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Everything posted by Sly11

  1. And the mystery that is the Anovos mis information merry go round, continues sadly. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I agree, even though there will be a grace period for builders once the updated CRL goes live, nothing wrong with being more accurate, but as stated, you always want to check with your GML first, best policy.
  3. I must say this kit looks very nice and clean, the pulls look reasonably sharp too, I'm impressed. Keep up the great work Pat, so glad you finally received your kit.
  4. Any chance we can see some photos of the BSP kit posted up, interested to see how they look. Also just to add, nothing is 501st approved until it is built, correctly fitted to the member and reviewed by their GML.
  5. Congratulations Arthur, your help with the TK community is well appreciated.
  6. Some shiny new plastic awesomeness right there. Take your time, look closely at all the details and shoot for Centurion. Look forward to seeing your progress.
  7. Can’t get the cricket player idea out of my head Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I know we have already had this conversation my friend but thank you for the work you could put in this year. Personally I’m very glad that you are staying on staff and in a role that you have always shown such passion for. I hope the rest of the year is far better for you and allows you to do what you love. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. If I may, I shall add a little background to the story of EIB and Centurion wihtout going into all the explicit details. If we go back in time to the early days of the first produced fan armour "FX", it was all that was available so everyone sported FX armour. Later on some armour became available that had screen linage and molds were taken and more accurate armour produced. Expert infantry was introduced as a way to make FX armour a little more screen accurate than it was. If we move on in time and having more accurate armour available again, Centurion was introduced as a new higher level of accuracy. Think rivets paint colours snaps how the armour is trimmed etc etc. Now FISD has never had a problem with those that had EIB going the extra mile to achieve Centurion, those numbers are pretty good, but we still have very few that build TK armour making the minor difference and applying for EIB, considering the total number of TK's in the legion. Due to this, we offer more incentives for a member to want to build to the EI spec, be it the exclusive EI coin or the ability to build all our TK costumes to that next level and receive the additional stars for doing so. In recent times we introduced the March to 1000 campaign, yet another inducement that includes special merch in order to entice more troopers to step up and make the very easy changes required to meet the Expert Infantry level. There is much more to this story but I didn't want to create a TLDR post
  10. You wont have any issue with that. I'll also add that your belt sit across that gap so it would never be seen anyway.
  11. Just an FYI, we currently also allow OTTK boots for basic on the FO TFA Trooper. There will be debate regarding the change to correct boots for that costume so no problem with similar for RotJ costume. FO changes will be the next can off the rank so there may be a little wait before the OT CRLs get more work done. They already had a refresh this year but we will get there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. First of all I would like to thank Joseph for his service this year, life isn’t always kind and you have had more than your fair share of hiccups this year. Glad to see you will be helping the DO’s, you are an asset indeed an I’m sure all the staff and members appreciate what you do. Brien, congratulation on your promotion to XO, keep up the great work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. These are very nice. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. @Glen, that's a nice crisp TD image, isn't that the one in use already? Perhaps if we had a weathered CRL for RotJ, Pauls image could be very useful in that, but there is an obvious difference in the width of those TD belt clips from the current CRL. If we can get more supportive images of narrow clips, there is a potential; CRL change right there. A step closer to accurate and something very simple.
  15. I agree with what you say here Dan. The fine line is that the CRL's are designed for base level entry. The higher levels were an afterthought brought about on FISD to enhance the look of FX armour which was the only available kit back then. Centurion itself came later on in the piece. The reason DO's have been using screen references has always been more about those higher levels and showing applicants how to look more accurate for those levels so what better reference to use. We are not the RPF, not everyone buys the same armour make, and we are doing our best not to look elitist as we have been labeled in the past. Yes the best representation for a CRL image would be a screen used photo or screen capture but the more we do that at a basic level, the more we remove the 501st element from the picture. Look at what is happening to merch now, do we really want to go down the same path offering no flexibility to members who have zero interest in aiming for the top. Don't get me wrong, I love screen accurate, but I as always there is a bigger picture and I do try and think laterally about that.
  16. The TD image is perfect btw, definitely can use that I think. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Paul I really appreciate the images. I may need to do some homework on this but most of the images used in costume CRL’s are of costumes made by 501st members down to the parts break up. Happy to be wrong on this as source material such as your screen used images are obviously the best. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I agree Glen, simple things like that still got missed but we need some good images and then its an easy update.
  19. I think this is possibly from the TK commander CRL and was copy pasted by mistake to the RotJ CRL. It absolutely does not belong there and should be removed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Correct on all accounts above. There is a scrub done in Feb on mass to pick up mismatches. Affiliation allows you to vote in the Detachment elections which we would love all troopers to do. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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