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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by LadyInWhite

  1. You can move them forward/down about 2-3 more "notches" so there's 1 big and 5 little notches before the top edge of the chest plate. That will give you a little more flat surface on the chest itself to glue to. Glue those puppies down super duper tight, clamp overnight or longer. You can angle them slightly so they taper inward like a V shape under your chin. SLIGHTLY. Free float in back but it may not line up with the back plate. You can gently heat the middle or back end of the bridge to curve it toward the back plate tabs a little bit. Then your elastic band will hold it down. On my AP I have one tiny corner that will NOT flush, and it drives me nuts too, but 95% of it works fine.
  2. Troopers helping troopers, I like it.
  3. Well now, everyone defines "expensive" in their own way. Welcome, Steve. If you haven't already, introduce yourself in the new recruit forum.
  4. The details I do with a fine round brush and a small round brush. But the main white stuff is white already, and shiny.
  5. WWWAAANNNTTT!! That is so awesome! I just need to lose 80lbs to fit in that thing. But I want one!!!
  6. This is my current FB banner, btw. I wonder why!!!
  7. Wonder what that poor TK did to deserve clean-up duty! And look how smug that TD is now that he's returned home from that horrible deployment.
  8. I hate the stuff but it works and I recommend it for first-timers. VERN: DO IT!!
  9. 1. When you're dressed up for a movie midnight release, I assume everyone want pics with you, but you still sit there in your armor the whole length of the movie? Doesn't the edges on the butt plate 'dig in' after awhile, or do you take it off? >> Arrive early for photos, suit down, then watch the movie. If you can sit in your armor, great, but for 2 hours that might start to get unfomy. I can sit without biting for "restful" breaks but probably not a whole movie... 2. When at a mall or store event, where do you suit up, bathroom etc.? (since at a con its usually in back of the display, unseen) >> Usually for 501st events your POC will have arranged a changing area or let you know if it's a parking lot change or whatever. Or are you talking about randomly showing up at a mall? In that case I'd do a parking lot change. 3. What is THE most common question you get asked? >> You mean besides "Can I get a picture with you?" ..... 1. "Is that gun real?" or a variation thereof; 2. "Are you hot in there?"; 3. "Where's Darth Vader?"; 4. "Why are you here?" Strongly suggest having answers and backstory for all troops. There's a thread we can dig up of people posting about their backstories... quite a fun read. (1a. It's a "blaster" not a gun; the Earth Safety Protocol keeps it safely off until I override it. 3a. Lord Vader is on his way. I'm just securing the area.) 4. Most embarrassing moment >> On the set of The Price is Right, about 20 seconds to our big debut, they wheeled the set (an XBox special R2 edition on a GLASS table) right into the back of my calves, and I fell down onto the set piece (fortunately nothing broke), and they made a huge fuss and called the medic team, despite the fact nothing was injured except my pride and my armor. We did get on stage in time and everything went fine.
  10. Looking good! The butt plate, yeah, not uncommon to get a bit of a gap or weird bending there. It's okay, the screen troopers all had issues too.
  11. All the Oscars do for me is tie up traffic and make restaurant service slow.
  12. I still have a repetitive stress injury from sanding & polishing. For future use, after you get the pink out (hey, just tell people it was laundry day).... layer felt or fleece between and around the parts so the hockey bag doesn't scratch or stain the plastic.
  13. He could wear it at a con. It would be kind of funny. The lenses would be magenta, I think... need a whole cadre of them.
  14. 12V , it runs on either one 9V or four AA batteries. I just posted an open/interest order in the for sale threads
  15. I have one Squirrel fan located in the left cheek bulb just behind and above the mic tip screw. I thread the battery and switch along the neck bulge to the back. I have an AP helmet (small) and it works great. I could fit another on the right but I don't need it. I have a shopping list and diagrams and info ------------. Let me know if you need anything.
  16. Awesome And nice to see Shinies in the desert!
  17. Oh crap, now we have to put up with "bossypants" for a year!
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