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Novak Dimon

Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Everything posted by Novak Dimon

  1. Today is my triple "B" day! So I start my own WIP. First of all the Picture of my very own Big Brown Box: Then unpacking everything... I will take my time for the build. I'm planning a couple of modifications and mods. So it is possible that the updates are not as often as usual. So let's go to work!
  2. Wow, really impressive how good the Disney scope can look after some mods!
  3. The Blaster is looking great! <br> I like the crinkle finish! Definitely an option for my next build!
  4. My Imperial Boots arrived today. They look great and fit perfectly! I choose one size bigger then my usual size and it was the right decision!<br> I got a free upgrade to DHL Express. They were shipped last Friday. That's super fast delivery!!!<br> For pix look two posts higher. <br> I'm really happy and can't wait to wear them on my first troop!
  5. I bought two for 31$ each from this Ebay auction: 151945523389
  6. I got an email that my Order from April 21st is shipped to Germany today. <br> Might be interesting for the European customers.
  7. Wow! The gun is looking great! I'm looking for a deac for a long time but they are to expensive to convert them into a DLT. <br> This one is really attractive! <br> Thank you for sharing!!
  8. Great! <br> Where can I get the instructions to build my own blaster?
  9. Very smart idea! <br> I will try to build one myself.
  10. I wasn't thinking about a certificate. Just about a sticker.
  11. Oh, are they going to put CE-stickers onto the devices in the future?<br> I'm planning to order an iComm myself and have no US address.
  12. Nice work Chris!<br> Do you have proper tools for bending the steel plate? Perhaps you can make the base plate of one piece.
  13. Thank you Dennis! It's one of my favourite pictures! Yours is very cool too. I'm actually searching for a bajonet for my E11. But they are so rare!
  14. My pleasure! The scope is made of brass and not easy to reshape. Mine has a ding too but I leave it as it is. Looking like battle worn. Anyway we love pictures of these things.
  15. Hi, I made some pics when I cleaned my scope. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/29911-novak-dimons-sterling-conversation/ Cheers Christian
  16. Truly a masterpiece!! Totally awesome what you made of some sheets of foam. :)
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