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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2024 in Posts

  1. As many of you may now be aware, yesterday evening justjoseph63 tendered his resignation as detachment leader to the FISD staff. The Legion COG team was then notified of this, who today accepted this resignation and have now begun to take the appropriate actions as defined by the Operations Protocols. What does this mean for the detachment? The OP provides for 2 options: The XO may step up and assume the DL position, subject to a confidence vote by the detachment membership. Should the XO not be willing, and emergency election will be held. As XO I have informed the LCOG team that I am willing to assume the DL role. Details of the confidence vote can be found in this detachment members only post: At this time I would like to request you honour Josephs request for privacy in this matter. This was not a decision that he came to lightly. I am sure you will all join me in wishing Joseph the best in what must be difficult times.
    3 points
  2. Really depends on the size of your head, we all have to do the twist and drop method when putting the helmet on. I like having more return edge than less, people can't see as much under the helmet, especially younglings. I normally trim so it's curved on the sides so no sharp areas,/corners. Loosely add your S trim and see if your noggin (head) will still go in, if not trim a little more. Ear gap references
    1 point
  3. This is all I trimmed. Hopefully, your head isn't as big as mine. I still have to do the Storm Trooper twist when I put my bucket on. Your ears look great btw. There were gaps in the original buckets. I wouldn't trim them anymore. Ihad problems with mine and had to get a new set.
    1 point
  4. Troop #43 This weekend we are attending Acme Comic Con in Glasgow. We were raising funds for Glasgow Children's Hospital charity.
    1 point
  5. Hello and welcome aboard, just a couple of things you could improve on. Ideally, the tube stripes are positioned approximately a pencil width from the side of the cheek. You could try to round of the tops of the black area on the vocoder. Also add white paint to the rim of your hovi tips. Correct Aerators/Hovi-MIX tips are present. Screens used shall be of a wide type mesh, with the rim of the mic and the inside white or painted white. Also watch any paint on the gums Frown is painted gray and does not leave the teeth area. You could get away with the eyes, however I would try to reduce the gap between the helmet and lens
    1 point
  6. It's amazing how ones OCD kicks off once you start building a costume (or two/three/four) you can never watch a Star Wars movie/series the same way
    1 point
  7. Glad to see the ear muff printed really nice in resin.
    1 point
  8. I want little TD candies that are that small! Like yummy little gummys!
    1 point
  9. So who will be the one to slice that little cylinder on Jonatan's belt and print 100 of them?
    1 point
  10. Hello FISD, My name is Nathan I am with the dune sea garrison and I am going to have my armor soon in order to become a member of the 501st legion (However, I am going to be a sandy rather than a shiny so if I need to leave then let me know). The armor I bought is from Armor Masters(AM) and I am hoping that any one can provide me with forums to build this type of armor or point me to a forum that can help me with this build. Besides getting help with the armor there is something that I am pitching that I want to clarity and help with this detachment since its a personal project but maybe bring it to the legion(more details on that soon). This looks like an interesting detachment to join and hope to be a part of it.
    1 point
  11. Here is a quick vid of BlastFX in action... Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. Sorry for the lack of updates. I will post more soon! In the meantime here is a sneak pack at the Pugman style ESB kit I am working on making. Some of these parts are reworked casts from ( and with permission from ) Mark at Shear Tech .
    1 point
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