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  1. I hope I'm in the right place for this question. Will these front cover strips on my thighs be approved. Just wanted to check before I rip them off and replace them with the tops being straight across. I got crazy on the belt sander making them comfortable before I looked at a couple photos of the CRL. Thank you!
  2. Please forgive the noob question. About 20 years ago, I obtained a Gerardo Fallano movie suit kit (not the armor fx but the one he cast from Matt Gauthier (trooperexpert on the RPF) So this poor thing has been sitting in a box for a long time. I decided it’s time to build it. I’ve been reading 20 years of updates and one thing the old kits never had were the cover strips on the arm leg seams. (Older armor kits just provided enough space to overlap at the seams) The problem is sourcing a matching plastic sheet for this ancient kit. I tried the trooperbay strips but they really don’t match. This old kit is more bluish white than warm white. I imagine I will have the same problem all around. Probably not too much I can do about it. Does anyone have any advice? Suggestions? Is this kit possibly worth anything to anyone. It’s got a good lineage and it’s beautiful.
  3. Hello, I just got a submission and noticed the back strips of the thighs are very wide. Personally they look well beyond expectation and the CRL reference images, but there’s not specific width detailed on the CRL so I wanted to run this by detatchment to see if my expectations are beyond basic approval or in agreement with adjustments needed. thanks.
  4. Hi there, I am new to this forum and hope to be involved more. I have had my stormtrooper armour for approx 20 years, had it on mannequin display with built helmet, but now decided to build armour to wear. I am in need of spare ABS to make the cover strips. I have ordered samples from two online abs suppliers but both have come ivory and not pure white (to match my armour) . Any help on where I could get ABS to make the cover strips would be great. I have search forums but found nothing. Many thanks.
  5. Howdy all So its been 7 or 8 years since I built my AM2 kit. Stupidly, I used some other ABS sheet that I had to make some cover strips, and unfortunately those non-matching pieces have started to yellow. Does anyone have a lead on some UV-stable ABS stock that I can snag somewhere to remake those strips? Looks like most of the stuff I can find online isn't specifically UV stable.
  6. Helping a fellow trooper with his build and was wondering how big can the cover strips be and still pass basic approval?
  7. I'd like to do this to match the 25mm strips on my shins. Is this okay? Would it prevent me from going higher to EIB and Centurion?
  8. having large legs, I'm having to discard the rear cover strips and fabricate thicker ones. found some no parking signs that are exactly the same thickness as the ANOVOS applied ones. obviously the coloring is off. would it work to paint over these with the ABS paste with a thin coat and sand smooth and polish it out?<br><br> obviously the width will not be accurate, but I want the whites to be uniform. would keep from having to spray paint it with a slightly off color.
  9. Hey guys, I just wanna try and help everyone out. I've been trying to find a person that is located in the US with a great price for earth magnets. So i figured I would post the link just to help anyone out who is looking for them. They are N52 and are 20mm x 3mm If you use ROCKY in the coupon box you will receive 5% off Here is the link http://jc-magnetics.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=84&tracking=56eb5a0ecc4b0 I hope this can help anyone who's been looking
  10. I hope it is ok to ask this question here. I am in my basement right now working on my TK build. I ordered some abs sheets some time ago to use as cover strips. Apparently, I ordered the wrong thickness. It looks like I got 2.5mm thick sheets. it is too thick to follow curve of armor. My kit looks like it is 1mm thick and what I have been using up to this point. Does anyone know a place i can order abs for cover strips quickly? Or know if what store or type of store may have it in stormtrooper white? I have an FX kit so I have been using the plastic belt that came with kit, thinking I had enough. Desperate to find solution. I have already cut calves to put together with cover strips instead of overlap method. Maybe I am not using best search method here, but having trouble finding any threads about this. Thanks, Michael
  11. I have ATA armor, and the cover strips are super difficult and frustrating to glue on! Rare earth magnets do NOT work, as the armor and strips are just too firm for magnets to hold them down. MAYBE if I had the magnet that Heisenberg, Jesse, and Mike used to mess up the police evidence room, then maybe that would work. SO, a question - this is one of my cover strips on the thigh. Aside from the gap in this one section, it looks pretty good. Is it 501st approved if I fill in the gap, rather than try to do the whole thing over again? I read in another thread that gap filling is possible. Please take a look, and let me know. I'm also going to post my steps to try the rest of the thigh cover strips, as this ATA stuff is maddeningly hard to mold on. Thanks!
  12. All, I am in process of building my AP armor. I have everything trimmed but haven't started gluing yet because I am waiting on my magnets. When I do start assembling I am wondering what pieces (none, some, all?) should have inner cover strips. It seems to go either way with a lot of build threads I have seen. Some people have them on all parts, some have them on a few, and some don't seem to have them at all. Do parts without the inner strips hold up well? I can't seem to find any discussions on them, so I am hoping someone can provide some recommendations. Thanks!
  13. So I need to recreate the cover strips for the R1TK from scratch, and the edges needed to be beveled. To achieve this effect, I need thick plastic. Anyone know where I can grab a product that's made out of thick plastic at a hardware store (Ace, Menards, Hobby Lobby, etc...)? I know how to achieve the bevel, it just needs to be thick plastic.
  14. I was wondering if, to be movie accurate, all the corners of all covers strips mus be cut so that they look something like this : \_/ ? (you get the idea) Or do these cut corners should only appear on a few specific cover strips? If so, which ones must be cut like this and which one must not? Thanks !
  15. So I’ve got the front cover strips attached to the thighs and after waiting for the E6000 to dry I did a test fit with masking tape to help hold them to fit my thighs. I’m concerned because the tops have a 30mm and 40mm gap to accommodate my thigh size, yet the bottoms I’m bringing in by about 20-30mm each. I didn’t do any unnecessary trimming in the back — I only took off the wrinkled material left from the pull, enough to make a relatively straight line. So I’m pretty sure that I’m going to need to put in a reinforcement strip inside on both legs, but is a 50mm cover strip just out of the question, or is this normal for some? Advice? Thoughts? What would you do? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I had to make my rear thigh cover strips larger than the recommended width, so I am guessing that the rear shin strips should be the same width as the rear thighs? I know we need to make them what they need to be to fit us, but should I just come as close as possible to uniform width? ALSO, does anyone recommend a good tutorial on the bra hook attachment for the shins? I also wanted to comment about this community. You guys (and ladies) are AWESOME!!!! I lack a certain faith in humanity, but the help and positive vibes I get from people on here gives me hope. I can't wait to start trooping and meet some more troopers!!
  17. Hey Y'all professional lurker here, I have a real quick question about cover strips. Mostly how can a get some. I live in Key West and as you know Irma came through recently, and believe it or not the only thing i lost was some cover strips for the Anovos kit. Just looking to replace them and so I can finish this 2nd build I have sitting around. Thanks in advance!
  18. So I forgot to order cover strips/finishing strips from the vendor I purchased my suit from. However, I did discover that Hobby Town near me sells ABS plastic strips. Can anyone tell me what the thickness of the cover strips are?
  19. For the thigh armor, can I extend the cover strip length to cover the bottom inch or so, over that little hump? My cuts ended up being sloppy and I dislike the visible seam of the butt joint. I have an ATA Shadowtrooper.
  20. I'm fixing up some old FX Armor, and adding coverstrips to my seams. from what I can tell, the cover strips I've seen are pretty then. I have some somewhat thick .080 ABS that I can use, I just think it may be too thick. Should I get a smaller gauge? Also, how should I connect them? Just glue on the fronts and attach the back with velcro? I'm trying my hardest to not let any velcro show on the seams.
  21. I am getting ready to modify might Thigh Armor (it is currently too large). Can someone tell me where I can get the Cover Strips from? Also, are there any good threads out there showing the best way to do this? Thanks.
  22. Does anyone know if the cover strips can have 'rounded' corners or does everyone 'square' them off? Would a 'rounded' corner pass centurion?, I just think it looks better. Also a lot of cover strips I am seeing on various armor builds look as though they are sticking out past the armor slightly, is this usual? Something I have noticed on the Anovos Kit is the return edges all look a bit too wide, What would be the minimum you could go to shaving this edge down?
  23. Howdy! This is the 4th set of armor I've built (TK "ready to wear" lol - TB - MAGMA and starting on NE) and the first time I've done butt join with cover strips. Man! You have to be more accurate as the adjusting of velcro won't help! So my question is this: When the pieces are joined - the "ridge" on each side should not be seen? In other words the only "ridge" that should be visible is the cover strip? Here is the front of one of my thighs Before the cover strip (which is 20-25 mm which is basically 1"?) there is 2" of space (1" on each side) I added the (star wars) ruler for reference but you can't see the numbers! I need to trim this so that the cover strip "hides" the ridges (or is the only ridge) correct? Thanks!
  24. I'm 5 or 6 strips in on my arms and one of the strips on my left forearm and one on my left bicep seemed to have shifted while drying making it so it's just slightly on an angle. Just meaning the top has slightly less ridge on one side than the other. Not horribly or anything, is this acceptable or do I need to tear them apart and redo. I'm hoping it's just a preference thing. <br><br> I know for sure I'll be double checking the other 30 or so I need to do an hour after I lay the strip. I'd do a pic but photobucket hates me today.
  25. Oh man do I ever feel like a noob for asking but I won't know unless you ask (atleast that's what mom always said). I am having a hard time finding what the measurements are for the cover strips. I thought that I had wrote it down in my notes but I guess not. So some help would be nice Thanks!
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