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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by TheSwede

  1. You have to feed them with armor parts, only way to get them happy....
  2. just make sure to remove all of the lower lip/return edge
  3. Ah, that`s too bad, I guess painting it is then...I would go with plasti dip, can be peeled of and just might "soak" up some marker-paint but that`s just me guessing - hope it works out
  4. It might not show when your head is in there blacking it out, tape it together and try it on first
  5. Thanks this was only my 3rd troop and the 2nd was the day Before I had such a great time and can`t wait for the next opportunity
  6. My Anovos ShadowTrooper was the same, I smerared it with several layers of abs-paste and it became a lot better, not worried anymore
  7. Just found some great pics from the local paper EDIT: I´m pointing the blaster AWAY from the youngling...a bit hard to see were I point it so just to clarify
  8. Just found an article in the local paper and there were som great shots I had to share EDIT: I´m pointing the blaster AWAY from the youngling...a bit hard to see so just to clarify.
  9. From Stockholm Sweden on the 12th (with a lucky winner of a free ticket Contest) I´m the OTTK) Yesterday at the local cinema Hope you all have a blast - I know I did
  10. Totally know the feeling, about to start my 3rd build but the excitment is just as strong as the first time and like Brien said: Enjoy your build
  11. Winner of the TV4 neworks ticket Contest on the 12th, had no idea at the time
  12. Yesterday I had my second TLJ troop: 4 1/2h straight without break and the TM suit performed lika a charm, helmet constructed like the movie ones with starshaped foam and chinstrap (no fans or anything) and absolutely no fogging of the lens even despite some running action chasing Rey It was a great turn-up througout with a lot of "DAMN!" moments when visitors spotted us lots of selfies and a couple "wow you`re reallyt sexy in that thing" We had an incident just outside the Cinema when a strange individual attacked our Kylo trying to knock him down! Fortunatly he could break free and the individual went away, at that time it was just Kylo and myself outside and it really pointed out that you shouldent be without a supporter/handler....except that it all was a big sucess and the Cinema recorded an action sequence and said they would edit it with blaster shots and everything and send us a copy
  13. Thanks for the boost and haha yeah I think she got nervous seeing all the cool costumes I got to be intevjued but they never uploaded it oh well had a super time all the same
  14. Happy birthday! and great way of spending it, nice progress
  15. Another a bit shorter clip https://www.tv4play.se/program/nyheterna?video_id=3948225&utm_medium=sharing&utm_source=permalink&utm_campaign=tv4play.se
  16. Hey And haha yeah well, felt awkward not holding a blaster and to stand with arms just hanging down felt strange to so I just did what the guy next to me did...the 2.0m gigantic FOTK making me look like waaaaay to short to be a Stormtrooper But I had a great time, got to be intervjued but somehow that clip is missing The gap on the right shoulder annoyed me when I saw it, someone should have spotted and pushed it in
  17. Not that I want to rub it in but.....gonna troop and see it again this evening
  18. TLJ troop (just got home) had an awesome time and it was great to get the opportunity to see the sneak prewiev https://www.tv4play.se/program/nyheterna?video_id=3948224&utm_medium=sharing&utm_source=permalink&utm_campaign=tv4play.se Not that I do much in this video but still
  19. You could always try that it`s a different type...this is a Sandtrooper and not at all the same Agreed!
  20. The elastic should be able to close that, can they be shortened for more pull? And there's always be some gap with "hook" closure....for a tight fit on the seem velcro is the better option however not screen accurate put it on and we can have a look (If you haven't removed the elastic already)
  21. Ain`t that the truth when it comes to beeing a Stromtrooper And you should...because...why not??
  22. You totally got me there Tony - busted - You did a great job on yours and so you look amazing in your Stunt...Now...GET that EIB app in!!
  23. Thanks Dan, your most kind It`s hard to wrong with such amazing armor
  24. Haha that man is a machine! All those costumes and contstantly trooping - He`s way out of my League He leads by example, here`s to you Q
  25. Here`s the screen accurate way with 2inch elastic (left arm is top) It works like a charm
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