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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by LadyInWhite

  1. Sam the man! First Cap-W I've seen "up close"... can't wait to see it in person!
  2. I like the way you strategically position your photos to show off your man-cave and all your awesome toys On those biceps, it looks like at least one of the cover strips doesn't come all the way to the top. (It might be covered by shoulder bell anyway.) Some tips for the e6000... Sand and wipe clean the parts you are going to stick together before gluing. Let the goop cure for about 2 minutes before sticking it together. Spread evenly and not too thickly. Once you press the pieces together, TAPE THEM before clamping them. This helps prevent in-clamp slippage. If you get dried gloop out the edges, use an exacto to gently cut away along the edges and underneath. This is delicate, though, because you don't want to scratch your plastic. However, it's probably a little better than having that gloppy look. GOOD LUCK!
  3. Jillian, I feel your pain. Boots for all the costumes are among the hardest to get right, especially for women! I use the TKBoots. I'm a women's size 9-9.5 US and use a size 8 (men's equivalent). They were a teeny bit too big until I put the gel insoles in them, now they're my favorite boots in terms of comfort. And believe me I have a lot of boots, not just for costumes. I know TKBoots might be hard to get now, but the smaller sizes might be easier to get hold of if they have overstock on their last batch. Otherwise you are probably just going to have to do men's Chelsea boots and somehow make them work You can, however, take them to a cobbler who might be able to mod them a bit for you. (You could even try that with the boots in your photo.) Good luck! Ingrid
  4. I'm working on it. Apparently my garrison has one that is very specific to our garrison (submitting photo evidence, browsing our site for photos, etc.) so I'm seeing what we can and can't do with that. At worst I will make a new FISD one that can be used in any garrison... it will have to go through approval process but hopefully that won't take too long.
  5. Sharing in your excitement! Reliving the brown box day! Have fun with it!
  6. My garrison has one, I'll ask. I'm not sure if it's exactly the same, but it's a fun one.
  7. Dang, that's a whole tutorial right there! I need to do the same (though as officer I don't need a weapon pwahaha). Mind if I share it? What did you use for the cooling fins?
  8. Wow, that is really a great story, great turnout and great results! Congrats!
  9. Mine are glued & velcro'ed in the cleanest way I could manage it. I have never removed my ammo from the belt... hmm. I have snaps going through the canvas to the ab plate, and the ammo belt is held on with velcro. Never been a problem. Hope that helps
  10. That is pure lovejoy right there (from a mom's pov!)
  11. Yes we are all eager to see the NE coming together.
  12. Using webbing or those "for sale" signs and a snap kit (recommend you use a hammer not the clamp/tool) you can start making snap plates. You need about 50-60 unless you're me and you need like 100.
  13. Just a note here, i don't believe the new Centurion requirements are in effect yet. In fact, good note to check on the status of those. Second, it's awesome that you're going for Centurion - we love a great looking shiny! - but focus first on the EI build. The one exception is the sniper plate, make sure this is glued not riveted. Cover strips are easy. There's a chart on like page 7 or something of my build document (see link below my sig). Good luck!
  14. Just be careful, esp. with HIPS, that the edges warp very easily. 9 out of 10 problems on my clone armor are from this problem. If it's ABS a hair dryer might not get hot enough. You could also try boiling them and shaping while it's warm in there, and then dip in a bowl of cold. (Never boil in pots you plan to use for cooking.)
  15. I am wondering if the real question behind the question isn't about having EIB become standard, since it is so easy for new members to attain at this point?
  16. Here's my prediction. Please note I no longer work at Disney and no they don't have any more info there than LFL would leak publically, haha! So it's just my best guess for EPISODE VII: It's 30 years ABY. Very little in the EU universe actually happened or will happen. Han Solo opens the movie. He's old, he's not so good at his action-oriented luck any more. He is on some stupid political mission, trouble ensues, he gets shot, dies. BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT HARRY ALWAYS WANTED. Chewie wasn't able to save him and will be a central character (cuz wookiees don't age like humans) exploring his (Chewie's) grief and redemption from failing his life-bond with Han. Chewie and R2, who were the masterminds behind the entire Rebellion for 20 years, have to find something new and interesting to do. Luke and Leia aren't even in the picture, and there were no marriages or stupid Jedi offspring. Maybe Luke and Leia are already dead. Honestly I do not want to see any of the old characters played by their original actors, unless they are plausibly aged (or fully CGI enhanced to look younger). I'm sorry, Carrie did not age well, and well, none of them did. Harry's going on 80 and while he's an awesome actor it's just going to be disappointing to see him on screen pretending to be the Han we know and love. But of course, they can't just sub in new actors without creating an alternate universe scenerio ala Star Trek and even with JJA it's not going to happen. Too bad River Phoenix killed himself - I loved him and he could pull off a younger Han... though probably not in his 40s. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!!!
  17. Why thank you! I'm not sure what I'm getting myself into but you can count on me being here, being active, and being unquestionably loyal... and kicking Eric's flower-clad bum when necessary. Which shouldn't be too often considering he's a bum-kicker himself. I believe the slight changes (and improved definitions) in some of the roles and their appointments will prove to be a strong line-up for the coming year. Looking forward to more and better tutorials, an active outreach program with our Attachès, and some programs to inspire and encourage legion-wide armor improvements.
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