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Everything posted by TK:TK

  1. burnt red velveteen neck seals? (sigh)... we don't have to switch over to burnt red velveteen neckseals, do we? (please say no....)
  2. I'm a stay-at-home dad (aka "Mr. Mom"). When the tots are asleep for the night, I work on my other career as a graphic designer. I do print publications (textbook layouts, catalogs, annual reports, etc).
  3. Great job! Very impressive. It's sure to be on many people's "must-have" list. Suddenly this hobby just got a lot more expensive.....
  4. TK:TK

    mother's day

    Altess.... Since you are the FISD mom (by general acclamation), let me be the first to wish you a very Happy Mother's Day.
  5. I'm NOT an English grammar geek (really), and this may seem arcane, but I really cannot stand it when people use the word "impact" as a verb. "Impact" is a noun. Recently, dictionaries have started to include it as a verb (sigh), but many editing and style guides still cringe over this incorrect useage.
  6. Very good! What a happy accident that the photos came out blurry - it was great to see video instead of stills. It's great to see not just the particulars of the armour, but how it's animated. And the audio really makes it all come alive. I'm impressed.... I really need to get a system into my bucket....
  7. $15.00/hour here too. Of course, my kids can be such a handful, that I feel I'm getting a bargain at that rate. Here's another definition of "depression is..." Depression is trying to bid on Smitty's CS1 blaster on ebay last night. As the clock ticks down, my login keeps failing. Again and again I keep trying my password. Just as time runs out, I figure it out: I had a typo in my user ID! I made up some new swears last night. Strung them together with some of the old reliable ones. I was making compound complex sentences of pure profanity. Whole paragraphs of swears.... Grrrrrrr.....
  8. I'm called a geek and/or nerd all the time - and that's just from my wife. I'm not sure the pejorative has as much sting as it used to. If someone wants to insult me they really ought to use some more imagination. I find that people are very enthusiastic about the armour. Of course, some do the obligatory dance of being shocked and above-it-all first. But they are usually the ones who can't wait to get their hands on it.
  9. Those kids are probably in their 40s by now.... (gulp)
  10. TK:TK

    one mean uncle

    It's clear that you are corrupting the child beyond repair. No, seriously... it's brilliant and I think that as your nephew grows up he will always cherish what a good uncle you are. The armour and the letter from Darth Vader will become part of your family's folklore and they will be telling and retelling it at your wake. However, I think the Death Star in lieu of moon story was the best. Very clever....
  11. Helmet and photos look great. It appears that the inside is inscribed: "To Kevin...." Hey! That's me! Please send the helmet to me at....... http://forum.whitearmor.net/style_emoticon...fault/laugh.gif
  12. Man, talk about inside baseball...... TK1491 is right.... The tape on the belt is a great touch! Very clever. Very funny.
  13. I always thought that the blue stripes were part of some sort of ventilation system because, well.... they look like vents. Assuming this is true, Mr. No Stripes is slowly asphyxiating himself. Every word of dialogue he utters gets him one step closer to death as the CO2 levels inside his helmet reach dangerous levels. Let us hope that he gets a properly working helmet soon, so we can all breathe easier.
  14. I'm gaining on it. I need a decent blaster, a holster, and a canvas belt. Unfortunately there there just aren't enough gift-giving holidays to get this done quickly. Perhaps I'll try to have an extra birthday this year...
  15. Easy. Lawyers cost hundreds of dollars per hour.
  16. It isn't about who wins or loses. It's about having fun. ...And the Giants had 3 points more fun. Clearly the Force was with them.
  17. TK:TK

    just a thought

    Ryan, you gave a better answer than I ever would. When my brother asked me why I have TK armour, I looked at him straight in the eye and exclaimed, "Look what the rebels did to the Death Star! Look at what they tried to do to Darth Vader! We have to be ready! WE HAVE TO STOP THEM!!!..." My brother just looked at me and changed the subject to the weather.
  18. James - Keep your hair long. There are three reasons why guys grow their hair long: 1) because they can; 2) because they can; and 3) because they can. As a former longhair, I know that people really gave me grief as I was growing it out (as if they could change it), but once it was long enough (below shoulder length) they accepted it and shut up. Tie it/roll it when wearing the bucket. If you have an FX helmet, you ought to be able to park a car in it too. It's not as if short-hairs are cooler in armour - they're sweating bullets as well.
  19. When I was dating my wife-to-be I always expressed an interest in getting TK armour. She would smile and think to herself, "just keep smiling and pray this won't ever happen...." A few years after we got married, I was zeroing in on buying armour, and in my attempts to include her, would bore her with the arcane details of what was the best buy, etc... Finally, in complete exasperation she blurted out, "just buy something and don't go on and on about this vs. that!" She bought some peace and quiet and I bought myself some armour. When she saw the bill, she was really upset, and more horrified that I would wear it out in public. However, the reaction from friends, family, and neighbors was pretty good. In fact, when guests come to visit they often want to try on the helmet and maybe even some armour. She's amused by it, but still keeps up the pretense of being horrified about the whole thing.
  20. Hmmmm... New Years in armour? That's an interesting idea... I'm certain my wife will hate it. Funny how New Years Day is sort of a special day to exhibit insane behavior. If I wore the armour around people would look at me strangely and say, "I don't get it." But if I jumped into the freezing cold harbor as a TK, that would make sense and they'd completely understand it.
  21. "And so, as Tiny Tim observed, May the Force be with us, every one!" - Charles Dickens (sort of...)
  22. TK:TK

    energy sinks

    I was flipping through the "The Complete Visual Dictionary of Star Wars" yesterday, and - I am ashamed to admit - I learned that the drop boxes actually serve a very valuable function. I never realized that they were "energy sinks" to help the armour absorb blaster hits. Amazing. This explains why I have not yet been felled by a blaster bolt. But really, what does FISD call them? Do we go along with the authors who may have been dreaming up details after the fact, or do we stick with "drop boxes"?
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