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Darth Voorhees

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Everything posted by Darth Voorhees

  1. Yea pretty good stuff. I had an early VT helmet that was very thin,but he has since upgraded to a heavier gauge plastic. Good guy to work with, i traded him a Vader kit for a TK kit way back when. Stand up guy.
  2. Looks nice,but i personally would never buy from someone who recast TE2. Your build is coming along very nice though, follow the tips already stated and your good to go. I am a GML, and i would not clear those boots. Tkboots.com is the way to go.
  3. Sweet!!...id love to build a small basic little table for some small parts, but dont really have the cash ...or know how lol
  4. The pictures is definitely a Rubies, what he actually sends...may not be.
  5. Thanks for the pics guys! It does look good to me! Smitty, thanks for your input as well. Makes alot of sence. I've had my AP for 2 yrs and luckily, so far it doesnt show any signs of yellowing. Ive also painted alot of items white that have been kept outside alot and not yellowed in over 3yrs. Not sure if the HIPS would make any difference there though. The paint type may also factor in, as well as Location/climate. I guess its hard to say as an exact science. Also i have 2 (and will eventually have 4) other suits i use so the daylight contact would be less than if i only had a TK. All that being said,i appreciate that input and its something to be aware of. thanks bro.
  6. PERFECT! i was hoping you would answer, i was pretty sure you had done that. Looks good to me.. that will be my new plan..thanks Mike!
  7. I Love my new TE2 Sandy helmet so much, ive been thinking of getting a second one for my TK. Has anyone painted a TE2 helmet and used it with AP armor? How off is the color? If anyone has pics, that would be great! i know its not going to match but if its not too bad, id consider it. I realize this is similar to a question i asked recently about a TM helmet and AP armor...i ended up not being able to grab a TM due to $$..oh well. Thanks Troopers!
  8. Here it is complete, less the sling for the T-21...dont mind the hanging crotch strap showing in the "back" picture....forgot to secure that sucker! lol
  9. BIG GUNS!!! LOL Ok, So here's my Cushman T-21. It is vac formed HIPS with a thin walled 3" PVC pipe barrel. I roto'ed some Rotocast resin on the inside for a bit more sturdiness. The cooling coil is plastic irrigation pipe. I have ALOT left,if anyone wants some feel free to PM me. its pretty sturdy and still maintains a light weight, even with the resin coating in it. I was going to originally remove the detail pieces that were vac formed into it and add them as seperate resin pieces, but thats a bunch of work that isnt really necessary. Anyway, here are the pics.. Doesnt look like ill be suiting up today to take pics, but soon!
  10. In the films all of the TK's boots were not shiny! So the duller finish is actully more screen accurate.However if you wanted them shiny, you could probably polish them up,they are leather so i cant see why that wouldnt work I have had theCAboots and now have the TKboots...2pairs actually, one for my TK and one for my TD. I like the TKboots better than the CAboots.
  11. thanks! i plan to suit up for approval pics this weekend!
  12. Yup...its HIPS. As for major differences...well for one, the TE2 has left and right arm/calf pieces. The AP has mirrored pieces meaning the left and right are the same. The AP is also ABS, not HIPS. I also noticed the TE2 has a bit more length on the kidney plate, so my side gap is smaller. only about an inch and a half on each side, where my AP has about 3" on each side. The only thing that would make TE2 any better is it being ABS for durabilty sake. But honestly i already like the TE2 better than the AP.
  13. Thanks Guys! ...and i cant thank TE2 enough!This armor is fantastic!
  14. Thanks Thayne! Ok Armor is just about done...just need to make a few adjustments , add the lenses to the helmet, ..waiting for the tube stripes from tk-4510....and it should be good to go. Field pack is also done, just need to add the straps. here's a couple of teaser pics... So i just need to finish up the T-21 and i can submit my TD! woot!
  15. Your a good man Coop.... search your feelings, you know it to be true..
  16. Coop, your my bud, but im gonna have to agree with everyone else on this particular point. I understand where your coming from, but like everyone else mentioned, His tutorials are still up, for free. Plus, i dont see him making money off of this, just recouping the cost of putting it together. I'll admit, if i didnt already know how to build a helmet, id like to have something like this right at my work table rather then running back and fourth to my computer. 4510 offers alot to this community in his online tutorials and the stuff he sells on his site at fair prices, and in this case, i dont see any gouging.
  17. I also have them glued in the front and floating in the back, as per the movie suits. I used CA glue to glue them. Ive never had an issue with them coming off during transport, if you pack your tote right, they will not be an issue.
  18. So ive been working on the pack for the last few weeks on and off, and am getting close to finishing it. It is built on a pvc pipe frame (from Scooch's tutorial on the MEPD)and with the park seed trays painted flat black and rustoleum Lake Blue. Its sporting MEPD's Gordonator's cistern modded with added tupperware hamburger stackers. The tool box is a tupperware stow-n-go. The faucet cover, exhaust port box, and mushroom caps are from Crashmann over on the MEPD. The top bottle is a tapered wet ones bottle and the bottom one is an untapered staples computer monitor wipes bottle, both painted with the Rustoleum Lake blue. The radio is a box i made from sheet plastic with a resin faceplate i was working on. the small knobs are water bottle caps and the large one is a vitamin water cap with a make-up jar cap on top of it. Just needs the "shells" on the top right the electrical tape on the bottom trays and the mortar tube. what ya think?
  19. Saw this on TV last night...my girl tivoed it for me...you guys looked great! In Harrisons breif "interview" segment he said how he was glad to be involved and give back to the community and support the hospital...nothing about Star Wars itself heh...oh Harrison when are you gonna lighten up about Star Wars!
  20. This is the post over on the MEPD if your not a member there and cant read it. i only posted 2 of the pics and edited the rest out for space. My personal opinion, i think it would be great for these to become available. Sometimes we just need to put the past behind us and move forward. Is this a genuine offer from Gino, i dont know, id like to hope so, reguardless of his reasons. im a forgive and forget type of guy.I personally never had any issues with him, and im sure if anyone does have issues, they will avoid this like the plague, but that being said, maybe he IS trying to make a mends. i guess we shall see.
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