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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Snaps

  1. Great edition and pics! I love the story about Katie and Allison and honored to be part of the 501st because of stories like that! Thanks for including the first troop experience topic I started...
  2. Unfortunately I can't give any advice but want to wish you good luck with making your choice...
  3. Great pic Steve....thank you for clarifying!
  4. Happy 4th and Thank you to all who serve in the military! You are real life heroes!
  5. Agree with Andrew....everything I've seen, they attach that way.
  6. Going to see what I can come up with! I'm proud to be part of a group that works against bullying!
  7. Good luck with your final approval, sounds like you'll have no problems! My first troop was a blast as well. Like you said, seeing the smiles on peoples faces, especially the kids, was priceless. My first convention will be in September and I can't wait! Good luck in the parade, let me know how it goes...
  8. I did find it was better to have it a little thick and sand it down...
  9. Sorry, see my edited post....I hit submit before I was done lol
  10. How thick or runny is your paste? You want to add acetone a little at a time. It literally took me about 2 or 3 hrs to get the abs scraps to melt cause I wanted to make sure it was right and not to runny to melt the areas where I was applying the paste.....
  11. Beat you by one spot! We both earned it along with all the members of EIB! Good luck if/when you apply for Centurion and see you there
  12. I used e-6000 with my whole AP build and it worked great. You'll be happy you use it when you have to take pieces apart. The only problem I had was with the shims on the front of the shins and I had to use CA glue because of the curve in the shin.
  13. Yahoo!!!!!!! Thank you very much sir!! I paid a lot of attention to other EIB builds because this was a goal! I was actually worried about the blending of the sides but it feels great you thought they are great! I will definitely make the changes for centurion level! The only change I'm concerned about is the left thigh and will get with when I get ready to make that change.... Thanks again!! And I definitely love the blaster magazine LOL!
  14. Just wanted to add to my journey that I've applied for EIB and keeping my fingers crossed!
  15. Make sure you have a dremel and cut less than you need to at first!
  16. Thanks! I was really worried about that but all the sanding, repasting and more sanding was worth it.
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