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Everything posted by SuperTrooper

  1. One quick question. The FISD gallery is probably going to disappear, do you have the images to host on photobucket? It would also allow the images to be larger.
  2. I think we are at 96. Get the mic tips installed and you could be 97.
  3. Depending on the type of paint you may be able to get the excess off by wiping it gently with a q-tip soaked with paint thinner. Don't rub too hard or you could damage the white paint too.
  4. This one was invented by South Park a long time ago. I's funny when you are old enough to remember a world before dude was a word.
  5. It's probably some missing ling of code from the upgrade. Funny thing is at CTN killing the B-day droid was demanded in the DL Q&A, and agreed to by the candidates.
  6. I believe it's the new software as the SLD does it also. What I "think" causes it is when you get the list from the view on content button and then open a thread it takes you to the first new post since your last visit. Hope that made sense.
  7. Hats off to Paul, he got the after 3rd post size problem fixed, and set external links to open in a new window. After the tech problems get addressed, then the sprucing to make it look like home begins.
  8. For belts and neckseals your best bet is to look right hear on the FISD for vendors. They are far superior to anything you'll find on ebay. For gloves check your local uniform and military surplus stores for nomex flight gloves. They are great for trooping, and really comfortable, but not as accurate as say the rubber chemical gloves they used in the movies.
  9. We are aware of the problem with pics resizing, and the 4th post of every page goes beyond the skin limits. Keep the issues coming, they should all be ironed out this week.
  10. Are you asking if there is a low-fi version? Sorry, I don't have a smartphone.
  11. For me it links to a community calender page that is mostly blank.
  12. Also blue painters tape is priceless for getting a straight cut lime.
  13. Don't worry, the skin will be modified to look like a stormtrooper detachment.
  14. Well your TX has mine beat, I still have some fine tuning to do. The only thing I'll have to talk to Paul about is the belt. TK EIBs use canvas, on my TX I used black duck cloth, and on yours it looks like black vinyl. Other than that you have a stellar kit, nice job.
  15. You may have better luck asking that on the local boards. Detachments are pretty international, but you never know as stranger things have happened.
  16. Have fun in all that snow. Hope your ready for more, sounds like round two hits Tuesday.
  17. Congrats Stephen, now get out there and troop.
  18. They are the darkside ebay boots turned black. Unfortunately no one makes jodhpurs large enough for me which would have been nice sine they are black to begin with.
  19. It still needs a little tweaking and I ran out of black velcro before I could get the side gaps closed, but here is my TX. Man these things are hard to photograph, I have 2 500w lights on the side and 2 100w lights overhead plus the camera flash and still lightened it in Photoshop.
  20. Congrats guys on all the quality and quantity of your posts.
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