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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Everything posted by tkrestonva

  1. Thanks! The helmet is being redone but that will be the last piece to be resculpted, so it may be a while even after the new AM body armor (which will be the successor to FX - but no definite release date yet) is released for a new AM helmet to show up. In the interim, the FX helmet will be redone with a more accurately-shaped dome, but that's only one of the needed changes.
  2. As said, stay away from eBay and web stores. The only exception I can think of is if you personally know the seller, and in that case you can deal directly with him/her without eBay. As far as the kit goes - the body armor is FX. You can get FX for a lot cheaper than that, assuming that's the maker you intend to go with. You'll also need to fit it to your own body, so prebuilt kits are generally a bad idea. I have no clue what the helmet is, but based on the frown alone it is NOT ANH-accurate. Neither is the blaster. Take you time, research, ask questions here, and hook up with your nearest 501st garrison, and you'll soon understand what I'm talking about. I understand wanting to dive in right away, but with this hobby, study and patience pays off many times over. The 501st as a rule does not endorse one particular armor maker over another. 501st acceptance depends on the quality of the kit and how it's assembled, not who makes it. Having said that, everyone has their personal favorites, including myself. Once again, take some time to peruse the threads here and you'll soon have a good idea of the various armor makers and what might be best for you based on cost, desired accuracy, skill level required to assemble, your individual physique, etc. Good luck, and we're all pulling for you.
  3. Older photos (but with the same armor/helmet combination) are posted on my EIB submission thread. http://forum.whitearmor.net/index.php?showtopic=5749 An added benefit of the FX Lite / RT-Mod combination is both the helmet and armor are made of ABS with similar thickness. I can't say for sure whether or not it helps with making them more compatible appearance-wise, but it certainly doesn't hurt.
  4. Unfortunately there aren't as many good options when it comes to TX helmets. No harm in continuing to look for a non-FX TX, but I think most who choose not to go with FX end up buying a TK bucket and painting it.
  5. I've noticed the FX has a slight gray tinge to it, so if you are really looking for a perfect match, I'd go for that if you can find it. The easiest thing to do would be to bring a piece of FX (for instance, one of the hand plates) into a paint store and have them do a custom blend. In all honestly, it may not be worth the effort. I wear an RT helmet with my FX lite, and it is very close. So close that even a 501st stormtrooper wouldn't notice the difference unless they were looking closely. Other helmets aren't as close in color. I'll get a couple of photos up later today, each under different lighting conditions, so you can see for yourself.
  6. Can you see the reaction to that request? Actor 1: Hey dude, some Star Wars nerds want us to redo the 9/11 Stormtrooper vid with better costumes. Actor 2: I know, instead let's beat them up and take their lunch money!
  7. Paul, do you have any photos showing how the thighs are strapped to the rest of the costume?
  8. Pretty good skit! Helps take some of the sting out of the memory of such a horrific event. Like Nathan, when I saw the thread title, I thought "Oh, no. . . " Turned out to be all right. Note to self: Try not to judge a book by it's cover - or a thread by it's title. And oh, would it have killed the actors to at least wear the armor correctly?!? Even the FX kit was sloppily worn, never mind the Rubies. Sheesh. Show some pride, troopers!
  9. Your vision will be limited no matter what helmet you go with. That's part of the reason for trooping with spotters - stepping on small children would be unfortunate.
  10. Sorry to hear that. Tough economy nowadays. Take care of first things first, we'll still be here. Luckily, FISD membership is free.
  11. I can bend my elbows slightly more than 90 degrees, but no more. I'd say it's perfectly normal. TKs weren't designed for cat-like mobility.
  12. It seems more likely that a radtrooper would be categorized as another version of TX, and owned by the spec ops detachment.
  13. That's an FX kit. At one time Deckard was offering FX TK kits pulled in black ABS. I've also heard of people painting their standard white FX kits. The shadow stormtrooper is an Expanded Universe (EU) character, it falls under the 501st Legion's Spec Ops detachment. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_stormtrooper
  14. The tallest guy I've ever seen in a TK was around your height. You'll have to accept a lot of black undersuit showing, especially at the knees, hips, and elbows, but it can be done.
  15. Here's a few more featuring members of the UKG: Most of my photos are on Flickr, but since I've hit my storage limit for the month I'll have to either get a pro account or upload the rest next month. http://www.flickr.com/photos/12790717@N08/...57622190178549/
  16. This was my first DragonCon - it was absolutely amazing! I'm already counting down to next year. Best part was meeting up with and hanging out with Daetrin, Smitty, and 89Batman, along with the rest of the 501st in general and FISD in particular. Great trooping with you Smitty, thanks for letting me play. A few pics: And of course,
  17. I troop with a DLT-19 as my primary weapon and a holstered E-11 as a secondary weapon. The CRL calls for an E-11, besides the BFGs can get a bit unwieldy in dense crowds. For accuracy purposes, the T21 Lewis gun is considered a sandtrooper weapon, the exception being a Heavy Weapons Trooper (HWT) from the Expanded Universe. Great photos, by the way. Looking forward to seeing lots more.
  18. That sounds like me. In armor I feel like a life-sized action figure. I could stand in front of a full-length mirror and put myself in different poses all day long.
  19. The Disney armor was made by an outfit called Hanger 18 Studios, commissioned by Disney and approved by LFL. It was made to be wearable in the heat and humidity of central Florida and to allow a freedom of movement that the kits used by the 501st generally don't, all the while meeting Disney's safety requirements for its cast members. ----------- I couldn't tell you anything about the internal strapping, it mignt even be proprietary information that Hanger 18 Studios isn't willing to share. However, I believe they're active on the Replica Prop Forum (RPF).
  20. I'm here! I'll of course be gathered with the rest of the Legion on Saturday morning for the parade. Are we doing an FISD photo?
  21. Pics would be good. Still, I have a similar issue so I can envision your problem. I get around it by letting my lower leg armor ride at the top of my boots. Since the boots themselves are white, no one really notices. I also pull my thigh armor up as far as it will go, which is about halfway up the drop boxes (I have big thighs). Better to have less black showing at the hips (which of course are closer to eye level) than at the knees. As far as getting a longer set goes, I don't think there is one. RT Mod is generally considered the largest set, but it's larger in girth - not length. -----
  22. Very nice! Looking forward to being able to troop with you. Trooping season is in high gear in the fall and the VA Tidewater region troops are a great bunch to work with, so let's get it done. Did TE include ROTJ decals for the helmet details?
  23. tkrestonva

    VT Armour

    Oiftanker just made EIB with his VT build, check out his submission thread for pics.
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