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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Snaps

  1. The way of cutting that Ron talks about worked for me as well! I used a dremel with sanding for the cleaner curve lines and when had to remove small pieces....
  2. Great build topic so far! Will continue to watch with great interest...best of luck!
  3. Best of luck with your build Romen. Hope you share your build.... We LOVE pics!
  4. Awesome collection!! I saw your mini-shocktrooper over at the clone forums. I'm waiting on my Captain Rex armor to come in the next couple of weeks! Great skull helmet....how did you come up with that?
  5. One more reason to never watch "reality" tv
  6. I don't see ever getting nomex gloves but it's good to know about them!
  7. Yeah, Steve is right and not just cause he has a cool name! Check out other builds members have done, especially in the advanced section where members put pics of their strapping methods. Its really a preference method for strapping. I tried the brackets and didn't care for it so went with the snaps method. No matter how long it takes, all the work will be worth it. Especially after you do your first troop event! Best of luck
  8. Good to know about nomex gloves during colder weather...
  9. Congrats on getting your armor. I have AP and love it. Easy to work with and build! Good luck!
  10. Best of luck with your build! Keep the pics coming
  11. Looks like you already have a future trooper John. Best of luck with your build!
  12. LOL...think you're off to a great start Marc!
  13. Yup, flat black is what I used inside my helmet. Also, for covering up a an extra hole, I would use abs paste which is a mixture of acetone and spare abs material. Here's link to making the paste http://www.whitearmor.net/fisd/HOWTO:ABSpaste
  14. Nice job so far....if I may make a recommendation if you haven't already seen it in other builds...it's purely preference but painting the inside of your helmet black. It will helmet keep sun light from shining through and if kids try to look up, they'll see darkness...
  15. Hey Christian, welcome to the FISD. As everyone has mentioned, research, research and more research. Once you get started, you are hooked
  16. Looks good sir...Only recommendations I can make would be is adding a snap to the top right side kidney plate and a black rank bar on the ear piece of your helmet. CRL has those for centurion level though. Also, putting straight edges on your TD clips and us slot screws as well. (those were couple of recommendations on my application).... Good luck Ron!
  17. I've only done 1 event so far, The Walk for Children's Tumor Foundation, and it instantly made all the waiting and work totally worth it. Seeing all the kids smiling, waving, telling me about their action figures, even one little girl telling me she wasn't afraid of me because she knew my blaster wasn't real even adults happy to see us was beyond awesome! Helping the kids and the adults forget about their problems, even for a minute, is priceless! Good luck to you and hope you'll share your experience....
  18. Great news Tim! Congrats to you and your family. May you all live a long and prosper...wait, wrong movie. Can't believe I almost finished that! May the force be with your new little one!
  19. Hopefully 13 will be good luck for you! Congrats and best of luck on your build....hope you'll continue to shar
  20. Got mine from him too and recommend as well!
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