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Everything posted by bluehickey

  1. Great job on the ears. Did you trim them down and put them back on, or did you just buy a replacement pair?
  2. I would stay away from it just because you don't know who this guy is or the quality of the armor. It's best to buy a kit from the makers here on the forums where others can vouch for the quality. Read this list here: http://forum.whitearmor.net/index.php?showtopic=11538
  3. I don't know of anyone that has ever rented their armor out, nor do I know of any business that rents them out as well.
  4. Here is a comparison of an MRCE and an accurate helmet MTK: Master Replica Collectors Edition: "MTK" Cap derived helmet: *So, the things I don't like about the MRCE is that the ears are way too thick, the teeth don't look that great and in general the whole frown is too pinched in it's design as opposed to wide and spread out like the MTK. The tube stripes are too dark and thin on the MRCE and have to be replaced. You'll also need to replace the light green lenses that come with an MRCE as your eyes can still be seen in then especially when photographed with a flash. But the thing that drove me nuts was that ugly sean running below the teeth and across the lower face: I eventually upgraded to an MTK helmet.
  5. Don't worry, they are just ROTJ helmets!
  6. I had one and enjoyed it, It was significantly heavier than the average helmet though. I couldn't stand the seam below the frown, even after filling it in with caulk, it was still noticeable and annoying. After almost 2 years of trooping in it I decided I wanted something more accurate and upgraded.
  7. This video was great and one that I'm sure the boy will enjoy rewatching when he is older. I remember in ROTJ when Vader told Luke to help him take off his helmet so he could see him with his own eyes that it was some sort of trick or trap and I really didn't think Luke should do it.
  8. Are you serious with that question? Of course he was singing!
  9. Fantastic! I too was the trooper he came up to during his show at Salt Lake City, now I just need to find a photo of the moment!
  10. I was planning on getting the logo printed up on colored vinyl and applying it directly to the chest armor, but was wondering how it would look with the contours of the chest. I could stick the logo on something flat and then glue that onto the front of the chest piece.
  11. Maybe some yellow tube stripes on the red helmet would look cool!
  12. I did it first with just the white helmet and it just stood out too much against the other colors, then I decided red for the helmet would be best since the emblem on the chest has a red helmet on it!
  13. My wife absolutely HATES the idea of this, but I don't really care what she thinks. It's a mash up of my two favorite things: Superman and Stormtroopers and that's what's appealing to me about it.
  14. I was thinking about the recent Spiderman and Captain America stormtrooper incarnations as seen here: I was thinking about what it would be like to mix Superman with a Stormtrooper. I took a photo of me in my armor and colored on top of it just to get a feel for what it would look like. What do you think? Vote above.
  15. Hi Alex, it sounds like an AM kit would work very well with your body type, just do yourself a favor and buy the "lite" kit w/o the helmet and buy a more accurate helmet here on the boards.
  16. Nice armor and great attention to details. This is my fav photo: "How NOT to hold your gun"!
  17. His name, phone number, email and physical address are all listed there if you want to get ahold of him and yell at him properly!
  18. Wow, great photos, great looking armor! what the freak is wrong with people at the subway that they aren't even batting an eye at your presence?
  19. Wow, it looks really great on you, well done! My only suggestion would be to get a black under shirt that is tighter/more form fitting so it's not so baggy around the elbows. Congrats on the build!
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