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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Pretzel

  1. Great work on those Shims for the thighs. I had to make shims for mine as well, but decided to not use ABS paste, and used Apoxie scuplt, and re-painted them. I found it much more forgiving than ABS paste. But, whatever works for you! Good Luck, I am eager to see how the thighs turn out. Well done so far.
  2. Great Video Terry. Interesting points you made on the eyes. I am surprised that they trimmed the eyes. Not much experience with TKUK, so not sure if that is the norm.
  3. I am very interested in seeing this all come together. When I first joined, my initial goal was to become a commander. I am hoping one day that I will be able to tackle this build. Looking forward to it and learning with you. Good Luck Terry!
  4. Saw this on your Instagram. Love this idea. Very cool item.
  5. If you are indeed referring to the pic that David provided than the answer is yes. It is worn on the inside. Thumb print won't be seen unless you wave and flail your arms like a crazy wampa
  6. Good to see a Garrison Mate (whom I have yet to meet) making a build thread here on the FISD. I see many great suggestions already. Measure twice. Then a 3rd time. Cut once. Take your time. We will see you approved in no time. Hope to meet soon! Good Luck! We will be watching your build thread closely!
  7. Ah, BBB Day. Takes me back. Congratulations! This is a happy moment. Happiest moment of your life. haha. Now, we look forward to your progress. Post lots of photos and ask questions when needed. We are here to help you a long the way. Remember, this isn't a race. Measure Twice, Than a 3rd time. Cut once. Good Luck!
  8. You look like you have them all set up just fine. I believe the right outer forearm has 12 dimples and the left forearm has 11 dimples if that helps you with positioning them correctly. I recommend following this great RS Build thread! https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/25919-dianas-rs-props-build-anh-stunt/?page=1
  9. So many great Ideas. But so many Pinned topics in the getting started section. Can we possibly fit another one!?
  10. Excellent Insight! I hope some new recruits stumble upon this and find some benefit for it. Well done.
  11. As others mentioned, E6000 is the preferred choice. Especially for your first build. I couldn't tell you how many times after I glued pieces together, I had to peel off the E6000 and start over because I made an error. If I used CA-Glue or another form of adhesive, I would probably have had to order new parts. E6000 is and always will be my best friend and first adhesive of choice. I have trooped 40 times in the two years of being a member and ZERO issues with my parts that I glued together.
  12. The bucket looks great. Nice work on your paint job! Get that bucket to 100% completion!
  13. Nothing to add. My fellow TK's have offered great advice for your bicep/hook question. Keep up the great work!
  14. I wish I had something to add, but all I can say is that you are moving right along at a great pace. Well done.
  15. It looks like it fits you well. I would say you are ready for gluing if you feel it feels right to you. I would suggest trying on the bicep with your under suit on. Skin/Plastic vs Undersuit/Plastic feels different. I suggest trying it on again with your undersuit.
  16. You are making great progress on your build. I do not think I have ever seen such a clean paint job. Nice Work!
  17. I would have to agree with Randy on his suggestions on your armor. It looks like a lot of time and effort was put into it. Great work! You will be a trooper real soon.
  18. Wow, Your paint job and weathering are superb! <3 Love this armor! You should be proud.
  19. Great work on the trimming. Your paint job is excellent as well. You should be proud of that. As for the Ridge? I think I need to see a photo, but if I understand you correctly, you are talking about the little excess towards the top where the two ends meet? If so, it is okay to dremel it down a bit to make it even (that is what I did). If you can provide a photo, we can better assist. Keep up the good work!
  20. Return Edges are really a preference thing. I know I have some on my upper thighs, but not much. It really depends on how it feels when you are wearing the armor. You will realize that making these adjustments will be an ongoing process. If you are worried about it being approvable or not, either way will be approvable. I will say that having a return edge on parts of your armor gives the illusion of thickness, and generally will make the look of your armor more authentic. Again, it is preference and up to you. Hope that helps. You are moving right a long! You will be a TK in no time.
  21. Thanks, brother, these thighs are just laying around now as I have bigger and better thighs haha. But these beauts lasted a while and got me to level 3. I would be surprised if "Painter's touch" doesn't have a white for Anovos though.
  22. Hello Melanie, I know those boots are great! But it may be difficult to find them elsewhere. I would reach out to members of your local garrison for assistance. They may have something laying around. Attaches that are closest to you are @Tolo @sylverbard @lucnak With any luck, they may know of local members who are parting with some TK boots. Good Luck!
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