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501st Member[501st]
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About Dargas

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    Expert Infantryman

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Costa Rica
  • Interests
    promoting the 501st through charity work at any single time I possibly can and having a blast (pn intended) while doing so!

    Achieving Centurion Status as the 1st Centurion in Latin America.


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  • 501st Unit
    Costa Rica Outpost

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  1. is anyone making a sculpt of the futuristic legacy helmets?? and if not, can I try a swing at them?
  2. Saludos hermano!! espero estes bien!

  3. wow Chris! amazing work on the folding stock man! I wish I had put that same effort on that part myself. haha and yeah i agree, the change from the old FX to the ATA was a giant leap! Mason by the way, I sent you the action shot to your email. let me know if you got it buddy!
  4. if you go for a pipe build (i don't need one as I already have a great blaster, I just mean to make the question for those thinking about it) Where do you get the grip for it?? is there someone making grips, and counters and sights and stocks and butts and muzzles for one? I don;t think Doopydoos makes grips do they?
  5. that is BRILLIANT! and dude if you make another one I'll buy this one! i absolutely love it! how much??? LOL
  6. Yeah it's nice to see the evolution of the Group as time pases by. It's been a fast ride. Ive been a member for over 4 years now and it seems like yesterday I had my first FX. hell I found a pic of me in my first fx of 4 years ago and man IT'S HIDEOUS hahhahahahaha here's a comparison shot haha vs this Nuff said hahaha This not a go at the FX owners, please don't rub it that way... it's just that now I CAN truly see the difference I was so blind to see for so long.
  7. Thanks a lot brothers! i feel reeeeeeally happy about this! and yeah that blaster is a beauty isn't she? too bad Stephan stopped making them. sure they had some mold flaws and stuff but with a bit of love they looks great finished. Thanks for the welcome! im very proud!
  8. I want to know!!! I'm about to make my first TK pauldron and I would LOVE to have the imperial cog etched in it like that! I already have the leather at home, I just need to know how to etch it like that! Awesome!
  9. WOOOOHOOO!!!!! I'll clean the background on the action shot I want and send it to your email during this afternoon! haha WOW, awesome! If Paul (daetrin) sees this thread: Dude, do you remember a year and some months ago how much I kept bitching about why the FX helmet was to be removed when some of us had no money to upgrade and stuff? and how the upgrade to a better looking suit of armor wasn't necessary as what we had at the time as "Good enough?" hahahaha well LOOK WHAT YOU DID! haha I'm a full fledged convert now! thanks man. I appreciate how much you guys worked to promote the EIB program and thus raising the quality bar, but more than anything, by making it a choice. I'm glad to see so many EIB apps going on and see how we are going up in numbers day after day. Next stop CENTURION! I'm already massing for new boots and rubber handplates. hopefully I'll be able to make it. I'm only worried about the positioning of the rivets in the sides of the abdomen. Mason, if I send you some pics of them can you tell me if I can make it with my current abs-kidney-butt-crotch plates? Thanks again Guys!! i appreciate this very much!
  10. Update Thurdsday, may 5, 2011 Hi again! Here's the updated helmet, shoulder bridges and blaster pics. The helmet: Ear Bumper reduced to only 2 per ear The shoulder strap bridges: Zip ties removed and replaced with white elastic The Blaster: The shadow rubber piece was removed from the eye side of the sight. I took advantage of the moment and added some extra brass colored paint to emulate paint scratching showing the metal beneath it. like it a lot better and as a matter of fact I won't ever replace the rubber shadow on it. it looks way better like this. Thanks for the feedback and pointers on this bit. and a nifty little detail I wanted to show you guys: this is how the plasma collimating blast tube glows when activated deactivated activated that's it guys. let me know if I need to add something else to the build for EI status. thanks!
  11. Awesome! I already removed the zip ties and the sight shadow and today I'll buy the white elastic and "edit" the bumpers in the ears to only 2. I'll post again tomorrow with pics of the changes. Thanks guys! I will apply to Centurion right after I'm approved as EIB but I want to have all the details right the first time. That way the Centurion app will go through smoothly. B)
  12. I'll remove the sight mod and replace the zip cords. i could've sworn the movie used armor had zip cords to hold the whyte nylon straps underneath the shoulder bridges. Thanks a lot for the feedback! I was starting to get nervous and more than 80 views and no comments. LOL
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