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Everything posted by Sonnenschein

  1. I have a pic of the cross section of an original one somewhere. Let me dig it out Karin
  2. The marked box looks a little higher/deeper. Or is it just the perspective? If you look at this pic of the promo trooper, it looks like that the outer right hand box is higher than the one on the left hand side
  3. Ah, okay, I see Now having thought about that, this is a well executed solution
  4. Well, since it something like my "expertise", please correct the following oh, and maybe we should get rid of the "hero" and "standard" thing. Both "hero" and "stunt" troopers wore both styles (Version 1 and version "). And the rubber gloves should be textured at the finger tips. The current wording is a little confusing Awesome job by the way
  5. It is similar to this original helmet You did a great job building it!
  6. and never watch ROTJ with a member of the Imperial Force. "No, it wasn't that way. Those Ewoks were at leat 30ft tall, and there were millions of them"
  7. Thanks again, Paul. Haven't seen this pic before. Rick, thanks for the nice words On this pic, the knuckles are a little more defined and this is from the "promo trooper" So far I dont kow if they are present on "version2" What do you think?
  8. The brow trim is correct; only the the neck trimshould be change. But you can't go wrong with Mike's service. Outstanding customer's service.
  9. I started with the back side, mainly with the knuckles indentions. Any thoughts?
  10. only SHORT trooper get the hook... for compensation
  11. FYI: This type of rivets is called "split rivet". Took me about 30 min in google. For our german speaking troopers: Die suche nach der deutschen übersetzung war schwieriger. Aber sucht am besten nach "Spaltnieten" oder "Biegenieten".
  12. you're guessing right- I was too lazy to write it out. Look at the thread of Stephen (SW1) or Mark (firebladjedi). Pete (Stukatrooper) even sells the brackets. Youl just need a few fett of webbing and you're good to go. Karin
  13. okay, the molds are ready I made a little mistake. I ddin't seal the sculpted, sloped part godd enough, so it stuck to the resin. I guess I'll just desolve it in some water. Now, the molds get primered, painted, puttied, sandeded, etc until they're perfect and ready for the next step.... Karin
  14. Thanks, Pete. That is quite a compliment coming from you Glad you like them! Just wait for the updated version!' Okay guys, the next step: I'm making a PU resin mold. (I'll explain later why) 3 layers of parting wax, 1 layer of PVA. I know I doesn't look perfect, but it'll do the job Stay tuned!
  15. damn! That is putting out of business with my d-rings----------- j/k... Look like they visit our board from time to time. It is a cool update for more accuracy. Maybe they should sell these parts as an add-on. Karin
  16. Thanks, Paul! Actually, this is one of the features I wanted to implement this time. I think I found a way to do this in a open faced plaster mould! I think he could tell you.... but then he must shoot you j/k... (of course) In fact, Paul's knowledge is the result of dedicated reasearch for several years, analyzing every piece of information over and over again. BTW: The indented "knuckels" can be seen on the "promo hero trooper"
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