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TK 2759

501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by TK 2759

  1. I have something similar to take bin as well. My bucket doesn't fit, and I wrap all my armour parts in bubble wrap... My bin doesn't have weeks, so it's a bit to make long hauls... I also drilled a hole to the front where the handle overlaps, so I could attack a lock. Smaller plastic bags hold the shins, forearms, each boot, belt, and soft armour parts. I tuck forearms into shoulder pieces, then wrap in bubble wrap, shins into thighs, then bubble wrap. I use industrial plastic bags for sliding chest, back, ab, and butt/kidney pieces, which I pack on the bottom. I also wrap blast in bubble wrap, and keep it in there. <br> Hope this helips some too...
  2. Thought I'd add my two cents..<br> I use a Lycra bodysuit... In the cold weather I wear thermal underwear underneath... Works likes a charm, although if I know my troop will be inside and outside, I'll wear a t-shirt on my upper torso and long johns for legs. No worries about cold weather here... Just foggy lenses...
  3. <a data-ipb='nomediaparse' href='http://www.501st.com/members/displaymember.php?userID=12360&costumeID=125'>http://www.501st.com/members/displaymember.php?userID=12360&costumeID=125</a><br><br> TK-2759<br><br> No pictures as of yet, GML is supposed to be updating page...
  4. I've been here for a while and didn't even know what the post counts were... Thanks for the info and the question.
  5. Looking good so far. If you're planning on re painting, I'd suggest 3 layers... After the primer, silver, then an ochre yellow, then black, then taking a 1000 grit sandpaper, sand down for battle worn... This is what others had suggested in the past... But hey, what do I know? Lol
  6. I've had the police called on me a few times now lol first time in I was in the park with my wife and kids. A lot of families were around, being it the summer time. Someone was concerned that a masked man was wondering around the park. I told the Officer I was a member of the 501st and a bit about what we do. No harm was done, just a check. The next time I was stopped wandering down the street to the YMCA as I was picking up my kids. Officer drove by and stopped me on the sidewalk. He did a routine check and all was well. Third time I was waiting about a block away front he school, as I was picking up the kids. I had an hour to kill before school got out, so wandered around a bit and then stood guard over a mail box. Got a few pictures take a it's people, and then a Cop Car pulls up on the previous corner. After getting out of his car, he puts his hand on his gun, and tells me to keep my hands away from my own. No guns were drawn. He removed it from the holster, looked at it, and since it was made from wood, mostly, he could tell it wasn't real, the trigger doesnt even move. I told him my name and about the 501st. He's seen us at FanExpo before with his son. Apparently he got a call about a masked man with a gun... CTV showed up a little while later, and after the Officer left, they did an interview with me in character with bucket on. I was on the news in a small segment that night. Now when I go out, my wife doesn't want me to take my blaster with me, sometimes I leave it behind, sometimes I take it along. Since it is not real, and doesn't even work, if the police are called, I'm doing no harm. It stays in the holster while I go out wandering as a trooper. I guess what it comes down to, is how nervous you make everyone else in your area when you go out for a walk. You will be described as a masked man, not a Stormtrooper to some. Heck, one comic convention a mom even told their son, look at the Transformer, when talking about me lol the son corrected her... Just be aware you may get stopped by Police or pulled ove. It could happen at any time, or any place you are not at an event, or place you were meant to be. Hope this helps some.
  7. As far as gloves go, not sure what others are using, but I found mechanic gloves purchased at Home Depot work well. Get the ones that are mostly black and paint or use marker over logo.
  8. I'm looking into a new neck seal as well... Watching this thread closely...
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