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Everything posted by Sly11

  1. Unless there are multiple instances of some very obvious and strong differences between the Rogue One Tk's and what we will see across the series, the simple answer is no. Considering they used R1 armour kits and of course a few scenes with Legion members, those CRL's are in place. Weathering is only a variation that may be added as an option.
  2. That most certainly would have been my next suggestion Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Looks like you already have some work to do, get stuck into that F-11D [emoji4] Good luck on your journey to becoming a Stormtrooper. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I know this sounds rather obvious but I shall ask anyway, Have you checked all the clip greeblies are the same size in the kit?
  5. Good to see someone has taken up the mantel for AM armour and based on what I have read in the above comments, the right person for the job too.
  6. Great work Graeme, just a few tweaks and he is golden.
  7. Progressing fast, the finished product will look amazing.
  8. Looks like BSP have attempted to emulate the indentation on the front of the hand plates, its a step in the right direction. Good progress Aidan, keep it up.
  9. Great having Dessert Scorpion, Knightfall and Redback Garrison represented on the sunny Gold Coast. Well done ladies and gentlemen.
  10. That’s good news for those states, interesting to see if others are covered in the future. The compensation will certainly also be an interesting part of this long drawn out story. Good luck to all those still seeking satisfaction, and thank you for the update. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I agree with everything you have all said. I watched the trailer, I felt emotions, and I am so excited and saddened it will be the last of the Skywalker series.
  12. Although it is hard to tell from this image as it does not enlarge well, The helmet looks off, almost too symmetrical and long in the face. FX helmets were grandfathered due to their inaccuracy vs what is now available. Because there are so many good manufacturers around these days, you would totally stand out in a line up so I think the helmet is the first component that would hold you up from getting 501st approval. As to the rest of the parts, until something is printed out and can be seen in 3 dimensions rather than a poor render image that pixelates when enlarged, no further true assessment can be made. With this type of costume, certain parts of the armour need a degree of flex, the shin enclosures are the perfect example of that and I highly doubt reinforced ABS or PLA will take the punishment that 1.5 to 2mm pulled ABS can in the flex department. Remember if you intend to troop in it, you need something that is reasonably comfortable, allows the degree of motion required to actually move around and walk, plus you don't want it too heavy or difficult to pack and transport and it must be durable enough to deal with the rigors of trooping, so you see there are many factors that need to be considered.
  13. I have seen an Anovos premier line helmet with some cracks, it was a while ago and I cant recall the overall severity, but I'll PM the member and see If he still has the photos to post up. He did end up repairing it and getting an Automotive spray job which I believe was rather expensive, but yes you have options.
  14. I must say there does seem to be an awesome array of weaponry coming in this movie, I'm definitely excited.
  15. Hi Chris, you look fantastic, welcome aboard.
  16. Eagerly awaiting your BBB day, some exciting times ahead.
  17. Holy guacamole!!!! 16 kits, very very impressed and the pulls look good as well. This is going to amount to one huge pile of ABS off cuts when your finished trimming lol, ABS paste anyone?? All jokes aside, very much looking forward to the build threads that will follow suit.
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