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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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About shashachu

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    Bay Area, CA


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    Sha Sha
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    Golden Gate Garrison

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  1. Hi Hanson, The belt position shouldn't block basic, but it will not pass Centurion. If you are planning on submitting later for higher level approval, I highly recommend you make the fix now, for a couple reasons: 1) You already have momentum going with your build which will likely wane once approved (if you're like me), 2) The will probably want to just get out and troop once you are finally approved, and the last thing you'll want to do is rip up your belt and make it un-troopable while you fix it. I actually made the exact same mistake when I assembled my belt and ended up disassembling and reassembling it. You'll see there's extra holes in the canvas, but it's all covered so nobody knows it's there but me. https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/42868-sha-shas-wtf-anh-stunt-build-complete/#comment-576083
  2. Here's a photo of my shoulder straps as well https://photos.app.goo.gl/oNr1ozuqGPA2nwbw6
  3. Really great progress on this build! I looked back at my build photos and I have about the same amount of overlap on the front, but I did not cut off the big tabs on the back. Yours look a bit short if I'm being honest but it depends a lot on how far apart the chest and back are, which depends on how they fit on you. I'd personally leave the shoulder bridges for now and instead work on getting the strapping between chest and back dialed in before deciding exactly where you'd like the shoulder bridges to sit. They're just decorative so they can be left until much later in your build. https://photos.app.goo.gl/oGxcS2ANssQ5kWcA6
  4. I indeed have a WTF kit, but I'm on the other end of the high spectrum (5' 3") so I'm sure your build will come with its own unique set of challenges! I can see though you have a high attention to detail so I'm sure you won't have an issue getting your kit together. If you have any questions, just ask!
  5. What a loss for the FISD and for the Legion as a whole. Like others I never had the opportunity to meet Dan in person but he helped me and countless others. My thoughts are with his family and friends.
  6. Wow I have been off the forums for a while - I had no idea Walt finally shipped his FOTK kits! I'll be following this thread closely.
  7. You're an absolute monster, Ardeshir! Congrats and very very well deserved.
  8. Welcome, Crystal! I'm 5' 3" and an approved Stormtrooper so it can definitely be done. Glen already linked to my build thread above, but feel free to PM me if you have any questions. There's also a Facebook group called A Little Short for a Trooper for Legion and aspiring Legion members who are vertically challenged.
  9. CONGRATS Chemi!!!! I'm so happy to see you on the DO team. What a wonderful addition.
  10. Hi Jonathan, Thanks for your Centurion application. It's so clear you've really done your research and have kept these L2 and L3 requirements in mind throughout your build. CRL and Centurion Application Requirements All required photos are now in and, after review, we are pleased to welcome you to Centurion! On behalf of the DO team and myself, many congratulations! Other-Armor Fit/Assembly In this area we discuss areas that could benefit from additional improvement. Note that we consider both text (CRL) and pictures (screen caps/reference images) when reviewing submissions Nothing more to add here other than what other troopers have pointed out. Again, an incredibly impressive application; you should be proud of your hard work. Finally, I want to point out that *not only* are you Centurion #501, but you were approved on TK Day: 4/21. On behalf of the DO team and myself, please accept our hearty congratulations on reaching the rank of Centurion!
  11. Wow, +1 to that gap-filling job. It's like it was never there. I'll be taking a look at your submission today. Thanks for your patience!
  12. Congratulations, Trina!! So excited to see us make Centurion #500 and echoing others that I'm also personally very excited to have another woman reach this milestone.
  13. Hi Jonathan, Thanks for your application and the quick fix with the hovi tips. CRL and EIB Application Requirements All required photos are now in and, after review, we are pleased to welcome you to Expert Infantry rank. On behalf of the DO team and myself, many congratulations! Other-Armor Fit/Assembly In this area we review observations made by your fellow troopers and the DO team. Some observations may lead to suggestions to improve the overall look of your armor. Note that we consider both text (CRL) and pictures (screen caps/reference images) when reviewing submissions Starting from the top, your right shoulder strap is floating a bit high compared to the left, which is sitting nice and flat. You might be able to correct it by shifting the white elastic closer to the ends of your shoulder straps, or a quick heat bath to increase the curve could help as well. A tiny detail for sure, but these little details really improve the look of your armor. Reference Images: As was already pointed out, the look of your blaster could be improved. First, the Hengslter counter on your blaster is a bit far back and low compared to screen-used examples (the green box indicates the ideal position). You mentioned that the entire blaster is a resin cast so it wouldn't be easy to correct, but we felt it was worth mentioning. Next, it might be partly reflections, but it looks like the grip of your blaster has some metal weathering on it. As the real grips were black plastic, they should not have any weathering. This should be a very quick fix with some black spray paint. Reference Images: Centurion Requirements In this section we prepare you for Centurion. More photos may be requested in the future that allow us to make better decisions on possible adjustments. If there are any areas of concern they will be discussed here. Because Centurion photos show much more detail than EIB, items to pertaining to Centurion might be seen there and not here. We try to point out all that we can from what is seen, but the final accuracy is the responsibility of the trooper. The L3 CRL states: There should be a minimal gap between the shoulder armor and the chest/back plates. Your shoulder bells actually look quite good, but we still think the positioning could be improved to reduce the gap to a minimum. I also noticed that your shoulder bells are floating a bit high above your actual shoulders, as indicated by the arrow in the front photo. You should make sure that you have trimmed off all of the lower return edge on the shoulder bells, and you might also need to adjust the strapping holding the bells on. It could even simply be the way you're holding your arms and shoulders in the photos. This isn't an area we're extremely picky about, but we do think there's room for improvement. Reference Images: Finally, the gaps at the bottom of the rear thigh armor should be filled with ABS paste or backed with a square of ABS so that the black doesn't show through. This isn't specifically called out in the CRL text, but this is shown in reference images. Reference Image: And that's it! Just a couple small fixes and you should be on your way to Centurion. In the meantime, on behalf of myself and the rest of the DO team, please accept our congratulations on reaching the rank of EIB!
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