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TK 6918

501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by TK 6918

  1. It's builds like these that make me cry that I bought an FX when I didn't know better... What armor set is this? Looks beautiful.....
  2. I never had email problems using Gmail. It is in my opinion THE best email to have... I can invite you to it if you like, just pm me your email and ill send one over.
  3. I plan on selling my TK one day...only to go for a more accurate set of armor
  4. Imperial officer is not an easy costume if you don't know how to sew. I had a much easier time and spent less money making my stormtrooper...
  5. On a side note, I've noticed that some of the official art drawings of stormtroopers are based off of 501st costumes for reference, so some of the official art will have FX buckets, and hasbro toy blasters. What does that mean? It means we have to do our best with our costumes because others will look up to us as references.. Sorry if that's repetitive but I'm too tired to sound good. Hah!
  6. If it hasn't shipped yet, call them and cancel your order... And if they don't call the credit card company and have them reverse/cancel the charge if they refuse.
  7. if you suspect its from the inside, perhaps try dying it from the inside? If its on the outside, you may want to consider sanding off the gloss surface, it will weaken the boots and probably render it unprotected from the elements, but it should better match your armor. There is a how-to thread on this.
  8. How about we add a few things to the registration process such as a fill in the blank section that would be copied word for word with a short paragraph above it to ensure that new members understand our basic rules. Such as: I am not allowed to post want-to-buy threads I am not allowed to ____ want-to-buy threads. Something like the above that covers all the things we want our new members to pay attention to.
  9. That room is full of goodies. My room is full of junk. I'm jealous!
  10. There's really not that many of us that use the rubies. Try posting pics of the armor and lets see what we can do. From what I remember, your probably better off getting a completely new helmet.
  11. Now you got your lid, take it to the beach!
  12. Why is this in the "For Sale" section? Also, most of us have already seen that
  13. I don't think its a coincidence, the UKG seems to be made of a lot of good troopers. Congrats Mark!
  14. If you did a clone, you probably know more about armor building than a TK. From what I hear, clones are tougher. I usually recommend to do the helmet last as that is the hardest part, and while assembling the rest, you might learn a few things of what to do and what not to do.
  15. It looks like your butt plate was cut above the belt, and your trying to make it like it was cut under by raising the belt super high o_O Also, what material is the belt made out of?
  16. The back plate needs to be cut below the belt, not above it.
  17. I was thinking of doing the "2" thing, but never thought of inverting one for extra strength. Clever! I'm still using all velcro though, so I need to switch it all out.
  18. Velcro is annoying, the glue residue will start weaken with heat and sweat and look and feel messy. With a bit of tweaking, you should be able to wear the armor without the snaps coming off. Get in touch with the Alaskan Outpost, ask if any other troopers use a snap system and see if they can help you make it better.
  19. So what's included in the DL? Decals? lenses? trim?
  20. I don't see what the buzz is about, it's really two different things. I am also a fan of both.
  21. Double check visual references (sorry I'm too tired to look it up) I think it should be about mid-way from the last box to the edge. So that the edge of the drop box lines up with the edge of the plastic part of the belt.
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