial pattern design. I was excited and happy.
I was contacted by Mrs TK4205 saying my brother had her design. No. He did not.
She merely told him the fabrics she used. Peter then used his own choice of fabric and a completely different design of his creation.
I have read all interactions between my brother and Rhonda. And then responded to her from a place of security in defending both him and myself.
I was accused of not being a member (which I was) using their ideas and fabrics (which I didn’t) and recasting their design (which I didn’t)
I was investigated by this detachment almost 2 years ago and was found innocent.
Upon that time, graciously accepted as an approved seller here on our forums.
Upon which, if one scrolls back to the beginning, you will see both Wyatt and our DL welcoming me and encouraging me.

Yesterday I was horrified to see Wyatt accusing me of “spoofing”him and insinuating I’m sabotaging his business (I still don’t know what that means nor do I care at this point)
And today I wake to see that I’m now accused yet again of recasting!!!!!

Let’s get this out in the open. As any of you that know me or have dealt with me for both business or personal know I’m pretty straightforward forthright and honest. My business practices are well above board, and I help anyone I possibly can build or sew. With pictures. Patterns. Advice. In any detachment.

I’m going to invite you all to go read my initial post in my sales thread, where Wyatt and Paul and others welcome me, as well as head over to Facebook where you’ll see my original posting and comments made to Rhonda’s now deleted responses.

But first let me leave you with some pics.
Original fb post
Comments indicating Rhonda posted publicly
Original welcome post on FISD
Paul himself commenting and offering help to get going.
Part of a long conversation between Rhonda and I clearly stating my designs are different.
Their gaskets
My gaskets
They use 1/8” headlining foam and lamay.
Peter used satin.
I did not like any of that and found my own materials.
I use 1/4” upholstery SewFoam and a polyester spandex blend with a rubberlike finish.
Nothing I do looks like theirs in design or fabrics.
If anything should I then accuse them of changing their design to mimic mine now? Possibly.
Or accuse Imperial boots of offering gasket sheets in the shape of a rectangle? Or Sheevs Emporium for using pink sew foam?
Absolutely ridiculousness.
Imperial Boots , Sheevs, /Sister Margaret and Imperial Gaskets I’ve recommended openly. And others. Encouraging anyone to check them all out and see who suits their needs best. Or to help them sew their own.

Last time this was done privately. This time I wished it to be public for everyone to see and form their own opinions about all things. But I’ll be damned if I come back here a third time to defend myself from Wyatt, Rhonda or anyone else.

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I'm not accusing of anyone of recasting: I am accusing people of playing unfair; shilling, spoofing and sock-puppeting. 


I also am complaining about my original gasket thread disappearing. Not just archived, but hidden. You can find it through a quote I made in a thread, but you can't find it with a search. 


I asked admin that my archived threads for my open and active sales be pulled out of archive but they would not do that. They are able to do so but they wont. 

 is thanks I get after ten years of service 


Aaron and Peter, you know who you are. I have all the old correspondence to show what you pulled on a fellow member. I let it go, but I didn't forget. Do you really want to blow this up or do you want to just sit down, shut up and play fair?

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Wow. Just wow.

I am getting to a point now where my current gaskets are getting a bit ropey and will probably need upgraded.
Thanks Wyatt..you've made my decision on which vendor to go to MUCH easier now.
Theresa..you can expect an email from me sometime after Christmas.

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I'm not accusing of anyone of recasting: I am accusing people of playing unfair; shilling, spoofing and sock-puppeting. 


I also am complaining about my original gasket thread disappearing. Not just archived, but hidden. You can find it through a quote I made in a thread, but you can't find it with a search. 


I asked admin that my archived threads for my open and active sales be pulled out of archive but they would not do that. They are able to do so but they wont. 

 is thanks I get after ten years of service 


Aaron and Peter, you know who you are. I have all the old correspondence to show what you pulled on a fellow member. I let it go, but I didn't forget. Do you really want to blow this up or do you want to just sit down, shut up and play fair?

Then why are we here Wyatt!!!!

I honestly thought we had settled this and were all good with one another. I was stunned to see this posted this am.

As for all that you just said, dear god sir, I would never! And I’ve only EVER promoted you! Both of you. Heck... all of you that sew or do gaskets.


I am not responsible in any way for your thread going missing. As a matter of fact I see it still pinned where I and the others are. I am truly sorry you feel that I’m responsible for that , but it’s not me! I barely use the word imperial but I do feel I’m allowed to use it.

I actually am saddened to know that you feel I’d have done anything to you deliberately to sabotage you.




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How is it fair that I be held accountable for the FISDs actions regarding your threads Wyatt. (If they indeed did something.)
To accuse me or drag me into it is unfair and hurtful. I get that you are angry, but I don’t feel i should be the one responsible or accused.

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Given the above posts, it seems clear that there is no discussion around "recasting" to be had. I suggest it be moved to a different area of the forums so that it does not cause any damage to Teresa's business, as it is the one that appeared to have been accused. I also suggest it be renamed to "Imperial Gaskets Complaint" to more accurately reflect Wyatt's issue.


Regarding the search terms, well, that's just how search engines work. Use of the terms "imperial" and "gaskets" appear to me to be completely fair use. If one enters the search terms "imperial gaskets" with the quotation marks, all search results include the two words side-by-side. At a quick glance, all the search results are referring to Wyatt and Rhonda's business.


Complaints to admins should not be in another seller's thread.

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I would just like to make it clear that Wyatt and Rhonda made the recast concerns to Paul. Paul brought it to the staff. That is why we are here. So yes Wyatt. The recast claims were made.  

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I would just like to make it clear that Wyatt and Rhonda made the recast concerns to Paul. Paul brought it to the staff. That is why we are here. So yes Wyatt. The recast claims were made.  

Ok. If they did approach Paul again, which resulted in this discussion thread being started, and my being accused again of this, then my above posting is my statement. With photos. And screenshots. If this isn’t sufficient, I will find more proof of my actions.

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6 minutes ago, starsaber25 said:

I would just like to make it clear that Wyatt and Rhonda made the recast concerns to Paul. Paul brought it to the staff. That is why we are here. So yes Wyatt. The recast claims were made.  


I made that recast claim 4 years ago when it came to my attention that Teresa's brother had contacted my wife regarding his "sensitive skin" and wanted to know about our materials.  A sock puppet account was created for Theresa and Aaron and Peter started shilling for her. Theresa swore to me that she didn't know anything about it so I let go of the question of recast.

My sale thread has been  HIDDEN, not just archived and locked.  So far admin hasn't told me WHO hid my sale thread. 







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Wyatt your Sale thread is pinned at the bottom!  It isn't hidden from ANYONE!  Yes is it archived?  You bet.  That is our automated system that archives sales threads after no activity for 90 days.  As you can see, Rhonda is the last one to respond to your thread on December 15, 2017.  So nothing has been deleted.


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