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Airborne Trooper

501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by Airborne Trooper

  1. I didn't. I wet sanded it. I have a sandtrooper so I'm not concerned with spots not being shiny. You'll want to use novus
  2. If you need more room, give yourself more room. Try to keep the front 15mm and increase in the back as necessary. You can even do 15mm but gap it, the cover strip will hide the gap but give more room. Use a inner cover strip for extra support.
  3. That's how my family is too except she's on her phone, FB, texting, non-stop. But heaven forbid I touch my phone or change the channel.
  4. It's really not that bad, just takes some time and effort if you want it to come out well. Since you're a TK you'll want to do a good polishing after smoothing.
  5. You should try heating that up and bending it over. A hobby iron would be ideal. Once you have it in place you can trim some of that return edge. You have a lot to work with, you could reduce the return edge by half and still have the appearance of thick armor.
  6. Go to the ANH Build section and read as much as you can. Make yourself a favorites folder in your browser and add any important tutorials you want to reference down the line.
  7. I've only had experience with MEPD race shirts and since that community is a bit smaller they closed once they met the order requirements. I was lucky enough to get on that one last minute. Looking forward to placing my order!
  8. Just get yourself some cut resistant gloves! I only wear the glove on the hand not holding the blade.
  9. Just match the mic tip with the proper bit. Not all mic tips have the same mounts.
  10. No problem. We have an expensive hobby so anyway to save a few bucks is worth it!
  11. I've got over 30 paratroop jumps but I have never gone skydiving. Funny thing is I'm afraid of heights. I can do roller coasters and all that but put me up high staring at the ground.... NOPE. At least paratrooping you're on the ground in under a minute.
  12. The tennis balls really set it off. If you can get LEDs in the turrets and make the AT-AT blaster sound every time you stepped forward that would be amazing.
  13. All in a days work . A-A-ron served in the Canadian Army. Maybe one day I'll mail him a set of jump wings since he never got any on his own.... oh snap!
  14. I'm only 30 but from 8 years being a paratrooper, my knees and back hurt. I swear I woke up on my birthday and just felt old.
  15. I am hoping to be able to buy my first house in the next year or so. So tired of renting.
  16. My rant was not directed at you. It was just a rant in general. My point being our hobby has people from all sorts of walks of life.
  17. It's funny to see how different many members here are in stages of their life. Seems like the majority of the guys around here are in their mid to late 40s and kid's are grown and out the house but then you have a few guys not even 18. I just turned 30 this month and have 3 kids at home (2 still in diapers) so I hardly ever get a lot of time to work on my stuff but when I do I am focused and seem to tune everything out much to my wife's dismay. I don't really do anything for myself except armor and troop.
  18. For s-trim, I got this from gazmosis, get it from http://www.weberspump.com/. F ind the menu on the left and go to "window ad glass rubber" click on that R102 is the "s" trim. I think I bought like 6 feet for cheap and I have plenty left over. It's cheaper than other places and it's the exact same thing.
  19. The biceps need to come down. Think about when you flex y our arm, the armor should cover that area and stop just above the bend and elbow. Once you remove that excess return edge on the bottom of your shoulder bell it'll cover the top of the bicep just fine. Many people think they need to shove the bicep up into their armpits which is incorrect.
  20. Armor looks great. Those are some sweet hospital corners on that bunk. I do not miss doing those! Granted I only had to do that at basic and AIT.
  21. Yes, you'll make cuts half way to your marks just like you mentioned. Do the cuts and make sure they fit correctly and you're good to go.
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