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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by cobra

  1. Any chance of doing one for the commmander....please?
  2. Looks good there Conny, the armour fits you nicely. Nice work on the build Richard
  3. From my observations with other people's armour and my own experience, HIPS appears to be a bit more fragile and not quite as robust as ABS. For durability, I prefer ABS
  4. Hey Jonathan, This what I did for my stormtrooper commander... 1. I drew the figure on paper and marked where I wanted the damage. 2. I then primed and undercoated my armour. 3. I marked on the armour all the areas I planned to damage with a 6B pencil and painted over those areas with a silver paint,(for the indented areas, I used a heat gun on the area then gently made the indentations with some jagged metal) 4. Once that was dry, I used masking fluid over the silver, let it dry and painted it with a semi gloss white and humbrol 15 Midnight blue or equivalent for the rest. 5. I allowed it to dry for 4 days 6. I lightly sanded the armour initially until it took on an almost matt finish. 7. I then used a very course sandpaper on areas to put in some deep scratches. 8. I then used a light black acrylic wash to cover the armour, making sure it got into the scratches, ridges and hollows (you can also use the 6B graphite pencil or powder if you'd prefer). 9. Once the acrylic wash has dried, you can simply peel off the latex masking fluid, which leaves the nice silver scratches and indentations. 10. Lastly, I used some fine sand paper to gradually remove the remainder of the acrylic wash. I hope this helps Rick
  5. Um, did you watch it all?....the calf got away, albeit a tad battered and bruised. It's a good clip, thanks for posting it Paul.
  6. That's coming along nicely. I chose to hand paint my flash, I thought that would be the best way to avoid the paint bleeding, as you've shown in your pics. You did a good job to tidy it up btw
  7. What!!!That's a really low act! Sorry to hear about that Steve.
  8. I'd be happy to put some photos up...but as a rough guide only. My TKC is hardly up to EIB standard. In fact, the more a look at it the more I want to change it (so I don't look at it any more ).
  9. it's all about the empire

  10. Hi Paul, that'd be Lachlan TK 8226, he's just recently submitted his photos on his second suit as incinerator (pictured above) and has had the LMO looking at them. A good day, even though it was a wet day, and 37 dedicated troopers who didn't mind braving the elements. Nice photos Pez.
  11. Holy blistered finger tips batman! Well done Paul, there's gotta be some type of badge for this surely?
  12. 0889 requesting detachment status sir! http://www.501stlegion.org/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=5633
  13. I've heard that some troopers are using thi----------- Does anyone use it??
  14. Brilliant, simply brilliant. A fantastic innovation Paul, I'd be interested in a couple of sets of this armour, should they go into production, one for me and one for my partner TK6232 Awesome stuff! Rick
  15. Star Trek?...bah! Go here, and place a pack of thermal detonators. <a href="http://www.iftcommand.com/" target="_blank">http://www.iftcommand.com/
  16. I looked to see what was available and chose 5 random TKIDs. None of them had any meaning to me, there were no birthdays, anniversaries or kids ages... I just wanted a number. In the end I got 0889, which is fine with me. I would have preferred not to be able to choose. I think when you get approved, they should issue you with the first available number, like the real military, you shouldn't get a say in what number you want.
  17. Hey Brad, It's unlikely that anyone on this forum will "rent out" a couple of sets of armour to anyone. Firstly, we all spend a considerable amount of time and money constructing them. Secondly, the armour is made to fit the owner and it's likely that it wouldn't fit the 'renter' very well anyway making it extremely uncomfortable to wear. My suggestion, purchase a good set of armour, assemble it and wear it yourself. Rick
  18. The FX is quite large and gives the "bobble-head" look to all but the taller troopers. Because of it's size it will easily accommodate the internals e.g, fans, mic system etc. Having said that, the MRCE will also do the same job, but is more of an accurate size and with a few modifications can look half decent and will ultimately look more proportionate in comparison. I should point out that the MRCE is a bit heavier at 1.1kg (2.4 pounds) vs. the FX at 0.75 kg (1.6 pounds), but if weight is not an issue, then out of the two, I'd choose the MRCE. Rick
  19. I'll take some close up pics of my armour and what I used to weather it, when I get a chance I'll post them up.
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