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Everything posted by revlimiter

  1. Congratulations on approval!!! Tiny little thigh gaps at the knee - yeah, fill them in so there isn't a line there.
  2. My wallet lives in this little chest pouch. It's E6000'd to my armor. It can fit wallet, keys, and more... however you can't get to it while wearing. I've tried. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B017BPN6GQ It was this one if anyone wants to spend $22 (yuck) on a pouch, yet have a great spot for their wallet and keys. I also turned my thermal detonator into a storage detonator with magnets and elastic. It mostly holds stickers to give to kids. More pix are in my build thread linked in my signature. I turned my drop boxes into pockets. One holds my car key and the other has some cash. They hinge at the bottom with elastic and close with annoyingly strong velcro. This is also in my build thread.
  3. ALTERNATE PHOTOS!!! Nice job sir. And I hate to mention this, but if you ONLY took Centurion photos like I did in my first photo session, you're missing a couple of the required photos for EIB. ... looking at the requirements, I think the ones that tripped me up were the close up of the ab/kidney, the inner strapping, and the neck seal photos. I lacked all of those and had to setup my backdrop again for them. They're not needed for Centurion but are needed for EIB.
  4. I truly do not know the rule for the kidney notch or even the proper name for it. But you don't seem to have it? It's often hidden by the belt anyway. ^ mine. It does actually line up with the butt plate when worn vs laying on a table, this was just one of the few photos I could find of the notch in my own armor. Lastly... You may be asked to have this shot without the blaster present. Hopefully not, but maybe.
  5. I really don't think my own centurion application looked this good. Bravo sir. Are the back knee edges of your thigh armor sealed and abs pasted? I think I saw the seam there and maybe you'd be asked about it. Literally the only thing I found to comment on. Looking forward to seeing your TK number
  6. Seriously, congrats Caleb!!! Can't wait to see your approval pix and make memes in your EIB thread.
  7. Addendum to Troop 49/4. We got released from our Garrison group photo session and I was DYING for tacos. My helmet fans were pumping the food truck smells into my nose at high velocity that whole time we were standing there and I was obsessed. I did a beeline for the food trucks the instant I could. Amy Allen (Aayla Secura) happened to also be walking back toward the convention center right behind me and stopped me. She loved my Pew Pew flag blaster and wanted to take a pic of us together. With her own phone. With me. Her buddy/handler took the pic and we posed. I didn't have the wherewithal to ask for a selfie with my own phone because my stupid brain was locked on tacos. I realized this about 5 minutes after ordering said tacos and was kicking myself. So I reached out to her on instagram today and asked. She replied with the pic in like an hour. TK life is good. Amy is awesome. I feel special.
  8. Sorry in advance for the metric ton of pix in this post. I culled as much as I could. 1/14/23 - ABQ Comic Con Day 2 - booth duty TK troop 49, 4th for 2023. Saturday! Booth duty in my FISD shirt, TK undersuit, and Disney nerd hat. I did my 2 hours between shifts being armored up. I spent over SEVEN hours in armor on Saturday. I almost got my fill of it. Almost got enough time in the armor. Almost. First, the selfies. I took hundreds. These are the creme of the crop. When there's trouble you call DW. I'm still fangirling about having Darkwing Duck to selfie with. One of my dear childhood 80s memories. She-Hulk! I was waiting outside by the taco truck for lunch (yeah, I ordered and waited in full TK) and Shulky came up and wanted a selfie with me. I happily obliged as long as I could get my own as well. PRINCESSES!!! Will always princesselfie. PRINCESS!!! They were amazing. They had a little Kylo in a stroller, but this pic of just the parents turned out best. MAUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is Brandon who's usually the ROTJ TK in pix with me. He spent 15 minutes shy of 3 hours getting this makeup applied. He also got his Maul approved this same day. Bravo Brandon!! @elwessbrandon And of course, my family. This is most of them. We're a little odd, but we're good. Good family. Shot while waiting on a group photo with some comic con celebs. With Dmitrious Bistrevsky (Vader stunt actor from Obiwan), and Tait Fletcher (Paz Vizla actor). I'm beside the WW2 Trooper. And with Amy Allen, actress for Aayla Secura. I'm in same spot, but beside a TB now with the gunner in front of me. What I did most of the day - Artoo detail. It was my first troop with an Artoo and I just loved the little guy. We were located next to the Army tent. They had a pullup bar and a basketball toss. I got egged into pull ups in armor. I was delighted to find out that I had enough arm articulation to do it! I did 5 before deciding I was done. Back to Artoo. I spent hours with the little guy. I started talking to him and replying to his beeps. *bweebp blap tweeetledoeee* "No Artoo, they don't all have to stop to take pix with you." FOR HOURS. And it was brilliant. For a while we were more popular than Vader for photos. Kinda want my own droid now... And that sums up ABQ Comic Con for me. I skipped Sunday (today) to catch up on work I missed the past couple days. Also, my armor needs hosing out bad.
  9. 1/14/23 - ABQ Comic Con Day 1 - booth setup TK troop 47, 2nd for 2023. I didn't attend last year's comic con, so the 2023 event was my first con in armor. VERY Excite!!!! Here's our little group booth area. I helped do setup on Friday, so it counted as a troop. I, of course, had to get a selfie on the Death Star. In armor. Yes. BECAUSE..... 1/14/23 - Comic Con Press Conference TK troop 48, 3rd for 2023. Why in armor? Because the city had a new Electric Bus program/thing being unveiled that day at 2pm and wanted to do a press conference in conjunction with Comic Con. The bus would drop off some cosplayers in front of the convention center as a joint interest story for the bus and the con. I was proud of the above selfie and thought it was pretty funny. Then Vader came along and just stomped all over my little selfie. The coffee cup was *chef's kiss*. We troopers got on the bus and waited patiently... for a long long long time. We hung out for like 45 minutes with no driver in sight. So I took matters into my own hands. Fortunately, I missed all the traffic, pedestrians, and barriers on the way to the drop off a few blocks away. True story though - the bus driver was no where to be found, so we were all having fun and taking pix along with the event organizers. The main bus PR lady asked if anyone could sit down for a driving pic and I basically launched myself into that seat. There was no way I was missing out on driving the bus in TK armor. The bus dropped us off (TB & TKs followed by Vader, Jango, and TX, followed by some Avenger and the event officials). The officials gave their speech and then the press wanted to talk to the 501st members. Randy took off his bucket and answered questions for about 5 min. I'm to his right. It was a proud moment for us. -edit- My garrison decided that booth setup and the press conference were two separate troops, so this event counted for two in our official record books. I'm updating my troop tracker and the posts to match. FOUR troops in 2023 by Jan 14th! Crazy.
  10. Huge +1s to both Ardeshir and Justin on this one. These are clearly screen-visible variants. These aren't malfunctions or gaffer tape incidents. These are variants. It would be wonderful if the CRLs allowed for these.
  11. revlimiter

    FISD Memes

    ^ high effort memes @Morgi! Impressive, most impressive. I was reminded of rage memes this morning and felt nostalgic
  12. Yup. I've seen that video. Terrible response by law enforcement and likely also a bad response by the cosplayer, though the vid was silent. Add to that, it was just one cosplayer (who was a relative (kid?) of the shop owner). This was an official troop with a LOT of experienced troopers and sufficient handlers to speak to the public. Handlers make a huge difference. If the one poor trooper in the video had a handler, the entire situation would have been diffused quickly.
  13. revlimiter

    FISD Memes

    I definitely didn't play with AI art creation bots earlier today
  14. New year new troop!!! First troop of the year is down. 1/8/23 - Lobo Anime Troop for Abq Comic Con (troop 2 of 2) (which means it's the 2nd of 2 troops at the same place for the same event) 46th TK troop, 1st for the year. CDZ-5435 (er, CLOR-5435) - troop 17, 1st for the year TI-50597 - troop 8, 1st for the year An hour of standing around in the parking lot at a comic store, waving to cars passing by, and generally having a good troopy time. WITH MY WHOLE FAMILY! Starting the year off strong! Goin' my way? Anchorhead? Maybe even Mos Eisley Spaceport? Fire Team Rio Bravo breaking necks and causing traffic jams. Selfie in which I didn't miss. This small citizen was having his windshield replaced just down the street and wanted to come out and say hi. We talked at length about Star Wars, blasters, TKs, and every other possible thing for a long while. My cheeks hurt under my bucket. I think his dad was as excited as he was. I love being a TK. And then... the cops showed up. A couple cars rolled in. And then a couple more... and a couple more. There was under a dozen when they'd all parked, but just barely. A *lot* of police cars and trucks. And then they started parking by us. And one officer quietly approached and asked for a group photo. We posed for many group pix. Dozens. So many smiles all around. One officer drove past and saw us in the parking lot. I guess he called it in and everyone available showed up to hang out for a bit. And then my wife got out her Imperial HR clipboard and hat and started issuing HR citations. You can see the effect. Some were cited for uniform violations. Others weren't at their post. One ate Vader's leftovers. Several were breathing too loud. Seriously, it was brilliant. Everyone loved the citations. Some went home to chiefs and commanders. I handed out a bunch of trading cards for kids (or commanders) and it was just about the best interaction I've had with the police force to date. A+ troop. Can't wait for more of what 2023 has to offer!
  15. The AP knee is a bear. I removed mine and boiled it to reshape. A little hard to tell, but the outside edge (closest to the pot) is bent waaay down from where it was. They came on the same plane from AP. Mine needed to be reshaped to have that outside edge angled down toward the boot by a lot. In doing so, I cracked the knee here. But it relieved some stress. I was then able to reclamp things and get the sides to line up correctly. Notice the gap at the bottom of my knee. It's not excessive, but was required to get everything to line up correctly. It's about a 5mm gap. I then drilled a hole at the end of the crack and backed it with a small piece of ABS scrap. Possibly some cover strip. Then I added ABS paste and let it fully cure for 24 hours. And then I sanded it flat and polished it back up with Meguiar's Ultimate Compound. This isn't photoshop trickery. It really came out this smooth. If yours doesn't crack, this is about 15 minutes of work. Maaaybe 20. It was quite easy to do, I just got over aggressive with the reshaping.
  16. Hey Pascal, welcome to FISD!!! Got an armor maker picked out?
  17. That was a fantastic story. And the name is incredible. The Hand of Judgement - it just sounds menacing. It would really stand out for a team name. Not that I have or should have a say. I'm a guy. Just wanted to "me too" the enjoyment of Zahn's rogue trooper story. -edit- I told my wife (current ANH TIE pilot) about the possible women's team name and she flipped over Vader's Valkyries. She went so far as to state "I would build TK armor just to be on that team." So that's a vote.
  18. revlimiter

    FISD Memes

    omg. Perfection on that one Caleb
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