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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by mikedwelle94

  1. Those look pretty much identical to the Bass Amsterdams I picked up. I am not aware of Centurion requirements, but I do know for sure you will gain 501st membership with either of those boots you linked. But if I was in your position, I'd hit up TKBoots for a pair of white ones.
  2. I went down the path of modifying the eFX and it is so not worth it. It only took my first unofficial outing to realize there are helmets that are so much better. So I upgraded to Scootch's CAP helmet and haven't looked back since. My advice to you is this: Sell that eFX for some extra spending money or keep it on your shelf as a display piece. If you must have a Hero helmet, like others said, hit up TM. He goes by the screen name "troopermaster" on this forum.
  3. Sounds like it could be an option for those who don't feel comfortable building their own costume, and still want to be part of a club. I can imagine some work will still need to be put into their costumes to get them to fit your own body, though. I'd be interested in a fully prepped Jango costume, as long as it fits and looks right. I hope they know their work will be highly scrutinized.
  4. I'm okay with the fact that people won't like it -- that's harmless, but when I see comments like "don't make this suit," that's what gets me riled up. Some of us don't consider that there are folks who would love to get into something like this.
  5. Gah....this is saddening to read. I think the new Stormtroopers look fine. It's different, yes, but...wow. Imagine if the animated Clone Wars haters were successful in persuading the armor makers not to make those suits. The 501st would have a lot less variety, and the RL would suffer as well. Kevin and WCA (sorry if I'm missing any others) were awesome in that they could build these Clone and DW kits and get them in the hands of troopers. The TV shows are what the kids these days are into, and they need something immediately recognizable to them. I would think that this one would be a future FISD costume, so seeing so many negative comments from members of this forum really rustles my jimmies. I probably won't be able to make one of those things fit me, but you should totally make these suits Kevin. If not KW, someone's going to. Someone already made the helmet... https://www.facebook.com/grandzillocreations So get used to seeing them around, because once they're here, they're not going away.
  6. I don't know of anyone putting out custom vinyl product.... Leather looks a lot better anyway and is worth the higher price tag. I would take up Vern on his offer if I were you. An alternative would be Delta13. He specializes in Fett parts, but can also do custom work, in any color you choose. I don't think he's active on the FISD, but I've seen him on the BHG as well as the Mercs. You will have to register if you want to get in contact with him. http://mercs.firespray.net/forum/index.php?topic=65417.0 Come to think of it...I'll be needing a leather girth belt for my Mando pretty soon... Vern, expect a PM when I get funds together.
  7. I'm more active on the Mercs forum, but I figured I'd post another update here. Thanks for the kind words, Evan! I have a carbine from Woodchuck painted up and weathered. I don't think I sanded well enough on one side...you can see evidence of that near the end of the barrel. I'll have to revisit that later. For now, pics. Knees, handplates, back plate, shins and cod are done. Waiting for medical scrubs, a couple of Westar 35 pistols, a new T-visor, and a Season 5 wrist commlink to arrive in the mail.
  8. I am not a 501st member, but I'll spit out some info that I absorbed over the past few months. Expanded Universe characters can be used to join the 501st, as long as they have canon full-body reference images. As long as it's got ties to LFL, it's canon. That includes comics, games, movies, the animated TV shows, and to a lesser extent, licensed toys and figures. If EU characters were not accepted, you wouldn't see any Darth Revan, Jodo Kast, Shadow Stormtroopers, or any of the video game characters like the TK Commander or Incinerator. I could go on for pages listing them all but you get my point. I'm aware that there are some EIB and Centurion approved TK Commanders and Incinerators, which fall into the same category as Death Troopers if I'm not mistaken. I would think that the 501st Legion has some sort of database to keep track of EIB approved costumes....
  9. Although I fully understand your point, I'm not sure if I can completely agree with something like this. Say I made something really cool, just for an example. Some dude comes along and buys it, and starts churning out casts of my product. This guy also happens to have great people skills and awesome customer service. That's great for the customer, and gives them another option... but don't I still get burned in the end? Just doesn't sound fair to me. We can't force anyone to buy a certain thing, and we certainly shouldn't shame them for their decision (that's common courtesy). The best we can do is educate, and help them make the best of any situation (good or bad) whenever possible. I usually don't get involved in these kinds of topics, but I couldn't keep myself from submitting my $0.02. This should make for an interesting discussion. Followed.
  10. Definitely sounds like something that only happens once in a blue moon. I built one of Scootch's helmets and couldn't be happier with it. Mistakes can and do happen, we're all only human here.
  11. Oh, that's okay... I didn't really want to swallow that milk anyway. I love cleaning up messes on my computer desk. ...
  12. Absorb information until your kit arrives. Read up on build threads to get a feel for how it should be done. I found Trooperbay's youtube videos to be extremely helpful. Maybe pick up a blaster kit to put together while you wait. I would think the next best (budget) alternative to TKBoots would be a pair of Bass Amsterdams from Amazon. You'll have to treat them with Acetone and dye 'em white though. You might also want to pick up a Dremel rotary tool if you don't have one. It makes it easier in some spots where it might be awkward to try and trim with a razor blade.
  13. Hey, Aloha! Looking forward to seeing your TK in person!
  14. Posting my latest update on the Supercommando chest armor paint app. Clear coating tomorrow and starting work on the collar and shoulders! This project is infinitely more satisfying than my trooper build. You all should go try building a Mando... it's actually a lot of fun trying to replicate all the little paint chips and scorch marks.
  15. Seeing that this thread is over 3 years old, I doubt this is still going on. Dashrazor is nowhere to be found and when I looked over Woodchuck's website I didn't see a flamer. Perhaps you could get in contact with him and ask for a commission. If you wanted to do your own scratch build, you could get it done with some PVC, ribbed hose tubing, an airsoft gun base, an empty canister of wipes, sculpted add on parts made of wood or foam...bondo and paint. Plenty of resources here to help you get that done. I've started my own, and will be glad to (try to) answer any questions you might have. Just drop me a PM.
  16. Then there was the time Karin set me up with something really cool....
  17. No fans, frown mesh held in with duct tape(for now), a chin strap, and star-shaped foam. Not a pretty sight in there. Haven't trooped in my new helmet yet, but I'll be hot-gluing the mesh before my next outing.
  18. Reminds me of when I set up a thread a little while ago asking about replacement brow trim for my eFX lid. Then in comes Bondservnt offering up some of his own for only the cost of shipping. Lots of good people around here. Glad you had such a good experience, eli. Blaster looks good judging by those pics you posted.
  19. Didn't understand a word of it, but it was very well made and entertaining nonetheless!
  20. Some stuff came in the mail recently... Pictured is the WCA Deathwatch armor, with my Eternal Armory helmet (which needs a new, longer visor) Ordered a Season 5 comm link from EA to attach to one of my gauntlets. Shoving a Magma Trooper project under the rug so I can try and get this finished in time for a Mercs troop this June. This costume will be a first for the Mandalorian Mercs and 501st Legion, so I'm going to try my darndest not to screw this one up!
  21. Those decals don't even look like they'd fit on the helmet.
  22. Because of my twig-like frame, I am forced to wear pants under my compression suit. This way my thigh armor doesn't look too big on me.
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