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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by TheSwede

  1. Name: Daniel Melin TK ID: 99665 Garrison: Nordic Garrison Forum name: TheSwede Armor maker: TM (troopermaster) Helmet maker: TM (troopermaster) Blaster: E11 Imperial Warfighters Hight: 5'10 Weight: 202lbs Thank you for your consideration /TK 99665
  2. From the looks of it you can trim more, mobility is not great but it`s a good thing to be able to put on/remove the helmet on your own and as for the black showing, most of the time you carry a blaster so with the elbows beeing bent hardly any black is showing. (RS suit for reference). Just to be sure not to trim more than you have to it`s a good thing to have the torso on with the shoulder bell and arms temporary connected (tape on inside works great) and then se how much mobility you have. Things tend to be different when strapt together compaired to just bits and pieces
  3. That`s for the back of shins only (just to be clear) to help hide the gap/seem, in the Movie they used elastic and hooks to close the shins and as they flexed a bigger strip hides it better. So 25 is the way to go on the shins Agreed - for those furtunate TK:s that "fit the standard as per Movie" one just have to do the best with what one got And...I´ll do my best to help out as all of us do, you have got solid advise so far - Troopers helping Troopers
  4. That`s the screen accurate way of doing it and it works great (in my opinion) just make a loop on the elastic, glue to the thigh - done But there are a other options too that also works great, only a matter of preference. I just like to do it as they did for the movie
  5. Thanks for the Kudos Greg And...I´m a bit late to the party so the questions have been answered, however I would like to mention the arm to leg-ratio, I wouldn`t go that big on the leg ,unless you really have to, at the 25-isch mark the cover strips start to look big and it would be better to keep closer to canon size even though the arm is a bit bigger. Other than that I agree with all above
  6. And that`s what matters - beeing happy
  7. Looks like the thighs will fit you fine, perhaps some fine-tuning in the back but like Daryl said - don`t cut any until you are absolutely sure. How cool is this - awesome! Did you try and sneak in?
  8. The front dosen`t need to be canon for any level of approval but keeping cover strips screen accurate (front and back) is what to strive for, however, if the builder is a bigger person it will look better if the cover strip for biceps are 18 front/back rather than having the front at 15 and the back at 21. But that`s ultimatly up to the builder
  9. Happy BBB-day and welcome to the World of Stormtroopers
  10. WOW - that looks awesome! Blaster AND holiday pic
  11. Yes Edit for clarity: thigh - back of knee
  12. Then I suggest you start by removing some from the back of thighs (a dremmel works great) sand it smooth and yes you might have to cut and sand again but sometimes the sanding makes it less unfomfortable allowing you to keep more return than you first thought. It`s also important that the thighs are in their right position/hight before any triming for comfort starts.
  13. How much return is left? And no rush, get some sleep and then try them on and post some pics and we`ll get you sorted ones your ready
  14. When trimming the back of thighs and shins for mobility one should strive to remove as little as possible and in my opinoin try and avoid it all together, simply doesen`t look good...but....that`s just me and the general public at a troop won`t notice so I´m not trying to put you of triming it`s totally up to you, just offering my take on the matter and others feel different and puts mobility before looks
  15. No - interior strapping doesn`t affect any level of approval - then why the photos? To show others how you have done it so they can copy if they liked it. But it`s a great felling knowing your suit is assembled just like they did it for the Movie, it is for me anyways and... it works really well
  16. And...at 5"7 your at exact "Luke-hight"...so how about a Hero?
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