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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Everything posted by 68Brick

  1. Sounds good. And, ABS is very troop friendly.
  2. Yes Paul, being out of production is a bit of an issue. There are many reputable vendors listed here on FISD; they'll all be better options. You've also got to choose what material you'd prefer. the kijiji add is HIPS. Are you looking for HIPS, or ABS? Regardless, check us out in Hamilton; there will be troopers of all sizes and from different vendors there.
  3. Nice job/save on the blaster mods. That's a lot of wires! #helmetnest A few things I saw from your full body pics ... Can you bring your thighs up? Can you add some foam to the outside of your thighs (on the inside ) to remove the :knocked knee" look? Bring your shoulder bells towards your shoulder sraps. Can you reduce your back/kidney gap? Looking good Trooper!
  4. Your ear gap is fine. trim up the ABS that Lucnak spotted and you're golden. Your legs fit good too. I'd wait for final shin fitting until you get you boots under them.
  5. If you are hoping to attain higher levels of certification, you'll need the slotted screws. You're assembling it now, so now is the time to do it. For your thigh backs, you could trim the high side to almost meet the low side, and then roll the edge over for a small return edge with a hobby iron. Cleans up the look. Have a look at a few Centurion approvals for guidance. Looking good!
  6. Looking Good Trooper. Good job on your bucket painting. If you wanted to clean up some edges, you could use some mineral spirits on a toothpick (your kit is abs right?) to gently smoothen the edges. Your neckseal will soften up a little with wear, and washing. Looks Good on ya! I see you already have the trooper smile!
  7. Looking Good Trooper. Nice job on the shins & hot water bath. Your arm looks good too. For shim closure, I can only speak on what I've experienced, and that's industrial Velcro. If you've left a little room in your shins, you shouldn't experience any issues with Velcro. Will you be adding some Velco to attach your shins to your boots? I understand the attraction towards the screen accurate hook method. You could try either method first, and if you don't like it, try the other. The rear cover strip will hide it all.
  8. Yes, that's me on the left. I don't know who the other trooper was, there was 34 of us that day. It's always a surreal moment when you make that first 501st contact, and hey, there's a person in there, and they'll talk to you! You're well on your way to creating a great kit. Make sure you read other peoples build threads too, as I needed to tweak some things (as seen in my build, EI, & Cent threads). There are always lessons learned, and great new ideas out there. An example is I just upgraded to USB power for my fans (the latest trend) and it's awesome; long battery life, no AA's, and they're rechargeable. The build is never really done. Keep plugging along and we'll be trooping together soon.
  9. Hey Sly, Did you visit us at FanExpo? I think it was you that said hi. I was suited up in my TK in the Tantive area of the booth.
  10. Congrats Angie! I see u r signed up for the march at FE too. Awesome!
  11. Hey Angie, your kit is fitting you really well. You should be proud! And with the small tweaks that you've already discovered, you should be troop-ready in no time, with a TK number to boot. I recommend that you forget the negative/low points, and focus on the positive .... Did this TK process take longer than expected, sure, but it does for most of us (took me almost a year to acquire & build my TK (and I'm still tweaking)).Did you build the most 'real' catalogue/thread of the journey of becoming a Stormtrooper, yes! I know many have read your thread, and have (and will continue to) enjoy it’s content. Again, you should be proud. And then, there's your Jawa. Again, top notch. Take some time fine tuning you TK and you'll feel comfortable and confident in it quickly. PS. Don't forget to build yourself a Chookaboom emergency repair kit! I'm sure command is aware of your build & submission, and I would hope that they might be able to approve you (at our Garrison Level) prior to FanExpo. It might be pushing it, but you never know! We'd be proud to troop side by side with you in your shiny new kit. Regardless, TK or not, we are to be proud to troop with you in your kick-a$$ Jawa, causing all kinds of Jawa mischief. Keep your head up, get your kits ready, and troop in whatever is approved and feels most comfortable for you. Again, Great Job! We'll see you soon in the T.Dot. 16 Days to Go!
  12. Looking good. It's amazing how fast that came together. You should be very proud!<br><br> A few suggestions (yes, I know this is a test fit). Bring your biceps down and maybe your forearms up. Raise your thighs up. It looks like your belt is low or sagging. Move your drop boxes out a little to line up with the end of the belt. Secure the drop box backs. Add foam padding inside your thighs to loose the knocked knee look that most troopers have. <br><br> Can't wait to see this in person at Fan Expo! You r so close!!!
  13. Looking Good. Nice job on the bucket!
  14. Looks awesome! Can you describe your weathering techniques? Great results.
  15. Communication would solve a lot of the worlds issues. Good Update Angie. Other than your AP kit, do you have all the other bits and pieces to complete your TK? Are you going to push for FanExpo?
  16. You’ll want enough space in your biceps to be able to bend your arm and flex your bicep. Any extra room could be trimmed out. Foam inserts can help take up the rest, and help with alignment/comfort issues. For your thighs, align the front of the thighs and do most of your cutting in the back. You don’t want to lose the factory rib on the front of the thighs. Thinking of the front of the thighs … Aligning the bottom of the thighs works best. Any difference in height at the top can be solved with a hobby iron (or hot water bath) and some time. You can make the tall side shorter by rolling the extra over with heat, and trimming it to match the short side.
  17. I went to my local electronics supply store and got some advice on what to pick and how to wire stuff up. A paper diagram and some supplies (5v fans, wires, battery packs, switches, and heat shrink tubing) were all I needed. I already had a soldering gun. I made some bases for mounting out of extra ABS and some misc. nuts and bolts, and rubber washers. It's all held in with Velcro to make it all removable if I need to. Pics are in this thread...http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/34886-fans-for-tk-helmet/
  18. Hydration, and helmet fans make a HUGE difference. Order in some fans and install them in your bucket; you'll notice a big change in climate In there. I personally get hot quickly, so I made & installed fans in my chest and back plates too. This was a game changer for me. No more sweaty under suit. Comfortable for as long as my batteries will take me.
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