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Everything posted by bluehickey

  1. Is the helmet the only variant on this costume, or are there differences in the armor as well?
  2. I'd definitely go with your first link, "SithArmor" is a great seller and maker of armor, he is who I bought my armor from.
  3. Happy Canada Day, you guys look great!
  4. You have put into words a similar experience many of us had the first time we suited up, and helped us to remember why we continue to troop. Congrats and don't get too let down at future events, because it's going to be hard to top trooping LegoLand!
  5. Yes, I am so happy to see this thing in real life! You've done a great job!
  6. Joey, Your concept is fantastic! I ran it by my son and he loved it. He even started working of a list of supplies needed and we scouted out the perfect location this morning. Thanks so much, I knew there was someone out there who had a better imagination than us!
  7. My 14 year old son is part of the Order of the Arrow in the Boy Scouts of America, it's kind of like an elite service part of scouting. Anyways, he is attending a big campout at the beginning of August and they are actually have a Star Wars theme with Jedi training and Pod racing. One of the events is to bring and show your own home made Star Wars video. That is really the only instructions they give. I know that we could make a fun video and with the high quality 501st costumes I own, we could blow away the competition. The only problem is, is that my son and I can't come up with any good ideas for a video. I want to do this quick and easy and not bother involving my local garrison with this because scheduling can be such a pain (not to mention we are having a bit of a problem currently getting troopers out to regular events anyhow). So here is what I have at my disposal: TK armor, Heavy Weapons Trooper armor variant, Biker Scout costume, Jawa costume and a Luke and Vader Force FX lightsabers. I was just thinking that we would have the scenes so that the different troopers aren't seen together in the same shot, allowing me to play the different parts (except for the Jawa of course). So anyone have any clever ideas we could shoot that involves Star Wars and Boy scouts?
  8. You guys look top notch, and those planet of the apes costumes were great as well!
  9. What about getting leather Jodphur or chelsea boots and painting them grey?
  10. I thought it had already been established in an earlier post that the boots are the same as a standard TK, just painted grey.
  11. Looks like there is a bigger problem with steroids and juicing up than height requirements!
  12. Contact "Tray" here on the boards, he has all of the info.
  13. That turned out great, and that was a very creative solution for filling the holes!
  14. That's not good.. have you already paid for it?
  15. Congrats to Christaan Von Martin (naatsirhc) who earned his Stormtrooper car sticker by working hard and hitting his goal weight!
  16. Have a great birthday Paul, thanks for your dedication and continued hard work here.
  17. Juan, you should fold up that extra long strap and twist-tie it so the rest of the strap so it doesn't hang down like that.
  18. Congrats, that is terrific. I too am slowly working my way down out of the 200's lbs as well.
  19. I hate to sound lazy, but can anyone here sum up the origin of this helmet? I clicked on the link to the original thread and saw 25 pages that I'd have to read through. Plus the original article talking about the helmets origin is no longer up. If someone who has followed this could reply with a brief history, I would be very grateful.
  20. These pouches look very much like the game ref: My linkhttp://www.epicmilitaria.com/product.php/744/mp40-black-smooth-leather-ammo-pouches
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