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Everything posted by TK:TK

  1. I just read through your tutorial on the E-11 blaster. Amazing.... You'll never get through airport security with that!
  2. I'm no expert, but I'd hazard that if ANH was produced today, stormtroopers would be entirely digital and completely symmetrical. But I really like the asymmetry of the ANH helmets. I remember an art teacher admonishing us students that painting/drawing was not about how precise we could render something - that's what photography was for. It was the unevenness, the line, and the feel that made art... art. In the ANH helmets, I appreciate the unevenness of the tumblehome, the asymmetry of the cheek tubes, and the stye in the right eye. I also think the asymmetry created a better character on film. As helmets turn from full to 3/4 views the asymmetry adds a dynamic that I suspect would have been missing if symmetrical (static) helmets had been used. Now ignore everything I have said, and listen to the experts....
  3. The 17th and 18th are fast approaching and none of you have contributed to the "Send-Kevin-to-London Fund" (grrrrrrrrrr).... Seriously, would some FISD member go to the Open House, take photos, quiz AA, etc. and post what they saw? It would be appreciated by me...
  4. Great post! Reading it, I was sweating bullets for you. You turned it around brilliantly...
  5. To quote George Herbert W. Bush: perhaps it's a vision thing. Seriously, I wonder if you're straining to maintain some sight lines when you have the helmet on. Since the field of vision is so limited with the helmet on, you may unintentionally be twisting or straining your neck to maintain a view. The cumulative effect could be painful. Tinker with some padding and adjusting how the helmet sits on your head. A small change could make a big difference.
  6. TK:TK


    This might take us all down a peg or two... My three year old son is really excited by the whole stormtrooper thing and he loves my armour. Every night before he goes to bed he studies the photo taped to the wall of the two of us together. He is in his Halloween costume, I am in armour. It's very sweet. Tonight he points to the cod piece, and laughs, "I like your underwear!" My God, I see his point! It's a wonder Fruit of the Loom isn't suing AA as well.... My face is still red.
  7. I took my kids out trick-or-treating with my armour and helmet. I was amazed by the reaction. Man, was it fun - I had more fun than the kids.... People really appreciated the accuracy of the suit. Their amazement went beyond the mere surprise or novelty of the armour. The loved the realism. The color, the glossy sheen. ...And the all wanted to know where I got it. One kid asked me if I was really in the movie. A group of fathers were amazed. They quizzed me about the suit, and joked that they wanted to trick-or-treat with me. Down the road, another father came up to me - and apologizing - said he just had to knock on my armour to see if it was for real. He announced to his companions, "Oh, yeah, that's real!" Shouts of "cool costume" could be heard whenever I came into view. A young kid surprised me by noticing in that it was ANH style. Another was impressed by the neckseal. One boy kept circling around me. Only when his parents called him repeatedly did he walk away. And one parent, walking past me said, "Aren't you a little short to be a stormtrooper?"
  8. Great rework on the frown. It's interesting to see how such a detail can really change the whole look. It's far more sinister now.
  9. Congratulations TK8280! Well done. It looks great. Now that there are 10 troopers with Elite status. Now can we ban the FX helmet? (just trying to cause trouble.... I couldn't resist... )
  10. TK:TK


    Turns out that I might wear my TK armour for a Halloween party and when taking the kids trick-or-treating. In the event that I run into a Darth Vader, what should I do? Do stormtroopers salute? And how what does it look like? When watching ANH, all I noticed is that the stormtroopers stand at "extra-attention" when Vader enters. There must be something else, though. Your thoughts?...
  11. TK:TK

    Lost my Job.

    Your cousin fired you? Amazing. What a jerk. The upside is that you no longer work for such a jerk. There are a lot better bosses out there. Best of luck...
  12. Let's can the FX bucket for Elite status. It's not only because the the FX is too big, but rather because it's such a casually-informed interpretation of what a trooper helmet looks like. It's a true caricature: the eyes are wrong, the frown is ridiculous, the cheek/side tubes are out of control, and the overall shape is more like a large coffee can rather than a curved helmet. (phew... it feels good to get that off my chest)... But to continue: I don't think the matter should be decided by a vote of FX bucketeers with Elite status. Although the status is granted by FISD, it's essentially a public acknowledgement of what we all consider to be the best. Grandfather those already with Elite status. They really did earn it at a time when things were different (a time when it was a lot harder to assemble a good suit). But thanks to everyone's hard work and rising awareness, standards are changing. Eliminating the FX would be a good way to recognize that.
  13. Amen! My head is spinning....
  14. Call it low "movie comprehension" but there are things I never picked up from the SW films. I never picked up that the Stormtroopers had canvas belts.... but now I'm spending my time angling to either make or buy a canvas belt. and I never -ever - noticed in the movies that the stormtroopers had holsters. It's a complete surprise to me. But now I'm trying to see how to build or buy one. Any others?
  15. This thread is a great example of the value of the FISD forum. Curse this knowledge you've all given me!.... Previously I would have been content with the Kenner, but now.... Could anyone post screen grabs of SW blasters vs. the Kenner, Hyperfirm, Pipe blaster, etc????
  16. The blaster looks great. The neckseal looks even better. Where did you get it? The thigh pieces look too short (sigh... the bane of the FX suit)
  17. Excellent idea. That would be a great thread! Now if everyone would chip in and pay my way (and many expenses), I'd be happy to make the trip myself.... (insert laughter here).
  18. The armour looks great and it fits well too. Well done! I'm trying to learn (stress on "trying") to distingush makes of armour, but on yours I'm not so certain. What maker/model do you have?
  19. I saw Star Wars when it first hit theatres. I was 12. I had no idea what it was about. I saw no prerelease promotions and had read no reviews. My brother has merely told me that it was "a science fiction movie." I was blown away by the first scene. The onion skin layer of atmosphere on the planet below seemed so real. When the two ships passed overhead I remember thinking "Of course, in the vacuum of space there is no need for smooth-hulled ships!" (Man, am I a geek...) However, as much as I was captivated by those details, I was fascinated by the Sand and Stormtroopers. When the M. Falcon was being sucked into the Death Star, the shot of the two (Special Ops) troopers outside caught my imagination. Armour, which seemed so medieval, was now so surprisingly suitable for surviving all the environments of space travel, as well as surviving the arid heat of Tatoonine. This armour is amazing stuff - I must have some! When Solo and Skywalker were in the control room pulling on armour, having armour seemed like such a kick. And when Luke went into the cell block to rescue Princess Leia (who AT THE TIME seemed like a love interest) the armour seemed so necessary for getting the girl (even though she played hard to get). Later (after seeing the movie several more times), I tried to make a suit out of paper mache. Don't try it. It's impossible. I mentally mothballed for the stormtrooper armour idea for years, but a chance article in the daily paper about the 501st got it going again. I now have armour it's as cool now as it was then.
  20. I have the AA/SDS armour and helmet and I think they're great. The weight is nice, the trimming has been done right, and overall they best evoke the look from the movie. The color matching is appreciated. The plastic is milky white - not blue. Is SDS expensive? I remember seeing a suit for sale about a dozen years ago that costs $6,000 (no joke - at that price I assumed that the blaster must really work). So, I was well over "sticker shock" when I saw the SDS prices. Besides, the SDS stuff is already assembled (not that it doesn't require a lot of personal outfitting). I have three small children and the opportunity to assemble a suit is nonexistent. The kit would still be sitting in a box. One of the indulgent joys to owning an AA/SDS is the cache it offers. When I show friends the armour, it's wonderful to just be able to succintly say that it's made by the guy who made the originals. There's no long-winded treatise about other sculpts, or degrees of screen-accuracy. We can reverently sit and take it its coolness - until the kids start crying (see above re: the three small children).
  21. Very impressive. Armour not only has to look accurate, it has to fit properly. Congratulations on both points. Plus, you animate it with a cool sinister quality.
  22. While surfing around I stopped by the SDS/AA site. There is this notice: "LATEST NEWS! Allocation of supply restricts orders accepted from the USA until April 2008" What's up with that?
  23. "Combat Ready" is growing on me. I like it. It suggests a higher standard of readiness and realism.
  24. I've seen a lot of posts about shims needed for connecting the front and back of the abdomen clamshell, but I have the opposite problem, and I'd appreciate some opinions. I have an SDS suit (which is great in every way), but not only do the front and back pieces of the clamshell touch, but they could stand to overlap about a half inch on either side. As I snug in the velcro straps, should the back flange overlap, or should it all tuck behind the front piece?
  25. I wish the FX had better color matching. The suit is too chalk/blue white. It doesn't match the warm white and high gloss I see in the movies.
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