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Everything posted by Eric

  1. cool shots. looks like a great first event for you.
  2. well i don't know how a web site has feelings of pride, it's just a bunch of stings of code. but the members on here... their not as much coded, more lifelike. haha. can't wait to see your build. if you take you time and ask all the questions you have, you should be able to do just fine. it's great to see that you want to go for EIB right out of the box. trust me... easier to do it that way. haha.
  3. lol. funny, but almost as if they tried too hard to mock the other one. lol
  4. cats are just snooty like that. it'll come back in a week or to... maybe hung over, but still. the dog might just be working on something cool, like practicing getting you a drink, so he's too distracted to get your dirty slippers hamsters... well... LOOK! something shiny and as far as the wife goes... i'm still in training. dont know females well enough to make an accurate judgment call. i'll hafta get back to you on that one. haha
  5. you've got an awesome assistant. where to start can be a tough one. you almost just wish you can start on everything all at once. haha good luck to you, and yes especially take your time. the last thing you wanna do is rush and mess something up. lol
  6. i used regular white elastic for mine. i thing its .75" wide... just what the local hobby shop has. looks great to me.
  7. oh sure, make us excited about something and make us wait... GAH! haha i'll be timing you
  8. if you're in need of something and what shooter was selling (ABS sheets 7X10) will work, PM me. i've got an extra one or two laying around with your name on it if you'd like.
  9. wow, what very impressive work thus far. i'll watch the movie a time or two and see if i can figure anything out. plus i actually like watching it more now days (looking at the stormtroopers and thinking about different mods/builds) haha best of luck to you man you've out done yourself
  10. well the best rout for that would be a maker for a larger person, and then make it fit you as far as shortness goes. like trimming the thighs length wise and shortening the chest plate exc... also you should introduce yourself in the "new member introductions"
  11. good luck pal. shouldnt be hard to be able to get an easy pass for both
  12. white duct tape is more accurate than silver?
  13. lol. yeah the bending isn't something you wanna rush. made that mistake myself on my battery pack. IF by chance you crack it. i have a cool mod that worked well for me. i dont know where it's posted in my threads somewhere, but if you'd like pics, i'll post them here for ya... some said it's not screen accurate, but i liked the look more actually and it sure beet having to find replacement parts. haha. besides. mine is AM so i just used the excuse i'm more fan sculpt that screen accurate anyways meh, might be a little tall, but at least you'll never hear "aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper" god i hate hearing that. and im 6' without the boots lifting me and the helmet. i never woulda guessed i'd hear that line that much.... but i hear it almost every time i'm out. unless mike is suited with me. he's shorter than me... lol. i like having him there if for no other reason, so that he hears it n not me. haha
  14. well i'm no RT expert, but seems like you're missing your drop boxes, plastic part of the belt, and your thigh battery pack. haha. nah, looks great man. deff off to a good start. how tall are you?
  15. i rarely listen to any, but when i do, i prefer Dan Carlin's Hardcore History yupp. i'm a lil nerdy. but really though. it makes history learning exciting... kinda. lol but Deff i will never miss an episode of the SXE Phil. his shows come on podcasts too...
  16. i generally also keep things in my drop boxes, but i'm working on implementing something similar to a ladies "pocksie" ----- basically its for when they dont have a pocket and can discretely put one of these inside their overshirt or w/e. i plan to make one (cuz they dont come in white) and put it inside the upper outer thigh. their nifty.
  17. they can be tricky for people. me and many others initially had them on the wrong leg, or the inside part on the outside, or just not right one way or another. haha. all part of the fun.
  18. looks just fine. if it's only held in place by the elastic maybe holding it a little, and possibly foam inside of it to keep it from bobbling all over the place... the bicep's going to move a little. so i'd not worry one bit. you're doing good man if you hold it in place with snaps, then you might worry about where exactly to put it, but otherwise, i'd not bother to concern myself with it any.
  19. suit looks great. congrats on the build. should be an easy pass for the 501st. your calves look like they might could use some adjustment, i'm not sure. just look a lil off. could just be me though. all in all, looks fantastic
  20. hey now... you can get all sorts of great nick nacks on there... for example: http://cgi.ebay.com/President-GEORGE-WASHINGTON-HAIR-Signed-COA-letter-/110652312178?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19c3644a72 WHO WOULDN'T WANT THAT?!?!?
  21. congrats man. we're all glad you found your way out of that blizzard. lol. they can be rough. hope to see you around long enough to reach your 10,000th post.
  22. though it has to be built right, if it takes extreme mods to get it approved, or if it takes replacing important details, then the guy shouldn't say it's 501st quality. selling armor that simply takes assembling correctly to get 501st approval... to me that'd not be wrong to say it's 501st approved....
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