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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by T K

  1. By all means. Who knows, it could be great!
  2. Are you asking if there is someone else besides Reelprops? http://www.therpf.com/showthread.php?t=264164'>http://www.therpf.com/showthread.php?t=264164 Hope that helps.
  3. Hmm.. Looks like you're on the right path. I truly don't know much about pauldrons, hopefully someone who does will chime in! Good luck though!
  4. I have an Anovos. Do a favor and never ever get stuff from the other site.
  5. Honoring TK-8993 Myles "The droids are this w.." *Smack* "..ay..." Long Live the Empire! (http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/38165-spotting-for-ukg-stormtrooper-and-fisd-member-firebladejedi/) Special Thanks to TK-6042, Rich, for uploading troop photos and spotting.
  6. Nice! I always loved how Dengar is a lovely mashup of troopers. Good luck on your build!
  7. Any video of it firing?? <br><br> Looking great by the way.
  8. Unfinished? Or leaving it without T-tracks?
  9. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/23424-abs-or-pvc/
  10. Haha. Well I'll try to get some photos for you if I ever get there.
  11. Hmm. Might be filled in a bit too much.. You still want to see the outline of where the teeth are. Or it could just be the lighting.
  12. Ah man! I didn't know you'd have electronics!
  13. I used this paint. It matches the Anovos paint, so all you need to paint is the ends of the frown. Edit: Haha, might need to post the link.. https://www.amazon.com/Testors-11TT-1163-Enamel-0-25-Ounce-Battle/dp/B0069FYOAW/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1469647167&sr=8-13&keywords=testors+gray
  14. Yes, stay away. Anovos is a better choice, but I also would look through the link that was posted above for other options.
  15. I agree with the two comments above, just a tiny amount of glue will get the job done.
  16. We call them D-rings, but as you have noticed they aren't really the shape of the letter D. You can see the shape the ring needs to be here.. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/gallery/image/3262-2dec3d90-fcfe-4ff8-83df-5c470a40e545-zpsdvuyfzpz/ As long as you find a ring in this shape you should be good.
  17. Honoring TK-29464 Ryan It's only taken us 39 years... Long Live the Empire! (http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/38155-first-troop-with-the-501st-legion-carolina-garrison/)
  18. Fantastic! What armor is that?
  19. Hmm... still seems to work. Try following through these steps to make sure you are doing everything correctly. Good Luck! http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/tutorials/article/48-posting-images-in-threads-2015/
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