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Everything posted by MaskedVengeance

  1. Seven years ago today, TO-THE-DATE, Alexey posted this excellent ATA helmet build tutorial, and I can finally check this off on my PDF conversion to-do list. LINKED HERE is a 21-page PDF which includes a clickable table of contents, when viewed in a PDF reader or on a tablet, and all of Alexey's content and most of the other comments. If builders elect to print this document, it is sized for US letter paper. This AWESOME tutorial thread is also linked to in my All-In-One Resource Compilation thread, should any other ATA builder need additional resources and links to other great ATA build threads.
  2. Personally I’m shooting for #1138 ;-) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. It does seem like apps slowed since the upper teens. Could be that Troopers who expedited their builds have now all been approved and we’re back to the normal pace of submissions. When I joined the boards nine months ago the average was about five approvals per month. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Not to get too far side-tracked from the original purpose of the thread, but you'll be interested in the link below, John. =) https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/39650-anh-paint-colour-guide/
  5. You got this, Bryan! Just a few more steps and you’ll be in the first 1,000 and on your way to L3! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Printable/downloadable PDF file of this thread available here for ease-of-use on tablets or in physical reference folders. Another great bucket-related thread from CableGuy!
  7. During the pandemic pretty much all my interactions with individuals other than family members or coworkers has been here on FISD. Granted, having a baby had pretty much kept me from social gatherings outside of home or work for the past 16 months anyway, but at this point the only "friends" I interact with are the amazing Troopers on here. I look forward to the day when I can meet some of you fine folks in person, hopefully as a Legion member myself.
  8. I’m beginning to wonder if Glen ever sleeps... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. America’s next top model right there. Haha. Sorry to sidetrack the thread. I’ll step away now ;-) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. In regards to your last suggestion, since COVID hit the States in early March I've rewatched the Mandalorian series a second and third time, Gallery (Mando) for the first time, the Galaxy's Edge Special and Empire of Dreams on Disney+, the Prequel Trilogy, and now I'm continuing with the OT. I might have even squeaked in RO somewhere in there. All while working on build or FISD stuff in the early hours of the morning. I really should get back to my real life new job search...
  11. I love seeing PRINTED reference folders, as I have four or five of my own! I may be obsessed, as it is an ever-growing collection. Below you'll find some images of my folders from my ANH Stunt and HWT builds. In case you'd like additional print resources, I've been compiling helpful (to me) threads into PDF format, and I have links to them on my All-In-One reference compilation thread. Links to PDF filess are marked in yellow. Keep up the great work with your build!
  12. Here's a helmet thread from Mike (TB) with pb images which might be helpful to restore. The thread is comprised of many posts, so if it ends up being too time-consuming, no worries. At some point I may compile it into PDF myself, at which point I will make sure to grab the images without pb watermarks. https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/2066-te2-stunt-build-upte/
  13. 2020 bump for new recruits. Haha, jk. I'm actually posting to share my most recent PDF compilation of this thread. Your work continues to amaze me, Dan, and I'm sure many more of your future posts will warrant being added to my All-In-One Resource Compilation thread. Keep up the great work, Sheriff!
  14. For this week's offering of PDF resources I've now compiled this thread into printable/downloadable PDF form for builders who may want to either print it or store it on an iPad. The loathed photobucket overlays have even been removed by accessing the original images directly! This thread compliments the other Helmet Assembly tutorials I've compiled on my All-In-One Resource Post, and many thanks to David (OP) for this excellent how-to!
  15. Face toward enemy. That breaching charge reminds me of a claymore. Neat storyline. The recruitment/conscription and life of TKs is an interesting topic, which I wish could have had more development in the sequel trilogy. Something similar to Bucketheads. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. All this new traffic is affirming my decision to include this thread on my resource compilation thread a couple months ago! You guys are awesome! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Can’t wait to see the finished blaster, and print one of my own in the future! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Gotcha gotcha. Weird that the clip you tried to widen broke. It’s almost as if it may not have been metal. I’m totally with you on not wanting to shell out more, or being able to source the proper metal for DIY. Keep up the great work overcoming every challenge! You got this! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. What Lou is getting at, in case it wasn’t clear, is that the TD appears to be riding a bit high on the belt. I’d be happy to send you measurements of my Ukswrath clips if they’d be helpful to you. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I just want to hang out with Joseph cuz he seems like a cool guy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I can only assume this has something to do with tube stripes. Or at least be helmet-related. Haha. Preemptive shut-down. lol. Knowing Glen, he probably already has a whole new set complete and ready for publication...
  22. Welcome Tyler! If by "making" the armor you mean fully constructing the shiny white armor from scratch, I would definitely recommend purchasing some from the list of recommended vendors, such as AP, as you mentioned. Very few builders make their own armor from scratch, as that would generally entail being an expert at 3D printing, and the STL files out there are generally not ANH screen-accurate (and therefore un-approvable by any hawk-eyed GML). You are definitely right that armor isn't cheap, and keep in mind that there are many more components/soft goods to a TK build as well, such as shoes, belt, gloves, undersuit, etc. Here's a thread which describes the total out-the-door cost of building. If you're on a really tight budget, like I was, you may consider ATA, which runs for under $600 shipped in the States. Post to Canada shouldn't be much more. Keep in mind that's for an untrimmed kit, so you'd need to trim the excess off, which gives my maximum flexibility for fitment. As you alluded to, if you foresee your body form changing between now and when you're of Legion age, you may want to hold off on fitment-related trimming. Finally, in case it's helpful for you, once you to get everything pulled together, here is a resource compilation thread I created for ANH TK builders. For the Empire!
  23. Welcome Michael! I hope you were prepared for all us Georgians to descend upon you here on FISD! I can't really provide any better advice than what you've already received from the Troopers above, but what I can share is a link to a resource compilation thread I made for ANH builds. https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/49412-all-in-one-tk-anh-stunt-index-of-resources-by-maskedvengeance/ I look forward to possibly trooping with you someday, whenever I can get back to my own build. Now go out there and make Vader proud!
  24. The only bad question is a question unasked. Keep ‘em coming! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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