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TK7242 Request Elite Status.[17][fx]

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I submit myself to your scrutiny, please be gentle with me :P Please note the photo showing the cut tail was taken when I still had my plastic belt, if you really need me to retake a back photo with the cloth belt raised enough to see the split let me know.



















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Looks good. I think you need to recheck your photos, we have 2 right shots and no left shot. The other issue is the MR CE helmet is not approved yet, but I don't see any problems that will prevent it from being acceptable with modifications.

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OK, I see three things that I would like to get addressed:


1) I would like to see a pic showing the side gaps. Your arm covers them in both shots (and Terell is right, there are two right side photos).


2) I would like to get a pic with the armor showing the separation BELOW the belt.


3) Seeing as this is an FX, it appears that the ab buttons are the snap covers painted accurate colors. Although the colors appear to be correct, I need to ask the size get corrected. Per the base standards, they should be about 7/16".


Please let me know if you have any questions.



Edited by Scott M.
I found the ab section reference. I am a dummy!!
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I think it was mentioned in another application that it being an FX kit it looks like the Thermal Detenator has the shiney mylar strips and it should be all flat gray. Scott just tell me to go away if that is not correct and I will never try this again! <_<

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I believe the straps holding your drop boxes must be white, they look to be black.

it should be, its not that hard to put White strap instead of black ;)

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I think it was mentioned in another application that it being an FX kit it looks like the Thermal Detenator has the shiney mylar strips and it should be all flat gray. Scott just tell me to go away if that is not correct and I will never try this again! <_<


No, it is good to have multiple eyes on things. Heck I missed something earlier today, and I would be dead if it was a snake!!!


Per Elite Requirements, the TD is required, but there is not specific requirement that the mylar strips not be in place. I think that is a very good recommendation on the TD, but it is not a requirement. Until someone appoints me TK God (which will never happen), please keep checking each others stuff. I am only one set of eyes, so I appreciate all the comments.

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Is the belt canvas or canvas covered? :unsure: if not, that should be fixed


It is canvas. Thank goodness for picture viewer and zoom!!!!

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It is canvas. Thank goodness for picture viewer and zoom!!!!


Yeah, it looked kind of shiny to me, but I don't have the best monitor...your correct about the ab buttons they seem to be over sized a bit :) but that is easily corrected

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Corrected to show left photo, sorry about that. I will get the buttons fixed (The snake bit me since I now remember reading that but never fixed it back when I started). Once corrected I will do a photo with so you an easily see the sides. I can easily do the TD without mylar strip. Would you like me to do submit my FX bucket instead since it does have the hovis tusks with a hand painted vented mouth, blue stripes etc?

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Would you like me to do submit my FX bucket instead since it does have the hovis tusks with a hand painted vented mouth, blue stripes etc?


The FX won't meet elite standards in about 3 days. Juts hold tight and get the armor corrected Anytime a new helmet comes out it takes some discuession and time to get the details worked out.

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The FX won't meet elite standards in about 3 days. Juts hold tight and get the armor corrected Anytime a new helmet comes out it takes some discuession and time to get the details worked out.


Is this the great purge revisited???

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Is this the great purge revisited???


There is no great purge as we only have one elite with an FX who hasn't upgraded yet, but it has been discussed and the vote has been going on for three and a half weeks.

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Actually in your submission pix you're using an MR bucket. It's a bit weird in that there is no position on whether or not they are 501st acceptable or not, or whether or not they're OK for Elite.


The tea leaves seem to indicate yes for both, but at some point we'll need to figure on an official position. My $.02, I'd let it pass for now unless there is an objection. It looks more accurate than an ANHv2, and these are both 501st & Elite accepted.

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OK I replaced photos up top with new improved photos, corrected buttons, took side shots with gap coverage, took mylar off TD, contorted slightly so you can clearly see the cut below the belt. replaced black straps on drop boxes with white. Finally free hero shot with every purchase. Thanks for the advice, I think it does look alot better.

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It looks more accurate than an ANHv2, and these are both 501st & Elite accepted.


Paul is 100% accurate in that we do NOT have anything that says this type of bucket cannot be accepted for Elite Standards. Based on the fact this is an ANH style helmet and meets all the requirements, Elite Status granted.


I do ask you remain vigilant in the event the MR bucket is not 501st approved. I do not see this happening, but if it does, we will need to revisit the status, similar to what we will be doing if the FX is voted out for Elite status.


Well done trooper!!!


Paul, will you please update the appropriate status for our newest Elite trooper?

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