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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Everything posted by TheRascalKing

  1. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO this thread has been all over the place, but I'd like to get this conversation started back up now that we've seen the same "Remnant" Stormtroopers in Season 1 and Season 2 and multiple toys under that name. The Pathfinders Detachment has also set precedent with their new Mandalorian Scout CRL. If someone makes it, will a Remnant Stormtrooper be given strong consideration for a new CRL? I believe there is enough reference to warrant it. If not, can the SE-14R be added as an optional blaster for the Rogue One CRL? And should it be updated to include clean white TK's from Solo, The Mandalorian, and upcoming properties, perhaps under a renamed "New Generation" or "Non-Saga" Stormtrooper CRL? Let's get some answers/guidance from leadership and let's get this moving! What would be different? - ANH TK helmet (optional?) - specific (non-Sandy) weathering - Thermal Detonator (optional?) - SE-14R or RO E-11 optional What else...?
  2. AMAZING, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm stoked to see a lady win this huge honor as our 500th - representation matters, and it's even better when it also showcases EXCELLENCE in this hobby! Great work and welcome to Centurion!
  3. Yup. Unless you want a cheap Halloween quality costume. Joseph's suggestions are solid. I'd make recommendations, but they wouldn't be UK-specific (like DarmanProps for the holster and neckseal), so your best bet may be seeing what other UKG members who have submitted for Centurion wore.
  4. This all makes sense and I support even spacing moving forward. But if that's the consensus, I also support it being added to the CRL wording so people are more aware.
  5. I use it and it works well. It's probably just soapy water, but who knows lol I use a small screwdriver to pick the decal up so I don't touch the underside much, then float it into place, then rub out the liquid from the center out. Sucks those decals are so pricey, but they look good and there aren't any other options I'm aware of :/
  6. Dan started a new thread in case anyone wants to weigh in further. I thought it was odd that Max received his feedback via PM, but whatever... To my knowledge, he also clarified that the feedback was required to be corrected, not suggested, despite not being mentioned clearly in the CRL. I believe we have corrected everything anyways, so we'll post photos and try to get this moving soon.
  7. Hey Dan! Very helpful stuff, and thanks for posting a new thread! Here I go starting trouble again... Your average member probably hasn't had enough submissions (personal or mentees) at the higher levels to care enough to gripe about this stuff, but someone should! If there is enough reference as to the thigh ammo pack location floating around for us to say that with confidence and enforce it at high levels of approval, as it sounds like there very well may be, I would suggest strongly that some guidance as to its placement be added to the CRL. I realize that the CRLs can't capture every minute detail of the costume, but the ANH-S is sometimes vague by comparison to, say, the Rogue One update, despite the incredible amount of research and reference. I agree that the bar for Basic should be accessible, but the higher levels challenging - but only if the requirements are clear in the CRL and consistently applied by the DOs (who I appreciate and respect, and who I know are pushing us all to be better!). It doesn't help that one of the more major armor makers' ammo pack is pre-bent, and when applied to the knee in most circumstances, WANTS to sit with the box centered. I know that isn't the DO's problem (and clearly was a lesson learned for me), but it makes more sense to press the vendor for possible change if it is made clear in the CRL. Thin ammo box strips can crack pretty easy, but thick ones aren't easy to heat-bend to the thigh ridge shape after the fact. Just some thoughts for consideration!
  8. Oh man, I might like this one even more! Heck yea! I'm not surprised that the design was very intentional and that all makes total sense! Just offering another opinion. Some great design elements in both though and I'm very excited to see what we end up with! Despite being the largest detachment in the Legion, FISD hasn't always been known for their incredible (or drama-free) merch, so I'd be happy to pay a bit more for something truly distinctive for this occasion if that tempers anyone's design efforts. Great work and much appreciated!
  9. Yup! I helped Max with a bunch of corrections this weekend, including: - pulling his forearms apart and tapering them down at the wrist, while still trying to keep them in shape - trimming his ammo belt and moving the rivet covers out towards the edge slightly - trimming his back armor plate lower corners - adding material to the back of his thigh armor to close the lower gap between halves - removing his knee ammo belt and recentering it. A little salty on this one - the AM belt is very clearly intentionally pre-curved to have the center ammo box centered on the cover strip, as it was originally applied. Trying to shift it required heat bath bending it, which started causing the thick ABS to crack slightly at the box. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if mods like this are going to be called out and required at Centurion, they should be stated clearly in the CRL. Nowhere does it say it needs to be centered/even/etc. on any certain point. Fixing this after the fact and having to fill the hole with ABS slurry is pretty frustrating and could have been avoided with a clear CRL, especially as the piece itself does not lend itself to be mounted this way easily for troopers with larger thighs. - starting the process of adding clips to the posterior to prevent it from seperating/flaring Anyways, he's on his way and we'll retake his approval photos with the updates in the next week or so... Still 3 spots left and we hope to ensure he's one of them!
  10. Only a couple of good options out there currently (RESEARCH, as above!) that I'm aware of. I love my Jimmi helmet, but Nico's is a little more accurate and gorgeous if finished properly. Jimmiroquai - one piece fiberglass, Philippines-based (this one is mine!) HeadShot Props - resin cast, US based (Brent Seymour recently posted this one to FISD) ---------- Nico Henderson - sells a wonderful 3D-print file (this one was finished expertly by Paul Prentice) --------- ...or Modify a Black Series! There are a couple of threads floating around on how to do this. Also remember to pair it with the correct armor if you plan on submitting. The only quality makers currently available to my knowledge are 850 Armor Works and HeadShot Props in ABS (not my favorite, the pulls are soft and therefor require mixed media), and Jimmiroquai in flexible fiberglass, which is more accurate but a little different to work with. Both materials will require a full paintjob. And just remember, they're still white armor, not rouge
  11. Uhhh, WOW! So straight out of the gate, LOVE THIS! I do have some constructive feedback that I think would make it even better though! The front looks outstanding and I dig the big TK helmet design! I would consider making the XV more prominent though - maybe just by switching to GOLD or something? The helmets on the back are an AMAZING touch as well and it's so fun to see all the different helmets represented! I might switch out the Concept trooper since so few of those are around and do one another of the OT helmets instead... I know it's on the front, but most of us are OTTKs, so it would be nice to have some variation of a classic on the back. The edge of the coin also looks thinner than on the front and may be nice to have it be consistent. And finally, I like the laurels, but maybe we could do a big (gold?) XV in the center instead of the DLT, with laurels on each side? Maybe I have the Praetorian X's haunting my dreams still...
  12. Learning the skills to build and repair your armor is one of the best parts of costuming, but I do wish you good luck, as finding someone to give guidance in person can be very helpful (though challenging in these COVID times...) - for that, I would still look to your local unit as gatherings and armor parties are finally starting to be planned again as conditions improve. Let us know if you need help finding their forum or often Facebook page/group. I would definitely look more into the threads Glen linked before hiring out... you'd be surprised what you can learn, and many of the frustrations or worries you have now may already be addressed and documented in one of those threads! Bondo is relatively straight forward, and as to paint - a $30USD mini-spray booth like this in the yard or garage can be a HUGE help, or finding a flexible autobody shop to do the final paint may also be a great option (Fiat 249 white?!)! I did most of the prep at my living room coffee table or on my patio (before building a garage workbench), and I rattle-canned my entire ROTK with Rust-Oleum 2X White and plan to do the same for my FOTK project. Where there's a will, there's a way and we're here to help if you have any specific questions! The Imperial Surplus kit is wonderful, so you're off to a good start, and most of the ABS FOTKs go together the same, so you can probably use any of the KB, 850, etc build threads for inspiration - just be thorough in your research and patient - accept that mistakes will be made, then overcome! We ALL started somewhere. :)
  13. Nice! I did the ANH to ESB conversion on my Anovos kit a while back - feel free to check out my thread if it helps! The look definitely grew on me as well and it really isn't that hard of a project once you already have the base suit... Best of luck, let us know if we can support! https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/49367-therascalkings-esb-anovos-tk-conversion-thread/
  14. I'd keep looking for the Wedco/Garage Boss style pan, as you'll need to mod the bottom of this one and it looks a bit too narrow. We strive for some consistency across packs and it is closest to the ideal dimensions without significant modification (just cut the filler necks off and patch over). They're back on Amazon and not terribly expensive. There's also this group for support if you're on Facebook! https://www.amazon.com/GarageBOSS-GB150-Quart-Drain-Funnel/dp/B01I7275GY https://www.facebook.com/groups/1397219333684032
  15. Honestly, if the TM shim pieces aren't close enough in color for your taste, I'd consider selling it and going with an AM or PandaMOD kit. Anovos are notoriously difficult to fit to larger troopers and may not be the best choice for your body type. /$0.02
  16. Well dang, I wasn't 100% certain until now that it was required, but I guess I have my answer. My blaster has been on order from @Hellhounds for some time, but I know he just moved studios and is a bit behind, so hopefully I'll have it in hand and pictures added soon. With Hyperfirm gone (good riddance) and Praetorian on hold after the hurricanes, I'm not sure any people are offering other options (and I don't own a 3D printer, or like printed blasters, and don't want a S&T metal one because conventions). Please let me know if there are any other required fixes you notice in the meantime!
  17. Just out of curiosity, would this rule exclude entire Garrisons located in countries that prohibit the import or possession of even replica firearms? Not a huge fan of that idea. It also adds an additional cost to the costume that some may find prohibitive to pursuing higher levels of certification.
  18. Received my approval today, 3/9/21 and submitted for EIB!
  19. I SEE YOU ARDESHIR lol Preorder a Black Series?
  20. Mandatory Information Costume = Stormtrooper, Rogue One Costume CRL Link = https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TK_rogue_one Name = Justin R. TKID = 61490 Forum Name = TheRascalKing Legion Profile = https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=26076 Garrison/Squad = Southern California Garrison, Orange County Squad Armor = Jimmiroquai Helmet = Jimmiroquai Optional Information Height = 6ft 0in, or 183cm Weight = 175lbs, or 80kg Boots = Imperial Boots, Trooper Gloves = Endor Finders, Rogue One Trooper Gloves Undersuit & Neck Seal = Jimmiroquai, tailored Blaster = Praetorian Blasters Rogue One E-11 Armor Photos Helmet Off (unadjusted) Full Body Front Full Body Back Full Right Full Left Action Shot Helmet Front Back Left Right Interior Hovi Tip/Vocoder Detail Tube Stripe/Ear Bump Detail Neck Seal / Under Suit Shoulder Straps Shoulder Armor / Upper Arm Armor Forearm Armor Gloves / Hand Plates Chest Armor Detail Back Armor Detail Abdomen Armor Detail Cod / Posterior Armor Detail Kidney Armor Belt Thermal Detonator Thigh Armor Ammo Pack Detail Lower Leg Armor/Snipe Knee Detail Boots Blaster @justjoseph63, @shashachu, @TKSpartan thanks for looking!
  21. Received approval from my GML today, WOOT! Posting up for EIB shortly!
  22. Thank you! Ugh, those photos are only there to show the side connectors under the arm, so I didn't retake them... but I "fixed" it for you!
  23. Updated the pics from the back after trimming my posterior and fiddling with my strapping!
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