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Everything posted by ukswrath

  1. Yes, the only thing that has changed is the fact you're holding a different gun. Good luck on your approval. BTW when will you be submitting for EIB.
  2. The type of mic you use with the type of amp or amp + modifier makes a big difference. The mics I sell have feedback cancelling, though if you turn the amp up high enough, you will get some feedback. The bucket is like a cave, everything has a echo (feedback) at some level. BTW the Hovi tips and Hovi system on Ebay are mine $70 for the Hovis alone and $140 for the system. If you have any questions about them you can ask me here or send me a PM.
  3. Sweet! Congrats Andres and welcome to the ranks sir. Besides Steve let me be the first to salute you
  4. The HTT amps & voice modifiers have always been junk and that's mainly where they fail. My Hovi setup volume output is pretty decent (given its size). When used with my amp or something like the ROM/FX it works quite well, though as Ollie has stated it's not as loud as most chest mounted systems. For the record I've never stated my system is as loud as or better than a chest mounted system. Comparing my system to a chest mount is like comparing apples to oranges. My speakers are 1/2" in diameter with a maximum output of 1w @ 90db, a standard chest mount system speaker is 1-1/2", 4-6w @ 140db output however, if you want a audio system that is completely contained in the bucket my system is still a viable option, yes there is a small sacrifice in sound level but some troopers like my self think it's worth it. Bottom line, you want it loud enough to be heard over everything else around you, don't mind a system being mounted in your chest and a wire running down your neck then a chest mount system is for you. if want a system contained in your helmet, with your voice that originates from your helmet and no wires running down your neck than my Hovi system is a great alternative.
  5. Well that's ironic, my Paypal is yelling at me that it needs your money. Maybe we can work something out
  6. It would have to be a pretty heavy plaster to slide off, let's say a 5/8" diameter (or so) x 1/4" (deep) earth magnets. Heck I use 1/2" x 1/8" for armor assembly and they are incredibly difficult to pull apart and sliding apart is still takes quite a bit of effort.
  7. My thoughts exactly. My idea was to use the existing oval mounting holes.
  8. Cracking resin and or thigh ABS have been my thoughts all along. Magnets would almost eliminate this. I may start working on the thigh mount tonight though it would be nice to have an actual gun to match designs.
  9. I for one think there should be a strong earth magnet design. Two on the gun and two in the thigh mount. I'm still seriously thinking of doing it that way yet staying true to the mount design itself.
  10. Tooth pick, soft piece of plastic, paint thinner (non acetone) and Que tip. Either one of these will work. EDIT: If you're using liquid and you're unsure how it will effect your armor ALWAYS test it on a piece of scrap ABS first.
  11. So is there a sales thread for this final version?
  12. Very nice build Rid. Good luck on your application, should be a shoe in
  13. Welcome to the club David, you're blazing right along.
  14. Hey Peter, though I'm a bit behind the build curve, when it comes to joint compounds has anyone considered polyester gel coat? It's tough, somewhat flexible and you can buy it in white. I used on my ATA rebuild and it worked flawless for filling holes. I was considering using on the joint here just wasn't sure if anyone else has already tried it.
  15. haha, wanna fight about it!? ah hahaha Nice work josh
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