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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by mikedwelle94

  1. That's not a bad idea. I've got a broken sewing machine and a Hasbro clone helmet I can rip the boards from.
  2. Flipped the mirror selfie before uploading... Starting to get some parts strapped together. Going with a velcro setup this time, because I sucked at using snaps last time. What I have so far is holding up pretty good.
  3. Actually, I'm pretty sure THIS is how it all went down.... About 4 minutes in
  4. Thanks Eric! The mask arrived today. It could definitely be better with a darker shade of green, which I'll get around to applying at some point... Also, it's wicked hard to breathe in there. I'll be cutting out the black areas around the mouth so I can glue in some black screen. I can see fine in it. Bucket off On
  5. I found my Testors at Michael's. And if you're on the eastern side of the country, there's another craft store called AC Moore that might have it.
  6. More progress to show. Getting closer to being ready to re-install the strapping and put this whole thing on Blood stains added with a mixture of black and red acrylic. On the right bicep and forearm And the completed abdomen plate. I've decided I don't want to try and recreate that crater of gore the GG trooper has going on. Also, I bought this. Should arrive by next Thursday. After I cut away that excess cloth and give the face a darker shade of green, it should look pretty close to what the GG statue has. http://www.costumes4less.com/Gauze-Skull-Mask-2_FW8517S_Prod.aspx?Color=As+Shown&Size=One+Size&origin=product-ads&id=FW8517S&source=2&gclid=Cj0KEQjw_42eBRDHqcG1psmtneEBEiQAWPL8WDmeyaLAXAZfU3IAC71lmga3gC63QY3O1NmY_HhtoyUaAlxT8P8HAQ
  7. I've modded my own eFX and I can tell you it's not really worth it. It only took my first unofficial outing to realize there are helmets that look so much better. You would do well to sell or return your eFX helmet. The ATA, being cheaper, is much more accurate and can be approved at the highest level. Just be sure to do your research, look at other peoples' builds, and log your progress so we can offer advice if it's needed. If there's any difference at all, which there can be if you mix and match stuff from different vendors, I would think it's very subtle. Hopefully someone else can chime in on this.
  8. Thanks all for the comments. That's the current plan. I think my garrison wants to get all our DTs together for the Halloween walk this year. And one question - how many troopers does it take to create a "fire team?" The helmet's done, btw.
  9. Made some progress on the helmet today. Still need to give it that rotten look. Gotta paint those ear covers and add tubestripes too. I think I'm just going to settle for a skull mask to wear under the helmet, rather than trying to fuss with makeup. I'll paint it up to look like the zombie face on the GG bust. I also got my plastic eyeballs in the mail a few days ago, so I'll be inserting one into the skull's exposed eye socket.
  10. Sorry to necropost, but I need a good shot of the top of the helmet dome on the GG statue. If anyone has one to share, please do.
  11. Thanks gents - but there's much much more to be done I got this helmet in the mail today... It was a steal for how much I paid for it. The seller told me it had some imperfections - which it does have, but you wouldn't even notice them unless they were pointed out. I almost don't want to butcher it, but of course I'm going to
  12. I've been looking at a ton of tutorials on how to make prosthetics. I probably am going to apply some directly to the parts of my face that will be exposed - a full mask would probably hinder visibility in the helmet. And funnily enough, the closest thing I have to light yellow acrylic is golden brown. I've been doing very light washes with that (and a little olive green in some places) - but as you probably noticed, it doesn't look true to the statue. I will be getting the correct acrylic paint soon. For now, here's a pic of some thighs and the plastic belt. I thought the legs on the GG statue didn't look good enough so I did something different. I used athletic tape for the bandages - I'll be super gluing that to the armor soon.
  13. I finished the backplate. I'm looking for ideas on how to create the crater of gore on the abdomen plate...
  14. Keeping it up. Between working and playing video games, I made a little progress. le shoulder bells All of the cracks were made by the dremel's cutting wheel, then painted black to emulate the Gentle Giant statue's appearance. le backplate For now, the pen marks on the back plate represent where I plan to use the Dremel's cutting wheel. The only reason I haven't cut these out yet is because I got home late from work tonight and I didn't wanna wake anyone up I'm not too pleased with the weathering job so I might come back to that after I hack it up. And one shot of all my progress made so far
  15. Good idea. What I may end up doing now is gluing and weathering multiple layers of plastic under the claw marks.
  16. I've seen his build. He happens to be in my garrison The first cuts have been made. The chest plate will be weathered tonight or tomorrow with sandpaper and acrylic paints. Plastic "for sale" sign pieces are going to be glued behind the holes in the lower right side of the plate and weathered.
  17. I've made a fair amount of progress on this and thought I'd share with my FISD friends. As some of you may know, this is to be my primary 501st costume, with a TK Death Trooper (in progress) being the secondary. I have scrapped the Magma project. Here are some pictures of the kit taken at PortCon 2014 in Portland, Maine. My Mercs clan wanted to see my kit in person - I warned them it would look incomplete but they didn't seem to mind You'll notice there's some exposed velcro on my temporary sweatshirt vest. To be fair, I had to change without any help, not in front of a mirror... With Kyram Sorenn, blaster borrowed from Mereel A'Denla With Jerek Darr - Wampa Clan Alor'ad Some solo shots.... Striking a pose So that about wraps it up for pictures of me. I wound up leaving my prepared scrub bottoms at home so I had to leave my knee and shin plates in the armor crate A couple days later I received these in the mail. These are Eternal Armory's v1 resin DW pistols, bought secondhand from a garrison member. As soon as I have a proper vest, I can get my plates attached correctly. Just gotta do that, attach some square boxes to my belt, and build a jetpack. The jetpack will have to wait a few months. Sorry for the long post
  18. Let's also hope they'll give us new costumes to make, like they did with the other games
  19. Thanks guys! So I bought the eyes, and I'm now looking for a mask that more closely resembles the GG statue. I just have another question - what should I use to dye my red canvas belt? (don't say buy a new one, coz I won't.) The decision was painful yet necessary. I think in the end if I capture the look of the statue, I won't have any regrets.
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