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4505 Marcel

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Everything posted by 4505 Marcel

  1. Close up of shims, also white drop box straps can be seen easier
  2. Abb sides are shimmed in ABS, lenses are bubbled and smoked. Ell has moving ring and hengstler. Belt attached at back of belt. Anything else needed please?
  3. Especially with Chrsitmas around the corner and all those sweets I just have to consume
  4. My cod stuck in my thighs bad aswell as I have muscular legs. I just thinned it out a touch, especially right on the ends. Also had to trim the inner curve of my forearms as my arms are short, and got really bad bruses. I get red marks now but dont seem to bruse. My armour is comfy now, but i wouldnt want to try and get in a car in it, I cant really sit down either. I think your movement looks pretty good really.
  5. Your better off having the suit fit snug, as it looks a lot better when worn. But you still need to be able to move in it.
  6. I would glue everything if i could as i think velcro is a pain, yeah glue/plastic weld all the fronts up. When I got my armour it had straps/poppers in the front of the ab plate to hold up the thighs. This way is ok but means you have to put on the body first. For me I then had probs bending over to put my legs on with the body on. So I use the belt method to attach my thighs instead of the front armour. This way I can put all my legs on attached to the belt before putting on my body armour which I find much easier, but its personal preference really mate
  7. My mum always used to say the same, ahh the years will soon pass you by boy! Blimey she wasnt wrong, after 18 the years just seem a blur now im 35 and wondering where the hell time went lol!
  8. My thighs and biceps are glued/shimmed solid. forearms and calves have velcro at the back as I couldnt slip them on my hands/feet solid.
  9. Trouble is you dont want to cut more off your armour than you need to. If you can manage stairs leave it at that mate. Sitting is highly over rated any way
  10. MMMM sitting hey I'm doing some mods now to enable me to sit they call it a Biker Scout armour Man I wish I could sit in my armour
  11. Them links are ok Mark, but I find that armour pinches alot more than the other types avaliable
  12. Thers some AP armour for sale on this site at the mo mate
  13. Mine is the year my mum was born and the year cancer got the better of her, and she passed away. Its all about the memories baby
  14. When filling in the side gaps, think about what order you are going to be putting on your completed armor. I glued both sides at first to keep it all tight and neat. BUT I decided to put my legs on first when suiting up secured via a belt as I had trouble bending over to put the legs/boots on with ab and back on. With the legs on first method which I found is the easiest way of doing it, I couldnt get my armored legs through the glued together ab and back section so had to cut again and now I have the back edge glued and the front poppered. Just a thought
  15. Trouble is with armor, your going to have to do some work yourself. If you buy a suit chances are it wont fit you as every body shape is different, and will need to be trimmed and strapped to fit you. Ive lost count how many tweaks Ive done to my armor to get it as well fitting as it can be. Even the helmet will need to be custom lined to fit your head. Its not that hard just takes time buddy
  16. Thats ok then, it's not just mine. Thats fine if it's how there supposed to be, but when people see mine they always say "man thats bad how much did you pay for it"! I can understand a bit why people want to correct this issue, as I look at it and think being an ex engineer how bad it is. Only good thing is its not that noticable when wearing the whole armor.
  17. Being quite new to costuming and have only ever had my SDS bucket in hand to look at in detail. It's quite normal for a bucket to have a sat on after comming out of the mould look then? Mine looks like someone has got hold of the front and twisted the back out to the right. And sits on a flat surface with a distinctive rocking. Is this the case with most if not all accurate buckets????
  18. When I did my frown the other day, I now see what your all on about. It comes out light grey , Quick fix with a drop of gloss black and a good mix up and it matches perfect now
  19. Hi is anyone on here making neck seals at the moment, the kind that are lower at the front than the back. With maybe a bib or something similar attached? I have one at the mo that is the same height all the way round and it sticks in my neck. Wearable but id like something better. Cheers
  20. Have you tried model shops for abs sheet? I got a few sheets from my local shop
  21. Hi guys whats the difference between a uni direction and omni directional microphone? Cheers
  22. Sometimes you have to pull hard to open the handles on the riviter to enable the jaws to open enough to let go of the rod. My riviter is a pain for that i feel your pain brother LOL!
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