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Everything posted by synaptyx

  1. First time I've seen your armour Billy. That's absolutely awesome, mate.
  2. That would be torture. Been there, done that.
  3. His prices for replacements are mental. As Mark says, you're probably better off getting and AP/TE2 belt front and getting a canvas belt to back it from one of the several guys on this very forum.
  4. This is the progress report as of this morning. New D-ring hand made and installed: Trigger guard and back cap catch: Close up of back cap catch: Left side, sowing new aluminium front sight:
  5. I've been too much of a wuss to do it, so I've been working on my blaster. I will have to bite the bullet and do it very soon.
  6. You seem much happier now Brad, judging by the smiley ratio.
  7. Hi there. Thanks for the offer, but I'm putting a real Hengstler on there.
  8. You must do what you feel is right, of course. Personally, I would have a difficult time faced with the choice you will make and I can't make that choice for you. I had a friend in a similar situation; new house, or TB armour. He made his choice and is totally happy with it. You will find the means to satisfy both choices and this could be at different times. Ask yourself how you can achieve this. You know that you know what the right choice is for you and you have already made it, Brad, you just have to do what you need to do to make peace with it. HTH!
  9. It is unfortunate that Lucasfilm see fit to licence inaccurate armour instead of speaking to fan 'professionals.' You know, people who make armour out of love (as well as ABS and HIPS .)
  10. Not given enough screen time and wiped out completely pointlessly to be given cool status. Maul should have survived and done all the things the, frankly rubbish Dooku did, but more evilly! He deserved better that one off Sith thug.
  11. Hi guys. Jez and I are now seeding the .iso image of the DVD via torrent. If you can't get it, or if you need help with torrents, drop me a PM. If your ISP blocks torrents, or you really can't get the hang of it, I'll take THREE names to send discs to (world wide) on the condition that each of you come back to this thread and each of you ask for three people to send a copy to in return, that way people don't get left out and no one person is out of pocket for all the postage and discs. Sound fair? Get the torrent here------------
  12. I have had the pleasure of trying Colin's bucket on and I can vouch for how sweet it is. There's a lot of love in that bucket. The details are all painted very well, the interior is really astounding, the fans are great. I can get it on and it's a snug comfortable fit. If my SDS Battlespec turns out half as good as Colin's AP, I'll be a very happy trooper. Great bucket, mate.
  13. I've seen a pic or two, but they are actually very difficult to make out. Can't seem to find the pics now.
  14. Thanks guys, most appreciated. Naked painting will commence after Christmas day. (I've got two trays of baklava to make tomorrow.)
  15. I think what Paul meant was to have it online as a webpage/site so that it would be easy to update as we're always finding out something new about the costumes.
  16. I set out to modify my SDS Battlespec's teeth over the weekend and this is how it went... Oh the horror! Here I'm in the middle of peeling off the wonky grey stickers covering the teeth (surely that can't be an economic option.) Ah, that's better. Nice shiny white teef, thanks to Colin's needle file set.! A little sanding at the back to pull the flaky bits off still to do. Still need to get the Humbrol out (thanks again Colin!) Not sure about masking in the frown. Anybody got good tips for that?
  17. Good point mate. I had an idea about laying it all out as an image map of a trooper front, back and sides per armour section then accessories, then being able to update the sub-page dedicated to each section. Sorry, the old web design brain working overtime.
  18. Hi Jez, Got the torrent! As I said in email just waiting on the download starting. For those having difficulty or are otherwise unable to get the .torrent. I propose that we do the get 1 send 3 system that has served in the Blade Runner fan community for years. I burn three and send it to three people who then each burn three and send them to three others. Not as complex as it sounds, and lets face it a single layer DVDR + post is pennies these days. I'll ask for three names once I have all the data from Jez. Cheers!
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