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Everything posted by Sly11

  1. Hi Ricky, we will be with you shortly. As Alay has mentioned above, I agree you should shorten those side straps up to bring the Ab and kidney plate together. 12.5mm is the maximum allowable gap for EI, but I think you are going to be aiming for Centurion with that build, so you might as well fix it now. Please add a new side photo when done. Cheers
  2. Hi Luis Can we please have a photo of the end of your blaster showing the D ring Thank you, and excellent armour my friend.
  3. Hi Christoph thank you for your EIB application, lets get started. CRL and EIB Application Requirements: All submission photos are present and your armor displays all the elements required for Expert Infantry, Congratulations Other-Armor Fit/Assembly: In this section we review observations made by us and your fellow troopers. Suggestions made here are to improve the overall look of your armor. If these suggestions would effect an application they will be mentioned in the above or below sections. Great Hero build Christoph, and we only have a few adjustments and minor suggestions for you to make. 1. Shoulder bells, if you can shorten those top straps so the top of the bells touch the plastic shoulder bridges, this will be perfect. 2. Drop the biceps down, and the fore arms down approximately 2 cm, and you will close up the gap between the wrist and hand plate, so that gap isn't as big. Centurion Suggestions: In this area we do our best to prepare you for Centurion. It is evident that you are shooting for Level 3, and you have a fabulous set of armour and build, so we think its worth pushing you a little harder on the screen accuracy side, with the snapsthat attach your holster to the belt. Snaps on belt. Although the CRL states snaps can be used, yours look unusually large on the belt itself. Chicago screws are smaller and of coarse are also a removable option for the holster the image below is not of a Hero but a stunt set up, but I think it gives you an idea of the size of the attachment and something that looks more inline with screen used look. reference image. Excellent build Christoph, you have something to be proud of with this armour, and we look forward to seeing your Centurion application in the very near future. Welcome to EIB
  4. The guys have given you solid advise Jake, but I would like to mention another element to watch out for. Unfortunately I'm on Tapatalk and away from my PC so can't add images so hopefully what I am about to say makes some sense. You should alway work out the positioning on your side rivets on the Ab side first. This way you make sure they are evenly spaced out and on the side part, not on the lowest section which is the cod section. When looking at your kidney piece and the location of the lowest rivet, it looks like the corresponding ad rivet may end up down on the lower cod section and not on the actual ab side ( COD = below the step down from ab to cod). Am I making sense. If not I will upload some images tonight. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Hi Christoph Could you please remove the white paint from the side abb snap, it shouldnt be painted, only the side rivets should. Please post up a new photo when done. Thank you
  6. Hey Matt thank you for your EIB application. CRL and EIB Application Requirements All submission photos have been posted. Your armor displays all the necessary elements to qualify for level 2. Welcome to Expert Infantry trooper! We would like to say, thank you for your patience and for including the holster in your build, well done. Other-Armor Fit/Assembly: In this area we post suggestions made by your peers and or us the DOs. These are designed to get you looking the best you can, but in some cases, may be required if you were to consider the next level, If so these would be mentioned in the sections above and below. We do have a few things that need just a little bit of attention. Mainly alignment and fit so nothing to major. Would be great to see the shoulder bells virtually touching the shoulder bridges, but we also think dropping the biceps and forearms will even out the gap at the wrist end of your arms. reference image Moving down we come to the drop boxes. (This will require fixing for a Centurion application) These should also almost touch the bottom of the plastic ammo belt. Your alignment with the ends is perfect. They also look a little thick and should be approx 15mm. The ends of your butt plate are popping out, and though it is hard to tell from your internal strapping image, as we cant see clearly, normally the recommendation would be to move the outer most straps, further out and shorten their length. Even the addition of an extra set can stop the pop from becoming so dramatic. Reference image Another commen problem we see is the sniper plate getting caught behind the thigh armour. This is easily remedied with a pice of foam placed in the back of the lower thigh. This causes the front to sit closer to your leg and prevents the plate from getting caught. Alternatively, a piece of foam placed in the front of the shin, pushing it slightly forward, will yield a similar result. Centurion Suggestions: As we have mentioned above, the Drop boxes will require fixing to meet the Centurion requirement. Here is the CRL wording For level three certification (if applicable): Drop boxes must have full inner drop boxes to close the back. Flat covers are not allowed. Drop boxes are vertically aligned with the end of the ammo belt with minimal gap between belt and box. The corners of the plastic ammo belt shall be trimmed at a 45 degree angle. It would be great if you could also thin the Drop boxes down to approx 15mm. Last of all we look at the Thermal det belt clips. If you are considering Centurion, and we think you should, these clips will require some modification but most probably replacing The rivets will need to be replaced with the correct type of screws (slotted pan head) and the ends of the clips will need to be squared off as in the below reference. The end of the clips should also be touching the button plate. May we suggest making a new set. Well done Matt, you have a nice set of armour and with those few things mentioned above, Centurion is well within your reach. Congratulations Trooper
  7. Hey Kev thank you for your application to Centurion and thank you for making the suggested adjustments from your EIB application, with no more delay, lets get this done. CRL and Centurion Application Requirements: All required submission photos are present and your armor displays all the requirements needed for Centurion. Ukswrath and myself would like to congratulate and welcome you to the Centurion level. Awesome job Kevin Other-Armor Fit/Assembly: Nothing more to add Head on out centurion
  8. Hi Kev, awesome job mate, only one little thing and your good to go. There is still some return edge on the forearms. The section where the dimples run down the back, we can still see some material in there that can come out. Unless its the angle of the photo of coarse. If you could post up a close up photo of the ends it would be great.
  9. Thank you Oscar, so with no further delay, lets bring in 2017 with our first Centurion for the year. All submission photos are present. Your armor displays all the Centurion required components, with that we would like to congratulate and welcome you to the Centurion level. Excellent work Oscar
  10. There are a couple of ways to get them sitting forward a little more. Move the top strap attachment location forward on the white elastic that runs under the plastic bridge. This forces the bells to sit closer in at the front. The second way is to remove more of, if not virtually all of the return edge at the base of the shoulder bell. This allows the bells to sit closer to the bicep and in-turn closer to the chest plate. it can also sometimes just be a dressing issue, so simply rotating them forward for the photo can also work.
  11. Hey Oscar thank you for your Centurion application, lets go through it CRL and Centurion Application Requirements: Thank you for making the suggested modifications as mentioned in your EI review, those shoulder bells are looking much better, but they could still be rotated forward some, so as to close down the gap between them and the sides of the chest plate. The tops are now good. If you could make this one adjustment and post up a new front on photo, we will get this review completed. See you soon.
  12. When we lose a loved one here on earth, we gain an angel in heaven that watches over us. May the Force be with you always Princess.
  13. Hey Marc, thank you for your speedy Centurion application. CRL and Centurion Application Requirements: All submission photos are present. Your armor displays all the Centurion required components. UKswrath and I would like to congratulate and welcome you to the Centurion level. Excellent work Marc Thank you for making the corrections as set out in your EIB review, still think the small Ab button plate is a little too big, but you look fantastic non the less. Head on out and hold your head high Centurion
  14. Hey Apache, thank you for your Centurion application, but the guys are correct. You will need to submit an application for Expert Infantry and pass that level first. Good to see you are keen to become Centurion
  15. Hi Kev thank you for your EIB application, lets get started. CRL and EIB Application Requirements: All submission photos are present and your armor displays all the elements required for Expert Infantry, Congratulations Other-Armor Fit/Assembly: In this section we review observations made by us and your fellow troopers. Suggestions made here are to improve the overall look of your armor. If these suggestions would effect an application they will be mentioned in the above or below sections. Well this is another fantastic build out of the UKG, you guys make our job easy and we thank you for it. Only 2 minor adjustments here and you will be on your way to a Centurion application. 1. Shoulder Bells gap at top. Yours are close but we think you can get them closer for that just walked off the set look. If you can get the tops of the bells virtually if not touching the plastic bridges, then its job done. 2. This is only a suggestion for some padding in your thighs. A small piece at the bottom on the outside of the knee, will stop the thighs moving inward and giving a knock knee effect. Centurion Suggestions: In this area we do our best to prepare you for Centurion. It is clear to us that you are aiming for Centurion so we will cover off on some things that will need to be rectified to help get you there. You have given us a photo of your forearms, which is great, so we can isolate what needs to be fixed and facilitate the level 3 CRL. We can see in your image, that you still have the return edge on the wrist end. This will need to be removed entirely. CRL wording For level three certification (if applicable): No return edge on the inside of the front of the forearm is allowed. Forearms must be constructed using the butt joint and cover strip method. Overlap construction is not allowed. Although its a little tricky to tell which end is which in this photo, we can see there is return edge left at both ends, so whichever is the wrist end, this must be removed completley. Reference image Rear Thigh cover strips: Although we don't get out the measuring tape, the rear cover strips should be approximately 20mm wide and straight, not tapered. Hopefully yours can be removed and a new set cut. Know if they need to be wider, 25mm is also allowed, but once you go over 30mm, they will start to look out of proportion to the calf rear strip enclosures Reference Image Additionally, if we take a look at your photo above, we can see the straps that attach you holster to the belt are visible above the belt line. the image from behind shows they could use tyhe tops trimmed down so they are no longer visible. Last of all you would need to close up those side gaps between the Ab and Kidney plate as per the CRL for level 3 For level three certification (if applicable): Ideally there no gap between the abdomen and kidney armor. If you can get the items above sorted, then you will be looking and an easy Centurion application. Congrats once again on achieving Expert Infantry, and on a great build. Hope to see you soon in Centurion review
  16. Hi Kev Will be with you shortly, thank you for your patience
  17. Hi Xiomer, thanks for your application and welcome to your EIB review. Lets get started. CRL and EIB Application Requirements: All submission photos have been posted. Your armor displays all the necessary elements to qualify for Expert Infantry. Welcome trooper! Other-Armor Fit/Assembly: In this section we review observations made by your fellow troopers and ourselves. Some observations may lead to suggestions to improve the overall look of your armor. If any suggestion affects any application, it would be listed separately in the above section. Expert infantry is as far as one can go with FX armour, and as mentioned in your thread, it is good to see members still pushing the old kits to this level. If we were to make any suggestions to your overall look, it would be to space the side rivets out evenly across the side . Currently yours all sit in a small cluster around the mid point of the ab and kidney plates. The lower rivet shouldnt be seen as it is covered by the belt. The top rivet should be much closer to the top edge of the two plates. reference image We must also thank you for modifying the Hasbro blaster to the required EI level, you have done a fantastic job with this FX kit, and it is one of the best we have seen to date. Congratulation Xiomer on a well deserved Expert Infantry badge
  18. Hey Mark thank you for your EIB application, lets see what we have. CRL and EIB Application Requirements: All submission photos are present and your armor displays all the elements required for the Level 2 Badge. Congratulations and welcome to Expert Infantry!! Other-Armor Fit/Assembly: In this section we review observations made by us and your fellow troopers. Suggestions made here are to improve the overall look of your armor. If these suggestions would effect an application they will be mentioned in the above or below sections. We are happy to announce, there are no major corrections required, only some very minor adjustment and suggestions. This is a lovely build and your attention to detail is great, so to cap it off, you could bring those shoulder bells in at the top so they are almost if not touching the bridges, you will be near perfect. Joseph has pointed out the cover strips, which we think is a good idea and a very quick fix, and yes the small Ab button plate could be a touch smaller, but that certainly is no deal breaker. Ab button plate detail, as you can see on this screen used suit, the plate is smaller than the area it mounts to. If yours can be removed easy enough, this is just another fine detail taking you even closer to screen accuracy. Centurion Suggestions: In this area we try to prepare you for Centurion, but it looks very clear to us, that Centurion is your goal from the outset. Very nice job on the build and the blaster Marc Congratulations, and hope to see you in Centurion review soon.
  19. Hey Matt Thanks for the updates, will be with you very soon.
  20. Hugh, welcome to your Centurion review and thank you for your application. CRL and Centurion Application Requirements: All submission photos are present. Your armor displays all required elements as stated in the level 3 CRL. Ukswrath and I would like to congratulate and welcome you to Centurion rank. You look fantastic Other-Armor Fit/Assembly: Another beautiful AP, I would be proud to march alongside of you. Head on out and make the Empire proud
  21. Pathfinders most probably wont change the designation to TK, it would get too confusing, I think it will remain ST, and we can poke fun at them lol
  22. I loved it. Admittedly it took a bit to get going, and the nuances of the old theme music teased the crap out of me hopping to hear the familiar themes, but I still loved it. For me it was better than EP VII. I sure hope EPVIII will take it to another level. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. Congratulations trooper. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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