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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Pretzel

  1. NICE WORK trooper! You look amazing! Congratulations on your 1st troop!
  2. This is how I get ready. I still need help from squires of course, but I recommend coming to a troop to see how it all is done. UnderSuit/Electronics Thighs Boots Calves Kidney/Ab Chest/Back Arms Helmet
  3. Great Progress Frank! Sorry, been MIA for a little bit. Just proposed to my girlfriend! She said yes, lol But let's get back to you! You are making great progress! Remember, it is not a RACE! Plenty of troops to go to! Hoping to see more progress photos soon! Hope you have a Merry Christmas brother.
  4. So. This happened a few weeks ago in a cold and snowy day in Willow Grove. A handful of us troopers went down to help gather as many toys as we could despite the snowy weather. We collected 138 toys for kids in need. The Philly Inquirer did a great piece on us. Here are a few highlights. The article can be found here: http://www.philly.com/philly/entertainment/star-wars-the-last-jedi-garrison-carida-501st-legion-20171213.html?mobi=true Hope you enjoy! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays troopers. Sent from my HTC U11 using Tapatalk
  5. Nice work Frank. I concur with ukswrath. Tighten up those shoulder bells. You can do this but simply shortening up the strap. =) Sent from my HTC U11 using Tapatalk
  6. Curious though, any tutorials out there that shows how to mend two santa hats to fit on a tk? Trying to find something, and my research is failing. lol
  7. How much for a handful of Santa Hats!? I also require a candy cane. Standard Issue it appears to be
  8. It's optional. It's a cleaner look. Others claim that it keeps out the glare to help you see. Sent from my HTC U11 using Tapatalk
  9. It's optional. It's a cleaner look. Others claim that it keeps out the glare to help you see. Sent from my HTC U11 using Tapatalk
  10. The front of the calves are glued. But the back I used Velcro. You put them on kind of like a clam shell. The "red line" shows where I put my Velcro. You would put more Velcro on your cover strip. So you only would glue half your cover strip in the back. So when you put on your calves, it is easier to put them on... makes sense?
  11. It is always a challenge trying on the armor with only tape. But necessary before we make it permanent. It looks ok. It looks a little snug/tight. Very little room. You should allow some space inside the armor so you don't cut off blood supply But they look right to me. Here is some of my thighs/calves as I was sizing and gluing them.
  12. Thank You troopers! Past and Present that have served or currently serving!
  13. I highly recommend using e6000 glue. It is strong, and more forgiving in case you make an error. Yes, it is more messy and takes longer to dry, but you will not be disappointed at the end result. My entire armor is glued with e6000 and is still holding strong after 1 1/2 years of solid trooping. You are well on your way Frank. The biceps look great. What will you be tackling next?
  14. Repainting it may be the best bet. Do you have photos? More importantly, who was the seller on eBay? You must be cautious when purchasing armor on eBay.
  15. Voted. It was very difficult to choose just one. I will be proud to sport any of these designs. Thank You all who submitted a design. These are perfect.
  16. Trooperbay is great to obtain a lot of great items that you need for Centurion. I did that for mine. It is a great resource for troopers.
  17. You are well on your way Frank and got great advice already. If you ever need any one on one help.. Let me know. We are not too far from one another. Good Luck trooper. I have no doubts that you will do great. Sent from my HTC U11 using Tapatalk
  18. oh no.. another impossible decision. Its the Orlando Patch submission all over again. lol
  19. Awesome to see! Finally found ya on FISD! Can't wait to see that Centurion application! You would be #4 in our Garrison! Make sure you share it everywhere! Share it proudly!
  20. Looks good, and well on your way on becoming EIB. I only see the Ab/Kidney as well. They indeed may ask you to tighten up the gap. Other then that, You should be able to obtain that EIB! Good Luck Trooper!
  21. Agreed with the man himself. Stormtrooper armor was never built for mobility
  22. No Kit is approvable out of the box. But if build correctly, it can be 501st approved. As others mentioned, Anovos is known to have very long delays. You may be waiting over a year for your kit. There are many other armor makers to choose from. I suggest heading over here: Good Luck on your future build!
  23. WOW! Great designs so far. So much talent here at the FISD! Thanks everyone who submitted so far. These are great!
  24. I must agree with Joseph. wow. Great attention to detail. Centurion is in mind. On our way to another EIB! Job Well done.
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