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About ask382

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    Porsgrun, Norway

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  1. Has anyone reviewed a kit yet?? I understand this takes time, and the complications and all, but this is getting ridiculous......
  2. Hi Absolutly love Your work, you did what I was unable to do If You ever feel like sharing Your helmet files, i would love to try and print one
  3. So I finaly did it ​I orderd a kit I cant wait for next year to get here, hopefully it will arive in time to be completed before episode 8
  4. i have put a kit in my chart, and im seriously considering getting it.. only thing thats holding me back is i don't know what the shipping is going to be.... they dont ship to norway, but i have found a freight Company to deal whit that issue, but they wont say what the shipping is inside the us to that Companys addres........... does anyobne hava anny ideas?? they are located in New jearsy...
  5. ounds right to me, but if somone realy knows, feel free to chime inn
  6. Althoug I can't say what I would be like in armor yet (it's not done) I feel pretty much the same way. I do feel I can get along With almost anyone, but I would rather not if i had a Choice ​ I would rather stay at ho​me feteling, or watching something With my loved once, then be out partying, I do og to the odd party, but only at verry Close friends houses, and I newer bother going out to town. atleast not for the past 13 years Some might cal me borring, but we are not all alike, and that's a good thing ​
  7. this should be a rather easy math exercise 2600mAh batery, 1 A Draw = 2600mAh = 2.6Ah 1Ah/2.6Ah = 2.6h so if the batery is working as it should, and the fan has no "exsess" Draw, it should run for 2.6 hours, wich we can round Down to 2.5 hours, wich leads me to belive that the fan probably doesn't Draw exsactly 1 A Do you know the Wat output of the fan?? if it is rated at 1A an​d the battery is 5V then it should be P = U x I wich is 5V x 1A = 5W Given Your times, I'm guestemating the fan is about 3.5W - 4W wich i figgure from 2.6Ah / 3.5h = 0.742Ah wich again is 5V x 0.742 = 3.71W Then there is the resistance of thhe wires themselvs to considder, but given the short length, we can safely asume it doens't realy affect the use time The Math is sound, but then again, it might just be wariations in the powerbanks
  8. thanx for the thip need to find a copy of 3d s max then I'we done the extracting the pep files bit but I'we used meshmixer to smoth, and well, it's not that good lol ​ I just figgured, it wil need smothing out post print, when glued together Btw, you should have a look at the CRL reference info I know the arms needs changing a little, the center part whit the Box it's all smooth in the files, but needs to be different, you wil know when you se the Picture but i think the rest of the files are prettty solide ​ http://databank.501st.com/databank/TK_-_First_Order
  9. Thanx I'm using ​fishreks base as well, it was turned into a 3d printable file by DeafJamb on here althoug it is not as smo​oth as Yours, how did you do that ?? I'm using a different h​elmet thoug, one I belive is more acurate here is a link to it if ​you want to have a go https://1drv.ms/f/s!Ak29GeVhzgtpnv8iiEmikdLnuAyy0w
  10. Awesome I'm currently atempting something simmilar ​where on the rpf did you find the files??
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