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TK-91973 Requesting ANH Stunt EIB (AM 2.0) (858)


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Name: Aaron Countryman

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 235lbs

FISD Name: ocmano

Legion ID#: 91973

Profile Page:  http://www.501st.com/members/displaymember.php?userID=26271&costumeID=124

Garrison: Washington State, USA - Titan Garrison



Build Information

Armor Maker: Armor Master 2.0

Helmet Maker: Armor Master 4.5

Hand Plates Type: Armor Master ABS

Boots: Imperial Boots

Canvas Belt:  TrooperBay

Holster Maker:  Darman

Gloves: Home Depot Rubber Gloves

Electronics: Ukswraths hovi mic and fans

Neck Seal: Darman

E11 Blaster: Praetorian Blasters

DLT19 Rifle: Hyperfirm B Grade














Abdomen Details





Action Shot (older photo before thigh modifications.  Doing a new one once E11 arrives)



Cod and Butt plate



Interior Strapping



Helmet - Front



Helmet Side



Helmet - Back



Helmet - Screw Details



Helmet - S Trim



Helmet - Mic Tips



Helmet - Lens Color



E11 - Coming Soon Hopefully



DLT19 - Left






Neck Seal



Thermal Detonator - Back



Belt - Front



Belt - Back




Thank you for consideration!

Let me know if you need anything else.


Edited by ocmano
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Nice job on that armor, Aaron, and one of us will be with you shortly!  Always great to see a well build set of AM show up in the submissions.  It looks as if your "Han snap" (the one in the upper right corner of your ab plate) is painted white.  It may just be a reflection of the light, but could you post up a close up pic of that for us?  Thanks!



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Very nice work sir.

My only suggestion would be to shorten the top straps that connect your shoulder bells to the bridges. Try and get the top of the bells almost if not touching the edge of the bridges if possible.

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Nice work trooper, just a couple of things, it looks like the corners on your belt have been rounded off, it's not a requirement for L2 but it would look much better if they are cut off at an angle and it's a quick fix ;) 


Also what blue did you use for your ab buttons, looks very dark?



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3 minutes ago, ocmano said:

Humbrol 48 Mediterranean Blue Gloss - 14ml Enamel Paint


Should be Humbrol 14 French Blue Gloss



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Hi Aaron,


Thank you for your application. Could we please request photos of your sniper knee (left, right, front) and your thigh ammo pack (left, right, front and inner fixings). 


Thank you in advance. :-)

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Hi Aaron,
Thank you for your application. Could we please request photos of your sniper knee (left, right, front) and your thigh ammo pack (left, right, front and inner fixings). 
Thank you in advance. :-)
Pictures wearing them or just the armor pieces off?

Sent from my SM-G955U1 using Tapatalk

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Heres the Thigh Ammo pictures and the Sniper knee.

Already know the inside of the Ammo pack is a little short, but can't do much about it until I can find a new piece. Tapering in the bottom of the thighs helped a bit. Used to look WAY off.

Added all the padding around the sniper knee to keep it from drifting to the outside, which seems to be a common problem.

E11 should be here soon, so will another set of full suit and action pics.

Adjusted the shoulder bell strap to pull them in more and added slack to let the biceps sit a little further down. Should make the arms a bit more correct.c9398cbfe26b37574ba2c1874bd48cc2.jpg971e889f8f09f8b20770ea91bc474ed7.jpg668ca2ac4d2aa3bc88d597f07620f185.jpg14ab02b6e747b2e4629bcdf674898709.jpg1358549d7817e9f2191390dbdb879726.jpg84fe50d5d9ddac56815e373f3047b6b7.jpgb11bb0751a09bc3156c4d5173d3e1546.jpg5c44c254622ddf2eba3bcdd22534b397.jpg

Sent from my SM-G955U1 using Tapatalk

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Heres the Thigh Ammo pictures and the Sniper knee.

Already know the inside of the Ammo pack is a little short, but can't do much about it until I can find a new piece. Tapering in the bottom of the thighs helped a bit. Used to look WAY off.

Added all the padding around the sniper knee to keep it from drifting to the outside, which seems to be a common problem.

E11 should be here soon, so will another set of full suit and action pics.

Adjusted the shoulder bell strap to pull them in more and added slack to let the biceps sit a little further down. Should make the arms a bit more correct.c9398cbfe26b37574ba2c1874bd48cc2.jpg&key=70dd77e3867ea71bbc39c64140fd046b930d508768f3ed833963270dd06ab711971e889f8f09f8b20770ea91bc474ed7.jpg&key=9222021a0dff3974727ab43ae13dd9df5c6b8c90b33c183af7bd3fcf8540ad02668ca2ac4d2aa3bc88d597f07620f185.jpg&key=77084325f89a28124f54aceb1b9dea9ee6775cad6232ca3a1fc2c0e4ed03fb1c14ab02b6e747b2e4629bcdf674898709.jpg&key=a8923a3b24ebad9b6e854c22ddfdca11f62dd2e4e43cb2de1dbb80287e6cb3101358549d7817e9f2191390dbdb879726.jpg&key=92533efed1c003003487e5814a9fa21e5f30bfefa6cc8b4bc7dfe756a4483f2284fe50d5d9ddac56815e373f3047b6b7.jpg&key=b9dd75e4dc60dd0d8929218bd9abf271a8993b2a0fd5e90f36bfd601294c9b01b11bb0751a09bc3156c4d5173d3e1546.jpg&key=95bb1781c13aba189743f3ff4a5e5232ca3e0a00448db9b26f25dbb8e674f8135c44c254622ddf2eba3bcdd22534b397.jpg&key=9ba637435bfa34f9a309079c1ba948b8e9a33ae51bd7eb2513957481c8537a47

Sent from my SM-G955U1 using Tapatalk

Thanks, Aaron. We’ll be with you shortly. :-)
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Ok new pics with full suit and E11.



Shorter Strapping in Shoulder Bell to Shoulder.  Close that gap.

Longer Strap from Shoulder Bell to Bicep to let Bicep sit lower on arm.

Trimmed edges of the Belt so they are angled.

Blue Ab buttons painted with the lighter blue.










E11 Action






E11 from Praetorian Blasters










Ok think that's it unless you guys need to see something else.

Edited by ocmano
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Looks like you just need a little tweeking, can see a small gap between your ab and chest plate, you may want to adjust your strapping.


Belt is slightly crooked.


Appears that the back of your shins are closing inside over outside, so you can see the closure from the side, they should be the other way around so the closeure is on the inside.


You also have a big gap at your wrists, wouldnt hurt to bring your forearms down a little.


Good luck

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Ugh, back of the shins. At least its E6000 so moving the cover strips shouldn't be a problem.

Going to make the elastic loops a bit longer along the Ab to Chest. Not sure why, but feels like its pushing the chest up into my neck there. Could sit a little lower.

Belt got shoved down on one side while I was tring to get the E11 in the holster. Probably need to holster it before putting the belt on.

Sent from my SM-G955U1 using Tapatalk

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Shins - Swapped the coverstrips and the velcro redone on shins. Opens on the inside now.
Chest Gap - made a new elastic loop about a centimeter and half larger. Put it in the center bracket, now chest sits lower and isn't being pushed upwards.
Wrist - lengthened the elastic about 2 cm of the bicep to wrist strap. Now wrists line up better.

Waiting on shins drying before doing new pics.

Sent from my SM-G955U1 using Tapatalk

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Alright new front sides and back.



  • Shin back cover strips and opening to the inside instead of outside (Note: I had Achilles tendon surgery on my left side so that calf is in fact smaller than my right by a little)
  • New Loop in Chest ABS connection that's larger and adjusted the pull strap so there's no gap.
  • Adjusted forearm to bicep straps to have less wrist showing.
  • Belt straight










Thanks!  Let me know.  Hopefully nothing major left.

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Hi Aaron, and welcome to your EIB review.

All the required submission photos have been posted. Your armor appears to display all necessary elements as set out in the level 2 CRL. The DO crew would like to welcome you to Expert Infantry..... Congratulations, trooper. :jc_doublethumbup: 



Other-Armor Fit/Assembly:
In this section we review observations made by your fellow troopers and ourselves. Some observations may lead to suggestions to improve the overall look of your armor. If any suggestion affects any application it will be listed separately in the above or below sections.


Well done for taking on board the suggestions made by your fellow troopers. They have already improved the overall look of your armour. There are still a few easy adjustments that could take your armour to even higher heights. Starting from the top, you've made a really nice job of the frown paint. If you wanted to add that extra ANH Stunt touch, you could consider extending the paint beyond the 5th un-drilled tooth. Examples below:









Moving down the armour a little, we would suggest a couple of adjustments to help the overall look of your kit.


Shoulder bell elastic could be shortened to reduce the gaps, getting them as close as possible to the plastic shoulder bridges. They are currently sitting a little further away from the chest than they could be. It also looks as if your shoulder strapping (connecting the chest to back plate over your shoulders) is popping out from under the plastic shoulder bridges. It might be worth looking to see if you can line these up with the bridges to make them less visible. 









In one of your original pictures, it appears that there might be a lot of excess room around the wrist. You could consider tapering the forearms to achieve a sleeker fit. 










Your thigh and shin cover-strips look quite oversized. Based on the inner construction of those parts, it looks like you could comfortably reduce these in size to around 20mm wide. 





For a taller chap, you've made a great job of spacing the armour parts. If at all possible, we would suggest evening out the back to kidney gap if possible.





Moving down to your calves, they were originally overlapping the wrong way. Well done for making that correction. They look a lot better now. :duim:




Reference calves:





Your butt plate is hanging quite loose on the right side. Elastic adjustments should resolve this. I've highlighted in red where an elastic internal strap could help to resolve this. 




Ref of butt plate





Thank you for making the suggested paint changes. Both of your ab button plates could be reduced in size, with nice squared off corners. Also, if you go for Centurion, we would highly recommend tidying up the paint a little to go that extra mile. 









Centurion Suggestions:
In this section we prepare you the best we can for Centurion. Whilst many of the above are recommended changes, the below would be required for the highest level that is Centurion.


Thank you for also making the changes to your belt corners. They look much better than the rounded corners. They are, however, now a little over-trimmed, and the buttons on this belt seems o be recessed. I believe that you kit came with two belts and that the other belt does not have the recessed buttons. If you are aiming for Centurion, we would ask that you use the other belt and trim the corners a little less, as per the below reference photo.





Reference 1



Ref 2





Congratulations again. You've made a great job of your build. We hope to see you applying for Centurion soon. :salute:

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