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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2024 in Posts

  1. @Nairy - just wanted you to know that you were the very first thing I ever printed to test out my new resin printer! Scaled at like... 8% haha I definitely did some damage in my enthusiasm to rip the supports off, so lesson learned there, but overall, very happy with this little guy and he lives on the shelf in my workshop now. Thanks for making this file available to us! Printed in about 4 hours with Anycubic High Speed Resin.
    4 points
  2. Still messing with the forearms. The wide cover strips have cured to one side of the joint, but additional shaping will be needed to be able to effectively and properly glue the cover strip to the other side of the joint. I haven't had much time to do that shaping yet. I have had the time to start working on the snaps! As I learned during my shock trooper build, using nylon for the snap bases works out really well, and allows the snap bases to curve with the curves of the armor! For those reading a build thread for the first time, here's the process for the snaps: I am using nylon from a long tie-down strap, cutting the nylon into smaller pieces, and then using a lighter to melt the ends of these nylon pieces to prevent fraying. I then punch a hole approximately in the center of each nylon piece and attach the snaps accordingly. I am using heavy duty snaps I purchesed from my local Michael's craft store and used special pliers to contect the two halves of the male snaps to the nylon. E6000 is then applied to the bottom of each nylon piece (avoiding glue coming into contact with the metal of the snaps) and applied to the appropriate place on the interior of the armor. The place on the interior side of the armor where the nylon snap base is glued was scratched with sand paper to allow a better surface for the glue to adhere. Upon gluing, rare earth magnets or clamps were applied to hold the nylon snap bases in place while the glue dries/cures for 24 hours. Here's the abdominal piece: The kidney piece is next in line for this treatment.
    3 points
  3. 2/17 - MOSI Day of Discovery Let me out of here!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  4. Things that have been on my mind lately
    3 points
  5. 2 points
  6. I bought a Black Series Artillery Stormtrooper helmet. I'm going to hold on to the BS Stormtrooper helmet as is. The Artillery helmet comes in two parts which meant I had to disassemble the two halves. In order to get to all the screws, I cut away some of the internal plastic wall on the back half. I also had to cut the top tabs that hold the two halves together. The bottom ones released easily after that. Once the halves were separated, I removed the lenses and the front brow that holds the lenses in place. I'm holding on to both of those for now. One of the rank bars is loose because it is the button for the voice activation in the original helmet. I'll hold on to that and attach it later. I cut and roughly sanded any of the plastic that could be removed in the face section and the back section. I'll eventually do more. Lastly, I sanded the edge of the yellow paint where there was a small ridge. I also sanded the seam under the tears.
    2 points
  7. Hi, As there were numerous ask for the Imperial Commando Rifle blaster I just created, I added both the STL files and 3D printed rifle on my Etsy page. Here are the links: 3D files from MillenniumMaker: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1667406690/imperial-commando-rifle-blaster-stl?fbclid=IwAR3pJUWGN9WspwZdBYyYxyuE16qDhUkdkO6oAf8Rrt-Nw_0jByKpTGubu1M printed Rifle from MillenniumMaker: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1666162956/imperial-commando-rifle-blaster-diy-kit?fbclid=IwAR1TKrSZVb1fPuHGEWAZjnaOI2lHUg9G-kbzo_vNCStcCqjgnfDuXG_1DO8
    2 points
  8. [54] Mardi Gras Ball for Special People ~ Galveston (3.18.2024) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  9. I'm prefacing this with "this is my first ever build". I'm new to the community, and after seeing the Commandos in action, I knew this costume was for me! It will be a slow process, as I am simultaneously building this, A Tie Fighter Reserve AND Pilot, as well as Imperial Bridge Crew (can someone PLEASE tell me where the money tree orchard is???), and hopefully will have a TI/IC number soon in the Legion. In the mean time, I sand, sand some more and then sand even more! I dig it...
    2 points
  10. So who will be the one to slice that little cylinder on Jonatan's belt and print 100 of them?
    1 point
  11. Hahahhaa awww look at that litlte guy! I'm honored Justin, I think it turned out great!
    1 point
  12. Updated and shared to the FISD FB group.
    1 point
  13. There are a couple of members currently working on the Imperial commandos, so this is a work in progress. They have been asked to add build threads to the forums so we can track their progress and assist in the CRL creation. Cardinal will come up for discussion again this term with the LMO team once it is ratified with any staff changes. We all would love to see more of the R1 TK style armour come to life as there are some excellent looking costumes there, but also the animated phase 3 for sure. Let's also not forget Captain Enoch, Ashoka series) again a few working on the costumes, we have a build thread here by TK 44228
    1 point
  14. Thank you so much! The affiliation is now correctly listed in the census... I'm very happy about that - thank you! The 501st ID is still not listed under my profile here in the forum. Can I do something about this so that it is there? Or can I not influence that for now?
    1 point
  15. I felt confident enough in my sanding to do some painting today. Even went as far as to paint the stock and getting my speaker from the toy blaster wired in and glued into place. I plan on cutting out a metal drywall repair patch the help protect the speaker. It just got painted and needs to dry, so I'll work on installing that tomorrow.
    1 point
  16. To add a bit of discussion here: Weapons. I know they’re optional but since they ‘complete the look’ per se, what should the optional weapons be? The page for the Heavy Stormtrooper says ”The Heavy Stormtrooper is the Heavy class for the Galactic Empire in DICE's Star Wars Battlefront II. They wield the DLT-19 Heavy Blaster as their default primary weapon. Heavy Stormtroopers can also wield the DC-15LE heavy repeating blaster, the FWMB-10K heavy repeating blaster, and the TL-50 heavy repeating blaster, like all Heavy units.” Should we include all these as optional weapons to carry? And the Sentry ability lets you wield a Z-6 Rotary Cannon so that could be counted as a weapon too.
    1 point
  17. Hmmm... perhaps a new TD variant to add to my collection without much difficulty...
    1 point
  18. Not me looking looking at it right now… Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  19. Glad to know I'm not alone here...
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. So I have started my WIP and used Hycote Grey Primer, Hycote matt Black, Hycote gloss white and Auto extreme gun metal grey for the front.
    1 point
  23. After scrutinizing the helmet for a little too long, I’ve determined the best route to go is to get an ROTJ helmet. The in game helmet matches an ROTJ helmet, just cleaned up nicely and made to look a bit more symmetrical. I spent way too long going over every detail and comparing angles, symmetry, decals…. ^ ROTJ helmet for comparison
    1 point
  24. Revlimiter Thanks for the heads up, I plan to either line the inside with fiberglass or I will cast the armor to make a mold somehow. I will most likely line it with fiberglass though.
    1 point
  25. Sly11 That is an excellent question, and I wish that I had a detailed log on this to give the most accurate answer. I went through my slicer program to calculate the build times. The data below is for the entirety of the Left and Right Arm, Buttplate, Cod Piece, Chest Plate, Backplate, Helmet, Front and Back Belt, and Thermal Detonator. If Everything was printed only one single time, no errors, the filament did not crack as I removed supports to a level where glue and sanding could not fix, I would have had my printer running for: 46 Days, 9 Hours, 42 Minutes. (I do not have an exact number for filament at this time) Again, keep in mind that I do have failures, and I have to leave for work, the gym, and other life things that happen. So, the printer has had time idling where it was not printing, turned on, or warmed up. It takes roughly 5 minutes for me to prep my printer each time I print something if everything goes smoothly. I also change out filament rolls when I get around 150 grams or less remaining, and sometimes the CR10 doesn't cooperate when I try to feed it new filament. I have done a pretty good job of placing PLA Orders in advance to when I will need more. Luckily, I haven't had to wait on filament more than once. I also spend time between prints preparing the next parts in Blender to fit to my printers build plate to save time. I do my best to sand the parts in one go so that by the time Bondo dries on the 1st part I filled in, I have finished filling in the last part in the same sitting. From there I start sanding. The sanding process up until now was all done by hand. No sanding block or mouse sander. But this year I was gifted a Mouse Sander. and oh boy has that been an absolutely massive help on time and effort. There are still portions I need to hand sand, and I will address this in my next update once I have completely sanded the chest. The glue I had used until now was E6000 Which is a great adhesive, but it does not set extremely fast. I will be using Superglue to set the parts together as it should dry a bit faster, and the parts will not slide apart.
    1 point
  26. Dark CMF Thank you very much. I'm aiming to achieve level 3 Centurion with this build. I do however believe that some of my parts may be a little off in specifics. I am doing my best to deal with them as I go, to make the number of changes I make an absolute minimum. The more detail the better, as extra eyes on a project always help, and if anyone down the line uses this thread to help them with a 3D Printed TK, the more detail the better.
    1 point
  27. The excess material has been removed from the inner joint of the forearm (the joint that faces my sides when my arms are down). The excess material was left at 8mm, which was the most I could leave it and the material still be smooth, but that was not enough. Turns out I need roughly 10mm to 11mm on each side of the joint, so I have bumped this up to 12mm on each side for wiggle room. This means I need to fill in a 24mm gap beyond the original design on this inner side of my forearm armor to allow for my hands to fit through the armor pieces when putting on and taking off the forearm armor. I decided the option providing the best strength was one wide cover strip spanning the full gap, which would then be followed by 2 strips 12mm in width laid in the gap and pasted to show only 1 seam in the middle. As such, the interior cover strip fills the full 24mm gap to provide the material to glue the 2 out strips to. I allowed a 1cm overlap on each side beyond this 24mm gap, so the interior cover strip is 44mm wide. The cover strip is also 20cm long. As I didn't want to use the extra sheet of ABS that came with my armor (and is a color match to the ABS used in my armor) for interior cover strips, I purchased extra ABS sheets from Amazon. These sheets from Amazon will be used for interior cover strips and any other material needed for places out of sight, and the extra ABS sheet that came with the kit will be used for any visible material. Given the tension involved in gluing this cover strip to fill the gap needed in the forearm armor, I am gluing one side at a time and allowing 48 hours of drying/curing time. Here's one of the forearms just after gluing on the cover strip. My pencil lines can clearly be seen to help me know where to glue the opposing side when the time comes:
    1 point
  28. Please everyone join me in congratulating Joseph as the incoming DL of our fine Detachment. Congratulations, Joseph, I look forward to seeing what the next chapter for FISD will be under your direction. The membership is in good hands, and I am here to support you with what ever you need, as I am positive any of the staff existing and new into the future will. Once again, congratulations
    1 point
  29. Ok Mirko, I have attempted to manually override, so let's see if your affiliation is fixed.
    1 point
  30. NEW In Memoriam Detachment Leader Thank You Andrew "Sly11" Merchandise Officer Legion Elections Hall of Fame FISD Meme's Around the Detachment Challenge Coins INFORMATION & AWARD PROGRAMS FISD Tri-Fold Brochure Common FISD Acronyms and TK Glossary Pre Approval Forum 3D Section Field Exercise Award Imperial Attaché Program Master Armorer Award Fire Teams EIB & Centurion: What do these terms mean? Need Help Ask the Deployment Officers Advance to 1500 Advanced Tactics Awards Newsletter Editor Staff List 2024 Follow FISD From our legion founder, Albin Johnson (TK-210) It is with a heavy heart that I share the news of the passing of TK/TD124, the legendary George "Old Sarge Oberon" of Garrison Carida. The oldest active Stormtrooper in the Legion, Sarge was there at the very beginning of Vader's Fist. His list of troops reads like a history book of the club. For decades he could be found at all the biggest Legion events, always in armor and always working the booth or a droid hunt or just on patrol. But always with a grin and a kind word for everyone. The 501st did not have a flashy start. It took volunteers doing hard work at events that no one had heard of. But Sarge was there, laying the very foundation blocks of the Empire. He was even at one of the earliest commanders' meetings. His advice was practical, even-handed. He wasn't there to impress. He was always there to serve. Most of all, he was a good friend. Whenever we met in our years of Star Wars adventures, he'd pat me on the back and tell me what a great time he was having. It is no exaggeration to say he was the epitome of the Legion spirit. I wish all the new kids in the Legion could know what a goat really is - Oberon was it. He was legend. I'm honored to have known him. Rest well, Sarge. Your patrol is done. May we always live up to your example. To learn more about the man and his exploits, check out this lovely page made in his honor: https://www.legionxxiv.org/trooper124/ Condolences to his family, friends and garrison "Buckets Off" Carl Weathers, forever a member of the Lucasfilm family, past away on 1st February 2024, he was 76. With the launch of The Mandalorian on Disney+, Weathers joined the galaxy far, far away as Greef Karga — an expeditor for the Bounty Hunter Guild who rises to become Magistrate of Nevarro, and ally to the Mandalorian and Grogu. He would receive an Emmy Award nomination for his efforts. In addition, Weathers stepped into the director’s chair for the critically-acclaimed episodes “Chapter 12: The Siege” and “Chapter 20: The Foundling." We’ll miss you, Carl. Be at peace. Condolences to his family, friends and the whole Star Wars community "Buckets Off" Greetings fellow members Elections are in full swing and once again FISD has come through them with no opposition although this time with a difference. It has been an absolute pleasure and a total honour to have been the commanding officer of this fine detachment for the last 4 years. In that time we brought the FISD forums into the new age with a huge amount of effort from all the staff. We worked diligently to make sure this was a friendly detachment for everyone, not just those inspired to join the 501st. That is important because ultimately, we want everyone to make their Stormtrooper dreams become a reality. We brought new sections, new colours and new reasons to want to be a member here with working to enlist costumes that were not only exciting but not all hard armour for FISD. We brought us closer to other detachments and now our relationship with them is better than its ever been. You can see our list of the work we achieved in my post here . In closing out on this chapter for my tenure as Detachment leader of FISD, I would like to wholeheartedly thank all the members that make this place as good as it can be every day. To the staff who believed in my visions, to not only support them but exceed all expectations, and embody our unofficial motto of Troopers helping troopers in everything they do. We are in very good hands with our new leader Joseph, who not only understands the importance of this magnificent collection of research and incredible encyclopaedia of Storm trooper knowledge, but also lives the motto and understands how important you all are at keeping this forum alive and well. I will still be around, although taking a background role in maintaining the forums and assisting Joseph in creating whatever he requires to continue revitalising our forums and keeping us relevant for new comers and old. Once again, thank you for your support over these years, thank you for supporting the team and also in continuing that supporting Joseph and the new additions to the FISD staff. With Unquestioned Loyalty Andrew Franke TK-11469 "Sly11" Detachment Leader Andrew "Sly11" TK11469 Many of you will now be aware that Andrew is stepping down from the role of FISD Detachment Leader after his 4 years in the job. On behalf of staff, members and the whole community we give thanks to you for steering the ship for 4 long years, for all your hard work, your confidence, support and guidance, your passion is unquestionable and your dedication is beyond reproach. Very few can even imagine the time and effort you have put in to the role and the rest you are now facing is well deserved. Undoubtedly you have made a big impact on a lot of our community, you leave a great legacy and you will always be remembered and admired. From your detachment, we salute you If you would to read more of what work was undertaken and completed over those 4 years head to this thread Greetings Fellow Troopers First off, let me thank you for being so supportive of me and the merchandise runs these past 2 years. I hope that I have provided quality products and service to all. With @justjoseph63 winning the election for DL here at FISD I'm very happy to announce that I will be staying on for another term as FISD's MBO. Recently Legion had a vote and passed some very comprehensive and streamlined rule changes on Merchandise and Branding (you can read about them here) which will change the way we do some of our standard merch. I am in talks with our new leader about merch for this term, and hopefully will have a plan that we can share to everyone before the March Newsletter. Let me tell you, I'm excited about some of the ideas that he has presented to me and I'm looking forward to sharing them with the troopers! Old Business The first annual Detachment Merchandise & Branding Officer End of year merch sale was a hit. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough items to cover everyone that wanted something. I hope to do this again next year and have already ordered a few extra items. You can read updates here. 1st Annual DMBO Merch Sale No new news on the #SecretMerch Item. The factory in China has been closed for the observation of Chinese New Year. Pfab tells me that he expects to have an update in the next week. but still believes that coins will be shipped early March. So We'll keep and eye on that. Secret Merch Item The shield patch run is complete and all patches have been mailed. Thank you to everyone for your understanding with some of the delay in shipping. I can't wait to see some folks post up their patch jackets, shirts, and other uses for their patches. Wear them with pride my fellow troopers. Here is where my first small patch went. 2023 Patch Run The Rocker run is closed. @MaskedVengeance has started sending payment request for these orders and will be placing the order soon, so hopefully they will be in your hands in the next 6 - 8 weeks. I'm very jealous of those that can wear these. I'm working on building my new AM kit to EI standard so that I can help "Advance to 1500". Rocker patches. New Business We were able to get two more items approved for the end of term. The first being the reissuing of the 501st Legion Stormtrooper banner patch. We reissued it in the standard red and black Legion color scheme that it was original issued in on it's first run and opened it to the legion. In addition, we added a version that is more closely aligned to our Detachment color palette, it is blue and white and exclusively for FISD members. This run is open until 24 FEB 2024 so please be sure to get your orders in. Stormtrooper Banner Patch Please remember to take time to check out your local, Legion and detachment elections. Participation in these helps guide the direction of these units. If you have any thoughts, suggestions, comments or concerns about FISD Merch or Branding, my "virtual" door is always open. Hit me up, you can reach me via email, forum DM, or find me on Facebook. Here is to another year of great FISD merch! With Unquestioned Loyalty James Silvius TK-12953 "jsilvius" Merchandise & Branding Officer FISD Detachment Leader 2024-2025 With only one accepted nomination for FISD Detachment Leader congratulations go out to Joseph Pedigo "justjoseph63 TK10963, looking forward to another great year in the detachment. Costume Approval Information New Members - Legion Elections 2023 With the Legion election period underway the membership database will be in lock down, during this time new member applications through your local garrison/outpost/squad can not be finalized, you may however still submit them but they won't be processed until the end of this cycle. This does not affect the addition of any new costumes to an active members roster/profile, however it does affect any membership status changes ie: active / reserve / retired and any personal information updates. The period of membership database lockdown for 2024 starts January 29th and ends February 19th More information on the elections can be found on the legion forum here (for those with legion membership access) The last image in the hall of fame for this year! Thank you do everyone who have posted photos to their troop logs, it is always a blast to see what you all have been up to, and it is always hard to pick out the Hall of Fame photo of the month! Please welcome TK-47933 to the Stormtrooper Hall of Fame, January 2024! @Tilheyra Troop log can be found here. Other HOF recipients can be found here. With Unquestioned Loyalty Jonatan Östling TK-23592 "Nairy" Curator Hall Of Fame Thank you to Luca "Morgi" TK-66744 for starting the FISD specific meme thread, you can find it here Trading Card Archives For those with FISD detachment trading cards please consider sending two to Paul @Daetrin keeper of our detachment archives. Address and more info here With Unquestioned Loyalty Paul Hoeffer TK-8020 "Daetrin" Detachment Founder Keeper of Archives Challenge Coin Rules INFORMATION & AWARD PROGRAMS For a full list of FISD awards programs head here. *Now Available in Swedish* Want to spread the word about FISD?, you can with our FISD Tri-Fold Brochure. Originally these were done in a limited run by the member who created them, but nowadays, we have moved this to a print your own service making them accessible to all countries around the globe. Files are available to all full 501st members on request by contacting our DL Joseph @justjoseph63, you can find more info here Currently Available languages: English - Spanish - German - Swedish Are you new to the FISD and wondering what the heck all those abbreviations and strange sounding terms mean? To help you @justjoseph63 has started a list of the most commonly used ones that will give you some insight. If you have ANY questions about a particular term that is not listed or suggestions for new ones please contact Joseph. You can find the list here. Pre Approval Forum allows future Troopers the opportunity to submit photos of their completed build to be reviewed by the Staff, Imperial Attaches and others in preparation for forwarding it to their GML for approval. Any and all advice/suggestions given will be specific, constructive, helpful and respectful. Please note that this program will NOT take the place of your local GML, as Detachments are not chartered for costume approval and can not override a GMLs decision, but is instead a peer review program designed to help you look your best and offer guidance and positive feedback. For more information on this program, please visit the link here. Don't forget to visit our 3D section when next surfing the FISD forums, there is plenty of useful information to potentially help you on your next TK adventure. You might be feeling may generous and share with our community a new TK related 3D file and maybe win yourself a 3D contributors award so check out the details below and be part of the in house 3D community. Here is a link to the FISD 3D Contributor program. Don't forget to create a troop log here on FISD and get awarded for your adventures The list of accomplished troopers keeps growing, so get on board and register your troops today Simply start (or update!) your troop log, keep the running total in the title, and post (at least!) a date and name for the official 501st event where you wore your TK! Once you've hit a milestone count, go over to the "Field Exercise Awards -- Post your milestones here" thread to request your profile be updated! Simple, right? Also if you would like your troop photos shared on our social media channels please add the following to the first post of your FISD troop log: I give permission for FISD to repost my photos on social media in an appropriate fashion. Award Recipients January - February TK-23216 "kenobius" Dan - - - - - - TK-32849 "Jaylyon32" Justin - - - - - - TK-22826 "MintImperial" James - - - - - - TK-42085 "mamaking" Hellen - - - - - - TK-80419 "KaiserintheHood" Dan - - - - - - - TK-39093 "giskard8" Arthur - - - - - - TK-91343 "bunker" Stephen - - - - - - TK-60168 "PiettLives" Ken - - - - - - Are you an approved TK that spends more time on the boards than the average Trooper? Do you enjoy using your knowledge to help out future and existing Troopers? If so, we would like to invite you to join the Imperial Attaché program! Members of the I.A. team are chosen to help out not only those here on the boards, but on a local level as well. Our aim is to have at least one in each and every Garrison, Squad and Outpost in the entire legion to be the eyes and ears of the FISD on a local level. For a complete list of Imperial Attaches, go here. Some of the benefits: Access to exclusive Attaché merch., including patches, IA patch and IA Rocker You may also be in the running for an Imperial Attaché Award Imperial Attaché Award for those attaché's who have gone above and beyond [minimum 1 year of service]. You can find a list of prior recipients here. ATTACHÉ AMBASSADOR Greetings Attachés! With the new Legion term comes a new position for me here on FISD staff, where I will be shifting to COG role. It has been my pleasure serving as your Ambassador, and I trust all of you, myself included, will continue recruiting for the Empire this next year and beyond! Jonatan @Nairy will be stepping up as your next Attaché Ambassador, and I know he’s going to take you to new heights and continue our tradition of Troopers Helping Troopers! With Unquestioned Loyalty Caleb Mask TK-73692 "MaskedVengeance" Attache Ambassador The FISD Master Armorer program is an optional, detachment only incentive award to recognize individuals who have directly helped another 501st stormtrooper to achieve Expert Infantry status. Some people spend countless hours helping others, and want to reward their results as well as incentivizing new people to help as well. To register a “win” in the program, the assistance must have provided hands-on help trimming, building, and/or fitting of said armor for the person who was awarded Expert Infantry status. More information can be found here Want to setup a "Fire Team? the Fire Team program is completely optional, and is intended to help form a common identity and spirit of camaraderie among 501st Legion Stormtroopers in the same geographic area/garrison that troop together. Fire Teams are not officially recognized by the 501st Legion nor the FISD, although they will be able to access a Fire Team sub-forum on the detachment website. You can find more information here. For those interested here is the original discussion on the creation of Fire teams here With Unquestioned Loyalty Mark Ryner TK-4584 "captsafe66" Fire Team Relations So what exactly are and levels? These programs were designed for those who choose to take their armor above and beyond the minimum requirements for basic 501st Legion approval. It gives you the chance to show a level of dedication and pride that takes your armor closer to being as "screen accurate" as possible, without as much extra work as you may realize! You can find more information on the programs here. For those unaware it is possible to achieve extra awards at Expert Infantry for each additional version costume you have approved, additional awards are not issued with another Expert Infantry number (you are only issued 1 Expert Infantry number) but you will see a star above the award on your profile and the thread title will show [APPROVED] 2nd, [APPROVED] 3rd, [APPROVED] 4th and so on. Multiple EIB award recipients and info here NOTE If you are approved with a "2nd Version" of a particular costume that you are already approved with you do not receive an additional award, there is only 1 award issued for each costume version ie: only 1 x Hero, 1 x Stunt, 1 x HWT, 1 x ESB, 1 x TFA and so on. If you have a second/additional version costume approved you will see "2nd Version" and [APPROVED] added to the thread title, no additional profile stars (more info on profile awards here) For those of you who have a particular issue (or issues) before or after submitting for Expert Infantry / Centurion level approval, in order to get you an answer faster you can now privately contact the entire Deployment Officer team at one time! Questions about fitting, repairs, CRL standards/requirements or anything pertaining to reaching Levels 2 and 3 are not only welcomed, but encouraged. Keep in mind that no question is too small, and that your queries will only be seen by the D.O. Staff. We are here to help in any way we can, so please feel free to send us a message by clicking on this link: @Deployment Officer Team and we will get back to you A.S.A.P.! The 1500 unquestioned loyalty! This area lists all those who have gone above and beyond basic approval toward screen accuracy and obtained EIB or Centurion or both. FOR January - February the 1st Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment would like to congratulate the following. Expert Infantry Badge Award: No awards this month - - - - Request your free EIB certificate here. You can find a list of multiple award recipients here. Multiple EIB award info here Expert Infantry Honor Gallery here --------------------------------------------------------------- Centurion Badge Award: No awards this month - - - - Request your free Centurion certificate here. You can find a list of multiple award recipients here. Well looks like you are stuck with me for yet another year, I'm always on the look out for interesting stories or posts, please drop me a message if you have anything of interest. For anyone interested in having a look through any of the older newsletters they can find be found here. With Unquestioned Loyalty Glen "Q" Rhodes TK-85421 "gmrhodes13" PRO, Newsletter Detachment Leader (DL): Andrew Franke (Sly11) TK-11469 Detachment Executive Officer (DXO): Joseph Pedigo justjoseph63 TK-10963 Chief Deployment Officer (DCA): Mario Reyes (TKSpartan) TK-48117 Deployment Officer (DCA): José Mª Sánchez (Chemi) TK-30173 Deployment Officer (DCA): Tony Jobe (ukswrath) TK-10116 Provost Marshall (DCoG): Steven Sheades (starsaber25) TK-10466 Provost Marshall (DCoG): Tim Waychoff (DarkCMF) TK-51878 Provost Marshall (DCoG): Chris Pearson (themaninthesuitcase) TK-10911 Special Unit Director-Valkyries (DCoG): Teresa Nuthall (Soulart) TK-41307 Provost Marshal SM Platforms (DCoG): Christoph (Danny) Lauber (Ripper_L) TK-55550 Fire Team Relations(DCoG): Mark Ryner (captsafe66) TK-4584 Merchandise and Brand Officer (DMBO): James Silvius (jsilvius) TK-12953 Trading Card Specialist (DMBO): Eric Ho (Hoda) TK-77520 Personnel Officer (DPER): AC (NoVATie) TK-5597 Content Editor Support (DPRO): Adam Wolf (Revlimiter) TK-89400 Content Editor Support (DPRO): Jeff Salt (Wingnut65) TK-50297 Content Editor Support (DPRO): Jonatan Östling (Nairy) TK-23592 Content Editor Support (DPRO): Vicky Mandlmaier (Vicky_Velocipanda) TK-50893 Social Media Relations (DPRO): Luca Hahn (Morgi) TK-66744 Newsletter Publisher (DPRO): Glen Rhodes (gmrhodes13) TK-85421 Attache Ambassador (DPRO): Caleb Mask (MaskedVengeance) TK-73692 Systems Administrator (DWM): Eric Brager (Darth Aloha) TK-9674 Systems Administrator (DWM): Mathias (Locitus) TK-2959 Detachment Founder (DF): Paul Hoeffer (Daetrin) TK-8020 Facebook: www.facebook.com/whitearmor Facebook Group: 1st Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment (FISD) Official Twitter: www.twitter.com/FISD501st or @FISD501st Instagram: www.instagram.com/fisd501st Discord: https://discord.gg/FmQZ2qW8gx On behalf of the 1st Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment Command Staff and the Imperial Propaganda Department
    1 point
  31. Well well, lookie here. After doing some research and finding an old thread on the MEPD, this looks familiar! The BF2 pack appears to be the same as the ANH SE Sandtrooper pack in some shots. An interesting development…
    1 point
  32. Still working on the undersuit, been in contact with Sheev’s Emporium and Darkside Closet. Ordered today the trim for the armor and the MP40 pouch. That should settle everything for accessories (sans backpack, still working on that.) I’m making a 3D printable backpack from scratch so once that’s ready and I have it printed, I’ll share the file here so everyone can use it.
    1 point
  33. So I might need to trim off the base that came with the scan which should be easy enough Most of the glare of the light is because of my screen protector on my phone camera, but it is pretty bright nonetheless so I will add something to lessen that Larger statue Smaller statue
    1 point
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