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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by firebladejedi

  1. The screen used suits had no return at all at the wrist hence Pauls advice - I would go with that
  2. IMHO IIRC there was a thread at FISD to help out NLYS. I'm sure someone will BAS PDQ, BICBW. BOT TE and TE2 along with AP are the original helmet and armour supliers ALW GINO who is a NPOW. TM, RT MOD, AM among others are fine fan sculpts and ATA, CAP, and PT are new versions of accurate armour. Check out CFO for ROTJ LOL. OTTR FAWC before buying is to read, read, read and GWWB for you, and remember BBW, CE, KIBO and OGTDA LOL. TAFN TTFN and if you get stuck DFTW and WSWWCCUW
  3. Along the top ^^^ There are there in the tutorial but not part of the academy crl? Which version desktop should I be using - fisd 10 or 10.6?
  4. Not that i need to know myself, just a case of taking a look over the boards... In the new crl links and in the section here, there is no mention of boots in the crl???
  5. Hey steve you look great Now swap out the over padding in your esb lid and it will look even better
  6. Rick have you put the thigh ammo pack on the wrong leg? It looks like you've fitted it to the left leg?
  7. This coming weekend me and a few others will be building a tk kit in a day
  8. There shouldnt be any need to fill gaps on the ears if fitted correctly. And yes you can paint abs. Follow the vast tutorials to be found here.
  9. I need a good Jedi lid Great progress steve
  10. Hey steve I'm glad something is working out for you Looking forward to seeing the build…
  11. I downgraded to a plastic belt and black ab buttons. And FYI my tube stripes are straight
  12. No they are seen going both ways on screen. Ooh er…
  13. This is a good pic showing the overlap. See when Han leans over the control panel under the td you see the corner of the belt lift. I think the reason why it's hard to spot normally is because the td covers it.
  14. No the attach at the rear with 2 inch wide velcro just like mine.
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