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Deployment Officer[Staff]
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Everything posted by TKSpartan

  1. Hi Shawn and thank you for applying for EIB. Meanwhile one of us is assigned to your review , I'll need you to do me a favor sir. Could you add the missing photos to complete your application according to the following Photo Check List please? Thank you. ** Added to the processing line . **
  2. Hi Scott, welcome to FISD and congrats for your BBB day and great advances with your ESB TK and your plan to go for higher levels !! . The initial stage is the best time to view the finish line and to plan how to achieve it. With this in mind I would like to make a couple of suggestion to your helmet build. 1- CRL states : Frown is painted black and does not leave the teeth area. In yours, there is a little excess of blac paint that can be removed easily with a toothpick and non acetone remover. 2- CRL States for L2: Ideally, the tube stripes are positioned approximately a pencil width from the side of the cheek. Fall of tube stripe tops ideally lean toward the front. As you can see your Tube Strips a a bit far from the cheeks and the fall of them is on the contrary. Fortunately, for ESB the tube strips are decals, so it's easier to just to take it off and relocate it in the correct position and fall. 3- Finally: Your rigth Hovi Mic tip is a little lower than the left one. In my experience it's just a simple turn the tip a little more to adjust. Here some reference images. Keep up the great work !!
  3. Yes, I always have to be very careful, and it still make me nervous
  4. FOREARMS ASSEMBLY Reference Images I used a Heat Gun (carefully and make a test first with a scrap abs piece) and two wood pieces to mark the section I need to fold in. Applied the heat gun for about 5 seconds to avoid melting and make pressure with my hand to shape the piece. The finished return edge is not perfect but it'll go inside glued to the cover. Additional Trimming Wrist Boxes and Greblies Decided for the ABS Squares method. Used Epoxi Glue Greeblies A few heat therapy. about 20 seconds and bend with a piece of round wood or some heat resistant piece or mould. Must be careful to avoid the piece to crack. You could apply more heat if necessary . Return to Index
  5. Hi Jacob, I'm in the same boat building a KB props FOTK, what I have been done is to check over and over again the FO Build Threads to be sure of the trimming. Keep up the great work !
  6. Hi, all the BBB day photos are showing clearly .
  7. Hi Adam, Welcome to FISD. What a great looking armor sir. Easy basic pass but almost ready for higher levels !! Good luck and looking forward for your approval to the 501st . EIB and Centurion Apps in a nearest future
  8. Welcome to FISD Jacob and congratulations for your BBB day.!! Looking forward for your advances
  9. Hi Mark, I'll need you to do me a favor , and it's just adding one more photo please: 1- Complete Inner strapping, the one you posted shows only the Ab, kidney and butt sections. Something like the one in the photo check list Thanks Sir, almost there.
  10. Hi, What most Troopers do to solve this detail is to add a piece of velcro behind the Belt and under the buttons panel .
  11. Congratulations Natalie, Welcome to FISD !!!
  12. Hi Mark, great to see your EIB app. I'm the D.O. that will be helping with your review. I'll be with you shortly.
  13. Looking great James!! you're easy for basic and almost ready for higher levels, great work!!
  14. Green is OK. You can change to the blue one if you want later. But not the contrary. Just take care to not pass the ridges as per the Crl.
  15. Hi Joe, this is a real challenging section , mine is a RWA armor too and what I did was to align the best possible the sniper knee to the ridges of the shin and make strong pressure with clamps, lot of clamps. This pressure for about 48 hours drying let the piece stay in place and mold to the shin. Here is my Sniper knee, as you can see there's a little gap in the bottom, It doesn't have to align perfectly but ideally we look for the best possible.
  16. I think the same as you Richard. Great attitude Trooper!! keep up the great work!
  17. Oh my goodness!!! What a strong glue !! I'm sorry you have this .
  18. They make sense to me, Being conservative, You could try making a paper mold over the plastic before trimming and compare how it looks.
  19. As I know and searching into the gallery section I haven't found a measure detail. Mostly we use the to the reference images for an average location.
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