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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by TK-8224

  1. Talking about size, does anyone have pictures of TM and AP armour beside each other for size comparison? I'm looing for a second suit, and after reading this thread I'm not sure which one is best for my height. I'm 5'4". A kit can be totally awesome, but if you have to cut off all the good stuff there is no awesomeness left. Is the AP really that much shorter? How much bigger is the TM kit?
  2. is playing with masking fluid on Boba

  3. I don't think you need to take off anything. I'm 5'4" and haven't done anything to the length of my armour. The thighs have return edges in both ends, so I wouldn't take anything off them. If you need to shorten the shins, I wouls take off a little bit on the bottom, but only if your legs are slim enough for you to pull the shin down. My girly legs fill the shape of the armour, so I have no use of cutting at the bottom because I can't move the shins down anyway, hehe.
  4. I feel like I don't know enough on the subject to vote. I don't think I'm alone on that one.
  5. "Power" can be translated to different words in both german and norwegian (which I speak). "Kraft" is that kind of power a magnet has, physical power. "Makt" (or macht) is that kind of power f.x. a president has, it's not physical, but a result of his/hers position in society. "Force" translates to "kraft" in the norwegian subtitles in SW.
  6. I have the same setup as Scott, and it's both easy and well working.
  7. I would have bought a full AP kit if I were you. They're not more expensive than an FX armour with an MRCE lid and I think you will be more happy with it. The FX needs to be trimmed to look good on slim people, and it's the least screen accurate armour. There is also a new armour in progress, which might be interesting for you, AM. I don't know when it's for sale, but you might want to check it out. It's from the same guy who makes FX, but it's improved a lot.
  8. Found the answer on wikipedia, of course. 2 Duology, and to a lesser extent dilogy (Greek) have been used in some pairs of sci-fi novels. 3 Trilogy 4 Tetralogy Quadrilogy has been used to describe certain film series. 5 Pentalogy 6 Hexalogy 7 Heptalogy 8 Octalogy 9 Ennealogy 10 Decalogy
  9. Just out of curiousity, isn't sextet used about fx. a group of people, like duo and trio? Then there could be something else for movies. Trio and trilogy is two different words, and at least in music terms sextet "belongs to" duo, trio, quartet etc. Just asking because I'm interested in this, being a teacher in both music and english (as a second language).
  10. I have strips that are glued on one side and velcroed on the other.
  11. You can get EIB status with hard plastic hand guards, no problem. But these are beautiful!
  12. A few troops without polish, and you're good to go! I don't polish my armour, and it looks perfect now. Black scuffs, dirt, dust etc. Just make sure you smell ok.
  13. Being 5'4" I hear that line a lot. I took a pair of fake crocs, cut them to shape and tucked them inside my too big caboots. Works like a charm, and makes me about one inch higher. I think I am about 5'7" now, with the caboots heels, the crocs and the helmet padding.
  14. Mmh, I think that needs to get smoothed out, and the belt looks like it needs to be tightened a bit?
  15. Why not go for rubber or leather gloves? They are even better than the nomex.
  16. I think you'll struggle with hiding that logo-thing on your gloves. The nomex gloves are a bit smoother and longer, and they are an alternative to the leather or rubber ones. I'd love to see more troopers with leather or rubber gloves, they are really not that hard to get hold of.
  17. You don't need to strap either forearms or shins. The shins will rest on your shoes, and your forearms can be padded a bit to make them stay in place. The only place I have visible strapping is from the cod to the thighs. Though, they're not attached to the cod, they're attached to a belt I wear under the ab-plate.
  18. I'm 5'4" and have an AP. It fits me, but I get some bruises and can't really move as good as my fellow troopers. I need to trim the legs a little bit, but that's an easy fix, especially if you do it before you assemble the armour. The most important thing is that the torso pieces fit, because you can't really trim them. The AP torso pieces fits me like a glove. I've tried an FX, and there's no way I could have gotten the buttons to show with that kit! I think you'll be fine with an AP kit. Trim a little at the bottom of the shins and possibly on the top of the thies if you want to move better (there are some return edges there you might want to keep though). The rest of the armour should fit you nicely.
  19. You can always wear a pair of cotton gloves under the rubber gloves, feels much better.
  20. Nice armour! Is it possible to remove the logo on the undersuit? I don't think it's allowed to have visible logos? Your arm pieces will also look a lot better if you shaped the strips a bit so they don't stick out. Good luck!
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