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TK 2759

501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by TK 2759

  1. I've worn my bucket outside many times... Funny, I've never encountered this problem, but I'm no bee keeper either lol
  2. Lmao I'm sure you'll find a way... Personally, I'm not in favour of plastidip or mesh, but whatever you choose to do, is ok. You're the one who has to live with/wear it.
  3. So far so good! Looking awesome! And you're on the right track. When everything is put together properly, you'll be amazed at how easy it is to fit into by yourself. If you're using a garter system, thighs first, then boots, shins, ab and kidney/butt, then chest and back, shoulders, and arms, gloves, and bucket, and you're set to go!
  4. I don't like the look.. Wasn't used in movies, and doesn't need be used now... Sides, I personally feel, it doesn't do anything unless your bucket is off so people can see it...
  5. And the Legion will always be around, even if you finish next year or two lol
  6. I always thought it was... And a beer.. In a tree... Two turtle necks, three comic books, four pounds of back bacon, five golden toques... Not sure about the rest though...
  7. Those two things always are and lead to anxiety... Go slow, no worries
  8. All is looking good from here! You're doing an awesome job IMO!
  9. All is looking well! You've done a great job! I'd move the snap plates on the thighs a little higher, but that's me. Just keep an eye on these when you test fit.
  10. As for polish, Novus was hilt recommended by other people. Personally, I don't polish... Damp micro fiber cloth works well. Novus can be found at your local Harley Davidson shop.
  11. Two snaps at top of ab plate, two snap at top of kidney plate... About 4" in from sides... Should work for the suspenders... I use them, and find that it reduces stress on the shoulder bridges.
  12. All is looking awesome! Looks like you've got a plan to move ahead with, in regards to blueprints. Only thing I might have done different is in regards to painting the traps on the bucket. I'd have gone with black first as an undercoat, and then paint the grey on top of that, leaving a small margin of black. Don't forget, there is no right or wrong way, as long as the ends are the same.<br><br> All is looking awesome! Keep up the great work!
  13. Looking forward to pictures too, and your final approval! Won't be long now!
  14. By helmet move,met I'm assuming you,mean looking left and right... The bucket does tend to touch the chest armour when doing this, so I don't see an issue... Otherwise you may wish to try a hard hat liner to lift the bucket a little higher as well.
  15. Armour pinch... Never had it, but I can see how it would happen, especially at the joints, like back of leg, and inside of elbow. If you armour fits right, it won't happen, I would think. The armour for myself, is quite comfortable. To keep shins from moving about at the top, I use two 1" square blocks of foam, taped/glued to the inside and outside leg in the shin armour. Keeps it firmly in place. Padding anyplace else? Only the bucket to keep it from wobbling around.... All in all, I haven't tweaked anything, except i highly recommend the garter system for holding up thighs, taking the stress off of the either the shoulder bridges, or suspenders, if you go with this system. Myself I use suspenders holding up the ab and butt/kidney plates. Thighs are held up by garter, and chest and back (along with shoulder and biceps) are held up by shoulder bridges.
  16. Not sure how often... All operations must be cleared with my Imperial Operations Commander... Who also controls Requisitions... Longest time I've spent in armour was 8 hrs, and will not do that again lol. My first FanExpo, my family and I rented a hotel room at the Hyatt (bad experience as well), a few blocks away from the TCC (Toronto Convention Centre). I got suited up, and walked down to the TCC... Stayed in armour the entire time I was there, and that evening had to walk back to the Hyatt. TKs can't sit in armour... Just not possible, or I if it is, you risk cracking the bits that go under your butt or cod... Not a good idea. At FE that is our busiest time, and we have a lot of duties, handling, Shoot the Trooperr booth, booth duty, TK March, and a lot of photo ops. People come to this from all over the globe, including other 501st members to help out. Great time, and experience. I bring my bin with me all the time to this event, so I can get out of armour for a bit, with option of getting back into it. Most troops in armour will last about 1 hour to 4 hours... The longest I stay in armour these days is about 4 to 5 hrs. Also be prepared for what we TKs refer to as White Armour Blues between troops. Yes, you will miss wearing the armour, it's a fantastic experience and time!
  17. Looking good so far! <br><br> Not sure I can help with sniper plate... Someone else may chime in here. I've seen all sorts of methods used though. Some use rivets, others use Velcro. I think riveting is most common though.
  18. Sounds like you've got a good plan! Looking forward to pictures of your progress!
  19. Awesome job on this as always my friend! Great to share, and quite certain it'll help other yet to be troopers out there!
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