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TM Hero (Luke)

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NIce arrival couple of weeks ago:


Some tools, oh yeah pencil & ruler also handy


Pencilled marker ready to start, scary moment the first cuts


Rough marks initially, but I will fine tune as i progress



I do actually end up going just past that pencil line to get the look I need


Right Eye nearly there


& left eye almost finished



2nd pass on the teeth


Looking shiny....


Brow in place to get the low look & neo's used to get everything lined up ready for rivets


Never used a rivet gun before, but getting confident now


Everyone's 1st build dreaded point - the ears (roughly 2 hours a peice). To get them with slight gaps like Luke's


Right ear drilled/countersunk & fixed, pencilled marker to make sure enough space for the black outline


Help please - have I marked the vocoder correctly ?


& again are the teeth good enough yet to paint /



Ok before I carry on I'd like some professional guidance please, I'm trying to get close to the Hero Luke, hoping Troopermaster could also offer some constructive critiscm.... thanks guys.


Then phase 2 to follow... 

Edited by Brownie
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looks pretty close. the brow line eyes and teeth trimming need advice from paul, as he's more of the expert at the fine details.


I like your brow line, and I'll be following this thread as I do have a TM hero on the way.

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If you really want to make it like Luke's helmet, you will need to reposition the face plate. It's a common misconception that Luke has a low brow that covers the eyes. If you look closely, you can see white between the eyes and brow.



To do this on your helmet, you will have to drill out the lower rivets and pull the face inwards. You can see in this next photo that the face actually tilts downwards, not upwards.



And in this next photo you can see there is a gap between the face plate and dome, meaning they are not pushed tight together.



Your eyes are looking quite good as is. Maybe take a touch off the lower edge but leave some flashing above.

Edited by troopermaster
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You could do that, but it won't alter the angle of the face. You should reposition the face if you really want your helmet to be like Luke's or just be happy as is and make a nice, non-specific hero helmet.


The hero helmets are quite hard to get the right look. There is some jiggery-pokery that needs to be done in order to make them look like the movie helmets.

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Ok sanded the bottom of the eyes a little:








What do you think, anymore or is this ok ?


Haui - it's taken many hours, as I've been very cautious only taken very small slivers off.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Dean!


What has happened to your Bucket-Build?

It is freaking amazing so far!

I have a TM hero helmet myself in 1.5 mm that I hpoe to sstart building soon.


I am curious about the material of your bucket (1.5 or 2mm) and the lenses ...

How are you going to attach them?


Oh, and something else: does anybody know if the two hero helmets of Luke and Han had a different number of stripes on their tubes?

I count  thirteen on Lukes tubes, but I can't find a decent picture of Han. It is his helmet I am aiming for.


On the other hand I have found a photo with two hero helmets and both had twelve stripes ...

Talking about confusion ...


Also, why are there so few TM build threads?

Edited by Bone
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Looking good, Dean! Very nice work.


Bone, if you do some deeper research, you'll find that a different number of tube stripes from the left to the right sides is a common thing.

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Yes, Tim, you are completely right!


That was something that occured to me rather early :) Absolutely no symmetry whatsoever!


Thing is, I have never found a hires picture of Han's helmet to count the stripes. Until yesterday night, that is ...


After digging through everything I could lay my hands on, I found out, that on Han's helmet there are 11 Stripes on his right tube and thirteen on the left one.


Sorry to have hijacked this thread, back to Luke's helmet! :smiley-sw013:

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If you really want to make it like Luke's helmet, you will need to reposition the face plate. It's a common misconception that Luke has a low brow that covers the eyes. If you look closely, you can see white between the eyes and brow.



To do this on your helmet, you will have to drill out the lower rivets and pull the face inwards. You can see in this next photo that the face actually tilts downwards, not upwards.



And in this next photo you can see there is a gap between the face plate and dome, meaning they are not pushed tight together.



Your eyes are looking quite good as is. Maybe take a touch off the lower edge but leave some flashing above.

Wow, excellent advice. You truly are TrooperMaster - thanks for sharing. :)

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